OSRS Twisted Bow Guide
01.08.2024 - 14:37:24
Game Guides , Runescape
If you're planning on creating a Ranger in OSRS, you'll need to make sure to get the Twisted Bow. This is one of the most powerful Ranged items in the game after all. Since launching, a lot of changes have been made to the bow but one thing remains the same: it's a must for endgame builds for Rangers.

In this guide, we'll discuss all that there is to know about the Twisted Bow. We'll also take a look at a few tips on how you can get it.
What Is The Twisted Bow?
The Twisted Bow is considered as one of the most powerful Ranged weapons in OSRS. It's considered as the best in slot Ranged weapon because of the damage it can deal. In many endgame builds, the Twisted Bow is able to provide the highest raw damage possible as well.
It's sheer power alone makes it the perfect weapon to complement any endgame build in the game. It's especially helpful against enemies like Commander Zilyana and TzKal-Zuk. This is because of its special passive effect which can let you deal increased damage against enemies with a high Magic level or accuracy.
As this is an endgame weapon, the requirements for the Twisted Bow are very steep. It requires 85 Ranged. It has a long range but it doesn't have any bonuses based on attack distance.
Bonuses | Stab | Slash | Crush | Magic | Ranged | Strength | Magic Damage | Prayer |
Attack | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +70 | |||
Defence | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | |||
Other | +0 | +20 | +0 |
Combat Style | Attack Type | Weapon Style | Attack Speed | Range | Experience | Level Boost |
Accurate | Ranged | Accurate | 6 ticks (3.6s | 10 tiles | Ranged, Hitpoints | +3 Ranged |
Rapid | Ranged | Rapid | 5 ticks (3.0s) | 10 tiles | Ranged, Hitpoints | None |
Longrange | Ranged | Longrange | 6 ticks (3.6s) | 10 tiles | Ranged, Defence, Hitpoints | +3 Defence |
Getting The Twisted Bow

You can get the bow as a reward after beating the Great Olm at the end of the Chamber of Xeric raid. Here's a table showing the drop rates for each item.
Item | Quantity | Rarity | Price |
Adamantite ore | 1-789 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 901-710,889 |
Ancestral hat | 1 | 1/23 | 51,429,471 |
Ancestral robe bottom | 1 | 1/23 | 125,810,616 |
Ancestral robe top | 1 | 1/23 | 161,746,074 |
Ancient tablet | 1 | 1/10 | Not sold |
Arcane prayer scrol | 1 | 1/3.45 | 2,397,971 |
Blood rune | 1-4,095 | 2 × 1/33 | 243-995,085 |
Clue scroll (elite) | 1 | 1/12 | Not sold |
Coal | 1-6,553 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 131-858,443 |
Dark journal | 1 | Always | Not sold |
Dark relic | 1 | 2 × 1/33 | Not sold |
Death rune | 1-3,640 | 2 × 1/33 | 196-713,440 |
Dexterous prayer scrol | 1 | 1/3.45 | 15,533,447 |
Dinh's bulwark | 1 | 1/23 | 21,581,416 |
Dragon arrow | 1-648 | 2 × 1/33 | 1,214-786,672 |
Dragon claws | 1 | 1/23 | 89,491,217 |
Dragon hunter crossbow | 1 | 1/17.25 | 59,704,244 |
Dynamite | 1-2,427 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 28-1,766,856 |
Elder maul | 1 | 1/34.5 | 124,217,312 |
Gold ore | 1-2,978 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 155-461,590 |
Grimy avantoe | 1-404 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 4,260-1,721,040 |
Grimy cadantine | 1-394 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 4,588-1,807,672 |
Grimy dwarf weed | 1-655 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 2,302-1,507,810 |
Grimy irit leaf | 1-809 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 1,227-992,643 |
Grimy kwuarm | 1-338 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 3,577-1,209,026 |
Grimy lantadyme | 1-526 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 1,501-789,526 |
Grimy ranarr weed | 1-163 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 6,421-1,046,623 |
Grimy snapdragon | 1-100 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 7,936-793,600 |
Grimy toadfla | 1-248 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 3,712-920,576 |
Grimy torstol | 1-161 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 3,993-642,873 |
Kodai insignia | 1 | 1/34.5 | 115,992,266 |
Lizardman fang | 1-4,681 | 2 × 1/33 | 15-70,215 |
Mahogany plank | 1-548 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 2,236-1,225,328 |
Metamorphic dust | 1 | 1/400 | Not sold |
Mithril ore | 1-4,095 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 136-556,920 |
Olmlet | 1 | 1/53 | Not sold |
Pure essence | 1-65,535 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 1-65,535 |
Rune arrow | 1-9,362 | 2 × 1/33 | 65-608,530 |
Runite ore | 1-65 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 10,513-683,345 |
Saltpetre | 1-5,461 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 7-38,227 |
Silver ore | 1-6,553 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 60-393,180 |
Soul rune | 1-6,553 | 2 × 1/33 | 195-1,277,835 |
Teak plank | 1-1,365 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 937-1,279,005 |
Torn prayer scroll | 1 | 2 × 1/33 | 47,054 |
Twisted ancestral colour kit | 1 | 1/75 | Not sold |
Twisted bow | 1 | 1/34.5 | 1,686,373,239 |
Twisted buckler | 1 | 1/17.25 | 20,228,662 |
Uncut diamond | 1-255 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 2,193-559,215 |
Uncut emerald | 1-923 (noted | 2 × 1/33 | 425-392,275 |
Uncut ruby | 1-541 (noted) | 2 × 1/3 | 973-526,393 |
Uncut sapphire | 1-693 (noted) | 2 × 1/33 | 216-149,688 |
Unfortunately, the bow has a very low chance of appearing so you'll need to make the most out of your Chamber of Xeric runs.
We'll show you everything you need to get started in just 16 minutes. There are a few ways to get to the raid but if you're looking to farm it for the Twisted Bow, you'd want the fastest method available.The Chambers of Xeric are located inside Mount Quidamortem. If you've completed The Forsaken Tower, you can get to the tower via the Lovakengj Minecart Network for free. If not, then you'll need to pay 20 coins. If you've finished the raid at least once, you can get there pretty quickly.
To get to the raids, just rub your Xeric's Talisman to Xeric's Honor or walk through the swamp.
Recommended Stats
We recommend having 85+ combat stats. 78 Herblore is a must if you want to be helpful, and at least one party member must have 90 Herblore to make the Overload. High Agility, Woodcutting, and Mining levels are also very useful in raids.
Gear and Supplies
We recommend using full Void to keep the amount of switches to a minimum. Use the Berserker Ring and Primordial or Dragon Boots if you're not going to bring boot or ring switches because it gives you some extra max hits. To start out, you might even want to drop the cape switch and stick to the Assembler for 2 extra brews.

