Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide - WOW Dragonflight

06.03.2023 - 13:28:56
Game Guides , World Of Warcraft , WOW Gameplay Guides

Ruby Life Pools Dungeon Guide - WOW Dragonflight

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Ruby Life Pools is a short and exciting dungeon in Dragonflight with only three bosses, which is great news for those who want a quick (though challenging) run. This dungeon is unique because it has fewer trash mobs, making the experience smoother. While the first two bosses might not be the most memorable, the last fight is certainly difficult and thrilling. Ruby Life Pools is a must-visit dungeon for players looking for a fun experience and exciting loot.





Fireproof Drape

Cloth legs

Wind Soarer’s Breeches

Cloth waist

Sky Saddle Cord

Leather chest

Invader’s Firestorm Chestguard

Leather hands

Subjugator’s Chilling Grips

Leather head

Crown of Roaring Storms

Mail hands

Galerattle Gauntlets

Mail legs

Egg Tender’s Leggings

Mail head

Blazebound Lieutenant’s Helm

One-hand mace

Havoc Crusher

One-hand dagger

Skyferno Rondel


Kokia’s Burnout Rod, Drake Rider’s Stecktarge

Plate chest

Breastplate of Soaring Terror

Plate feet

Scaleguard’s Stalwart Greatboots


Chillworn’s Infusion Staff

Two-hand axe

Backdraft Cleaver


Ruby Whelp Shell, Blazebinder’s Hoof, Kyrakka’s Searing Embers

The Melidrussa Trash

Traversing the area around the Melidrussa pools requires caution from players. The pools contain clutches of eggs that will hatch if stepped on, spawning an Infused Whelp for each egg that hatches. These Whelps can use Cold Claws to inflict frost damage and potentially stun their target, so players should take care to CC them to prevent these effects.

Chillweavers are also present in the area and can cast Ice Shield on their allies. To deal with this, players should CC Chillweavers to interrupt their casting. If the shield is not broken through with DPS or purged, it can stack and become increasingly difficult to deal with.

Finally, players should also be aware of Tectonic Slam and take steps to avoid its damage. CC effects can be used to prevent its effects.

Melidrussa Chillworm

During the Melidrussa Chillworm encounter, players face several challenges that require careful coordination and strategy. One of the main tasks is managing stacks of Primal Chill, which can quickly accumulate on the group and lead to dangerous levels of freezing. To avoid this, healers must prioritize dispelling players who are close to freezing point, while also keeping an eye on the tank's stacks and dispelling them just before Infused Whelps spawn.

In addition to managing Primal Chill, players must also deal with Frost Overload, which occurs predictably when the boss reaches 2/3 and 1/3 health. To avoid being overwhelmed by this, players should focus on efficiently killing the Infused Whelps that Melidrussa spawn. These whelps can rapidly stack up Primal Chill on the tank and cause them to get stunned, so it's important to control and eliminate them as quickly as possible.

Finally, tanks can use magic immunities to slow down or prevent the application of Primal Chill. This effect is applied by all frost damage in the fight as well as Cold Claws, which are cast by Infused Whelps. By using these immunities strategically, tanks can help manage the group's stacks of Primal Chill and make the fight more manageable for everyone.

The Kokia Trash

The Kokia trash presents a variety of challenges that players must be aware of in order to succeed. One such challenge comes from the Blazebound Destroyers, which will randomly apply Living Bomb to targets. When the bomb expires, anything within the circle will be knocked up, so it's important to position yourself carefully to avoid hitting others. It's also recommended to try and interrupt the Cinderseer's cast if possible.

However, the two most dangerous in this encounter are Thundergullet and Flamehead. They both have a wide frontal attack and that can quickly wipe the group. Thundergullet, in particular, frequently uses Thunder Jaw, which knocks back his main target a long way.

Players should be aware of Thunderhead's Rolling Thunder mechanic, which marks two players every 20 seconds. One of the marked players should be immediately dispelled to prevent the explosions from syncing up, making them more manageable to heal. By taking note of these various challenges and adapting their strategies accordingly, players can increase their chances of success in the Kokia Mobs encounter.


Kokia Blazehoof:

To successfully navigate the Kokia Blazehoof encounter, players must pay attention to several key factors. One such factor is the position of the Blazebound Firestorms when they spawn. It's essential to position these mobs in a convenient location, as they explode upon death and leave behind a large and permanent fire puddle. Players should also make sure to interrupt Roaring Blaze, which the Blazebound Firestorms repeatedly cast.

In addition, it's crucial to avoid standing on the tank during this encounter. Molten Boulder deals significant damage to anyone hit, so the tank should position themselves so that it rolls into the sides.

The Kyrakka / Erkhart Trash

When facing the Kyrakka and Erkhart mobs, players must exercise caution. One thing to keep in mind is the Primal Thunderclouds that have a large absorb on them. When this absorb expires, they will cast Crackling Detonation at a specific location before despawning. While Crackling Detonation can be interrupted, it is fast and unpredictable.

Healers should be prepared to heal through Lightning Storms that occur when engaging a Tempest Channeler. Throughout the encounter, players should also be ready to use their kicks, dispels, and purges as needed. It is especially important to interrupt Flashfire on Flame Channelers and Ryvati, particularly when it targets melee players. Additionally, players should dispel Burning Veins on Flame Channelers and interrupt Lightning Bolt on Primal Shockcasters, Tempest Channelers, and High Channelers.


Erkhart / Krakka Stormvein

Throughout the fight, Erkhart will periodically use Interrupting Cloudburst to interrupt all players, so it is important to stop casting when this happens to avoid being interrupted.

Winds of Change will occur periodically and push all players and Flaming Embers zones in a specific direction. Be prepared to move in any direction and avoid creating walls or boxing in other players.

Keep track of your Infernocore stacks, which you gain each time you get hit by avoidable fire abilities or step in Flaming Embers. When they fade, you will spawn Flaming Embers per stack. Relocate to a spot away from the group when Infernocore is about to expire, and keep track of where the Flaming Embers are, as they will be pushed around by Winds of Change.

Track Kyrakka's position visually, as it will relocate approximately every 15 seconds and attempt to hit players with Roaring Firebreath from the side of the encounter area. While airborne, Kyrakka's Flamespit is cast on a single random player, granting them one Infernocore.

While on the ground, Kyrakka's Flamespit hits all five players in the party, granting them one Infernocore each. Do not stand in front of Kyrakka.

Be aware of Stormslam, a powerful tankbuster that applies a stacking magic vulnerability debuff that does not fall off on its own all the time. Use cooldowns to mitigate the damage. Keep track of the Flaming Embers.

To enhance your fighting abilities, you can visit RPGStash to purchase WOW Gold and gain an advantage in battles.

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