The main weapon for melee is the Dragon Hunter Lance; if you can't afford this, bring a Tentacle Whip. We will be using a Dragon Warhammer or a Bandos Godsword for its special attack. The main weapon for range is the Blowpipe, but also bring a Dragon Hunter Crossbow with Ruby Dragon Bolts E for Shamans and Skeletal Mystics.
If you can't afford the Dragon Hunter Crossbow, just bring the regular Dragon Crossbow. The main weapon for mage is the Sanguinesti Staff; if you can't afford this, just bring a Toxic Trident. We put our mage switch at the bottom because we won't need it until Olm, and above that, we place our specialty items.
These are only required to bring in certain rooms, but we bring them with us on every raid because those rooms are so common. As mentioned before, the Crossbow is for Shamans and Skeletal Mystics to get some extra long-range. The Salve Amulet is for Skeletal Mystics, which count as undead monsters, and the Dragon Pick is for Guardians.
The Antidote is used as protection against Shamans. Don't worry about taking all this information in now; we'll come back to it later when we go over the different rooms. We will also bring a Rune Pouch filled with Water Strike spells.
Only one person in the party needs to bring this, but we recommend you bring it just in case all your other party members forgot. For supplies, we bring one range and one super combat potion, three super restores, a stamina potion, and an anglerfish. We fill the rest of our inventory with Saradomin Brews. We bring the anglerfish so we can eat it when full HP to switch to our two-handed weapons. If you want, you can swap out the anglerfish for an extra brew.
Here's a list of setups for all combat types, ranked from most to least effective.
Gear Slot | Melee Gear | Magic Gear | Ranged Gear |
Head | Torva full helm, Neitiznot faceguard, Inquisitor's great helm, Serpentine helm | Ancestral hat, Any melee helmet | Masori mask (f), Armadyl helmet, Void ranger helm, Any melee helmet |
Neck | Amulet of torture, Amulet of blood fury, Amulet of fury | Occult necklace, Amulet of fury | Necklace of anguish, Amulet of fury |
Back | Infernal cape, Fire cape | Imbued god cape, | Dizana's quiver, Ava's assembler, Ava's accumulator |
Body | Torva platebody, Bandos chestplate, Inquisitor's hauberk, Fighter torso | Ancestral robe top, Virtus robe top, Ahrim's robetop, | Masori body (f), Armadyl chestplate, Blessed body, Elite void top |
Legs | Torva platelegs, Inquisitor's plateskirt, Bandos tassets, Blessed chaps | Ancestral robe bottom, Virtus robe bottom, Ahrim's robeskirt | Masori chaps (f), Armadyl chainskirt, Blessed chaps, Elite void robe |
Weapon | Scythe of vitur, Dragon hunter lance, Soulreaper axe, Osmumten's fang | Tumeken's shadow, Sanguinesti staff, Trident of the swamp, Harmonised nightmare staff | Twisted bow, Dragon hunter crossbow, Zaryte crossbow, Armadyl crossbow |
Shield | Avernic defender, Dragon defender | Book of the dead, Tome of fire, Elidinis' ward (f), Arcane spirit shield | Twisted buckler, Dragonfire ward, Odium ward |
Ammo/Spell | Dragon arrow, Ruby dragon bolts (e), Ruby bolts (e) | Dragon arrow, Ruby dragon bolts (e), Ruby bolts (e) | Dragon arrow, Ruby dragon bolts (e), Ruby bolts (e) |
Hands | Ferocious gloves, Barrows gloves | Tormented bracelet, Barrows gloves | Zaryte vambraces, Barrows gloves, Void knight gloves |
Boots | Primordial boots, Dragon boots | Camp/Takeoff melee boots | Pegasian boots |
Ring | Lightbearer, Ultor ring, Berserker ring (i), Brimstone rin | Lightbearer, Ultor ring, Berserker ring (i), Brimstone ring | Lightbearer, Ultor ring, Berserker ring (i), Brimstone ring |
Special | Elder maul, Dragon warhammer, Bandos godsword, Bone dagger, Arclight | Toxic blowpipe |
Start a Raid
To start a raid, join a clan channel and make sure if you're raiding with friends, you give one of your friends the rank of general. That way, if you get disconnected, the raid isn't disbanded, and you can rejoin when reconnected. Click on the recruiting board and click "Make Party," then run downstairs.
Make sure you have the Chambers of Xeric's RuneLite plugin enabled so you can see what rooms are in the raid. Keep repeating until you have a raid with all easy bosses. Let's talk about these rooms now. We won't be learning all the rooms, as some are a massive pain.
The green rooms are easy, yellow is medium, and the red ones are the hardest rooms. Most parties don't do a raid with any of the hardest rooms, so there's no point in learning them, especially not as a beginner. There are also four puzzle rooms.
These are all quite easy, but Tightrope and Crabs are more favorable than Thieving and Ice Demon because those get more points per hour. Now let's get into a raid and show you these boss fights.
Note: Raiding with a three-man party is a lot easier, so we would recommend starting with that and not going at it by yourself completely.
Enter the room with Protect from Range and your Blowpipe. Blowpipe him down and don't let him melee you. Occasionally, he will eat from the tree to regain health. After you kill him, his mother will come. After you kill her too, usually this spot is pretty safe but not always. If you get too close to Muttadile, you might want to switch to Protect from Melee so you don't get one-shot. The Muttadile always drops two overloads.
Put your pickaxe on smash, drink a stamina potion, hit, and run until they're dead. Guardians drop herb seeds.

Protect from Range and drink your Antidote++. Range them down with your Crossbow. Try to hug the walls to not make them jump. When he throws the booger splat, run away. Keep your distance so you have time to react. He summons some suicidal purple children who will explode after a short delay. Don't stand next to them.
Skeletal Mystics
Put on your Salve Amulet, Protect from Mage, and hit them with your Crossbow. Blowpipe is more DPS but has less range, making it more likely to aggro all of the skeletons at once, which is not good. Skeletons also drop herb seeds.
Stand as far away from the anvil as possible. One person runs out to take his aggro and runs back to the other players. You must tank the first hit. Dump all of your Dragon Warhammer specs and pray to RNGesus that you get some that hit. Try to attack him like this while moving counterclockwise around him.

Use a crush weapon like an Elder Maul because a Dragon Hunter Lance on crush is not very effective. After a while, he will go to the anvil where he will regenerate some HP and defense. Keep walking to avoid taking damage from the meteorites.
This room is very risky and dependent on your special attacks. We would only recommend doing this room in bigger teams so you have more chances to hit your specs. If you had zero specs, you might as well leave, in our opinion, because it would be so annoying to kill him. Tekton always drops two overload potions. Now let's go over the four puzzle rooms.
There will be two puzzle rooms in each raid. Tightrope: Equip your Blowpipe, Protect from Magic, kill mages, Protect from Range, kill rangers. If you get low, you can stand behind his plant to not get hit. After you kill everything, cross the rope to pick up the crystal and open the door.
Activate Protect from Melee. You have to make these four colored crystals white. You can do that by letting the white orb of light bounce off of a colored crab, changing its direction and color. For example, if you hit the crab with melee, the crab will turn red.

If the white orb of light hits that crab, the orb will also turn red. Make it hit the blue crystal to turn the crystal white. Repeat this until all four crystals are white.
The colors you need the crab or orb to be to turn the crystals white are on screen now:
- White (not recently attacked) kills Black,
- Blue (mage) kills Yellow,
- Red (melee) kills Blue
- Green (range) kills Purple.
You can right-click these crabs to smash them in place with a hammer. There is a hammer spawn right at the entrance.
Ice Demon
Chop a bunch of kindling and light the braziers to melt him down. When he spawns, Dragon Warhammer him and finish him off with range. Run in three-by-three squares and blowpipe him down. Hit, run, hit, run. Pray range so he doesn't use his AOE attack. Fire spells are super effective here, but we can't be bothered to bring that into the raid with us.

Drop your pots, open the chests, and collect grubs. Once you have a full inventory, dump them all at the scavenger. Repeat until the scavenger is full and moves out of the way. Pick up your pots.
Preparation For The Great Olm
Before Olm, you have a preparation room. Plant some seeds and run some vials of water from the gourd tree. You have three types of herbs: Buchu, Golpar, and Noxifer. You also need to get secondaries for your potion. These can be gathered by killing scavengers. For every player, you will need about 2 Sicily, 6 Mushroom, and 20 Juice.
These scavengers also drop planks to make the storage chest with. You can use the Dragon Warhammer to construct this, or you can get a hammer drop from the scavengers. Noxifer and Golpar are used to make overloads, requiring 90 Herblore.
Make the super combat, ranged, and mage pots with 3 Golpars, 1 Sicily, 1 Juice, and 1 Mushroom. Combine those three pots into the overload with the Noxifer herb. Buchu is used to make super restores, brews, and prayer enhancements. We will be needing a lot of Buchu herbs. Buchu plus Sicily makes prayer enhanced. This potion regenerates prayer over time. Buchu plus mushroom makes revitalization potions.
These are just super restores. Buchu plus darkened juice makes Xeric's Aid. These are Saradomin brews. If you didn't get any seeds or forgot to pick them up, you can rake the patch at the entrance to Olm to find some seeds. This is what your inventory should look like before heading to fight Olm. We put our range gear at the bottom because you'll only need it in the last phase. You don't need your pickaxe anymore.
You need a Mage or Super Combat pot for the last phase to dump your Warhammer specs. An overload will give you all three boosts, so you don't need more than one overload. Make sure you bring prayer enhance as well. We will not be bringing a stamina pot because overloads restore run energy, and we need the inventory space.
The Great Olm
Olm is a four-phase fight: three phases and one head phase. You will need a partner in a two-man raid to duo Olm. One person runs to the left hand side and the other to the right. Let's say the room looks like this. The guy on the left side will take care of the left hand and the guy on the right side will take care of the right hand. We have four attack styles in Olm. For the left hand, we will be using Mage. Mage protects from Mage, and for the right hand, we will be using Melee. Melee protects from Range.
So our partner prays Range on the right side while we are praying Mage on the left. Once the left hand dies, we both switch to Mage, Mage gear, and Pray Mage to finish the right hand. Olm can target both players, but he always follows one player. This player is called the "peter." The left hand will show two types of special attacks.
First, the acid pool. You have to stand in the corner to make sure you don't spread the pools too much. You can walk out of the pools, but we will not walk to the sides of the pools. You just have to stay inside them.

To avoid the pools, you can run under the boss. The second special attack is the crystal bomb. Bombs will appear under your feet. You will have three game ticks to move out of the bomb before it explodes, so this is what it looks like. The right hand will also show two special attacks. The first is lightning bolts. These will show up in a straight line and hit your character for over 30 damage. This attack is quite easy to avoid. Just move out of the way as soon as you see the bolts appear. The second special attack is the teleport attack.
You will be teleported to a random location in the room. You will also be given a direction to move in. This direction is shown on screen now. After each teleport, you will have 1-2 game ticks to move in the given direction. If you are not standing on the right tile, you will take a lot of damage and will lose prayer points. The middle head will show a bunch of special attacks as well. The first is the crystal burst attack. Crystals will appear in a small circle around your character and explode after 2 game ticks.
To avoid the damage, you have to run to the sides of the room. The second special attack is the falling crystals attack. A crystal will spawn above your head and fall after 2 game ticks. Move out of the way to avoid the damage. The last special attack is the firewall. A firewall will block your way and you will take a lot of damage if you try to pass it. There will always be a small opening in the wall to walk through. The head phase is similar to the previous phases, except the hands are invincible. The left hand will still target you with the acid pool special attack.
The right hand will no longer target you with the teleport attack. Instead, it will target you with the lightning bolts. The middle head will still target you with all its special attacks. This is the hardest part of the fight. After you finish the head phase, you can loot your reward from the chest.
Get The Twisted Bow
When all else fails and you can't get lucky enough to get the Twisted Bow, you should just consider buying one instead. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at RPG Stash! We've got the Twisted Bow and all of your other OSRS needs.
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