OSRS Elder Maul Guide

01.08.2024 - 14:34:17
Game Guides , Runescape

OSRS Elder Maul Guide

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If you want to create a powerful Crush build in OSRS, one of the weapons to look into is the Elder Maul. It's one of the best in the category and lots of players are creating builds around this powerful weapon. In this guide, we'll talk about how you can find the Elder Maul. Let's talk about it first and see why it's so special.

Elder Maul OSRS Guide



The Elder Maul is a crush weapon that can be used once your Attack and Strength are at 75. That's the easy part of using the Maul. The hard part is getting it as it's a rare drop from an Ancient Chest that you get at the end of the Chambers of Xeric Raid.

As of this writing, this has the highest tier crush bonus in OSRS currently. It's also at the top of the list when it comes to the highest strength bonus. Yes, it's even stronger in this category compared to the godswords.

Don't be mistaken though as the Elder Maul doesn't have the highest hit possible. That award still goes to the Abyssal Bludgeon because it's a faster weapon to use. However, the Elder Maul holds a distinct place in the hearts of players doing PvP because it's an excellent weapon to one-hit opponents with once they're at low health.

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Elder Maul Special Attack



The special attack of the Elder Maul is called Pulverized. Using it will set you back 50% of your special attack energy and it increases your accuracy by 25%. If you're able to hit your opponent successfully, you can lower their Defence by 35%. What makes the Elder Maul even more special is that the Defence reduction stacks as long as you keep making successful hits.

Its special attack makes the Elder Maul the perfect weapon against enemies with a high Defense. Lots of players use this for fights against Tekton, or especially in PvP. Recent changes to the maul has made it even more popular to players and the demand for the item is high right now.

Combat Stats

BonusesStabSlasCrushMagicRangedStrengthMagic DamagePrayer
Other     +147+0%+0
Combat StyleAttack TypeWeapon StylAttack SpeedRangeExperienceLevel Boost
PoundCrushAccurate6 ticks (3.6s)1 tileAttack, Hitpoints+3 Attack
PummelCrushAggressive  Strength, Hitpoints+3 Strength
BlockCrushDefensive  Defence, Hitpoints+3 Defence

How To Get The Elder Maul

To get the Elder Maul, you'll need to get lucky when opening an Ancient Chest from the Chambers of Xeric raid. It's a rare reward there so there's a very good chance that you'll need to do the raid over and over again. If you already have access to the raid, here's a look at a few tips.

Adamantite ore1-789 (noted)2 × 1/33901-710,889
Ancestral hat11/2351,429,471
Ancestral robe bottom11/23125,810,616
Ancestral robe top11/23161,746,074
Ancient tablet11/10Not sold
Arcane prayer scroll11/3.452,397,971
Blood rune1-4,0952 × 1/33243-995,085
Clue scroll (elite)11/12Not sold
Coal1-6,553 (noted)2 × 1/33131-858,443
Dark journal1AlwaysNot sold
Dark relic12 × 1/33Not sold
Death rune1-3,6402 × 1/33196-713,440
Dexterous prayer scroll11/3.4515,533,447
Dinh's bulwark11/2321,581,416
Dragon arrow1-6482 × 1/331,214-786,672
Dragon claws11/2389,491,217
Dragon hunter crossbow11/17.2559,704,244
Dynamite1-2,427 (noted)2 × 1/33728-1,766,856
Elder maul11/34.5124,217,312
Gold ore1-2,978 (noted)2 × 1/33155-461,590
Grimy avantoe1-404 (noted)2 × 1/334,260-1,721,040
Grimy cadantine1-394 (noted)2 × 1/334,588-1,807,672
Grimy dwarf weed1-655 (noted2 × 1/332,302-1,507,810
Grimy irit leaf1-809 (noted)2 × 1/331,227-992,643
Grimy kwuarm1-338 (noted2 × 1/333,577-1,209,026
Grimy lantadyme1-526 (noted2 × 1/331,501-789,526
Grimy ranarr weed1-163 (noted)2 × 1/336,421-1,046,623
Grimy snapdragon1-100 (noted)2 × 1/337,936-793,600
Grimy toadflax1-248 (noted)2 × 1/333,712-920,576
Grimy torstol1-161 (noted)2 × 1/333,993-642,873
Kodai insignia11/34.5115,992,266
Lizardman fang1-4,6812 × 1/3315-70,215
Mahogany plank1-548 (noted)2 × 1/332,236-1,225,328
Metamorphic dust11/400Not sold
Mithril ore1-4,095 (noted)2 × 1/33136-556,920
Olmlet11/53Not sold
Pure essence1-65,535 (noted)2 × 1/331-65,535
Rune arrow1-9,3622 × 1/3365-608,530
Runite ore1-65 (noted)2 × 1/3310,513-683,345
Saltpetre1-5,461 (noted)2 × 1/337-38,227
Silver ore1-6,553 (noted)2 × 1/3360-393,180
Soul rune1-6,5532 × 1/33195-1,277,835
Teak plank1-1,365 (noted)2 × 1/33937-1,279,005
Torn prayer scroll12 × 1/3347,054
Twisted ancestral colour kit11/75Not sold
Twisted bow11/34.51,686,373,239
Twisted buckler11/17.2520,228,662
Uncut diamond1-255 (noted)2 × 1/332,193-559,215
Uncut emerald1-923 (noted)2 × 1/33425-392,275
Uncut ruby1-541 (noted)2 × 1/33973-526,393
Uncut sapphire1-693 (noted)2 × 1/33216-149,688
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Chamber of Xeric Gear Progression



First thing we are going to start off for the Chambers of Xeric is must-have items. These are the items that you must have to complete a raid successfully. Obviously, you can do it without these items, but it is really beneficial to have some of these.

Your first one is going to be the Salve Amulet (ei). This is used for the Mystics; they are considered undead since they are skeletons, and it will boost your range damage and accuracy by 20%, clearing the room faster and giving you more points per hour, which means more drops in the long run.

Your next one is going to be the Bandos Godsword or the Dragon Warhammer. You want to have one of these; don't come into a raid without one because one, the team's probably going to roast you if you don't have one, and two, you'll be slowing your team down if you don't. If you can't afford the Dragon Warhammer, make sure you save for a BGS.

Gear SlotMelee GearMagic GearRanged Gear
HeadTorva full helm, Neitiznot faceguard, Inquisitor's great helm, Serpentine helmAncestral hat, Any melee helmetMasori mask (f), Armadyl helmet, Void ranger helm, Any melee helmet
NeckAmulet of torture, Amulet of blood fury, Amulet of furOccult necklace, Amulet of furNecklace of anguish, Amulet of fury
BackInfernal cape, Fire capeImbued god cape,Dizana's quiver, Ava's assembler, Ava's accumulator
BodyTorva platebody, Bandos chestplate, Inquisitor's hauberk, Fighter torsoncestral robe top, Virtus robe top, Ahrim's robetop,Masori body (f), Armadyl chestplate, Blessed body, Elite void top
LegsTorva platelegs, Inquisitor's plateskirt, Bandos tassets, Blessed chapsAncestral robe bottom, Virtus robe bottom, Ahrim's robeskirtMasori chaps (f), Armadyl chainskirt, Blessed chaps, Elite void robe
WeaponScythe of vitur, Dragon hunter lance, Soulreaper axe, Osmumten's fangTumeken's shadow, Sanguinesti staff, Trident of the swamp, Harmonised nightmare stafTwisted bow, Dragon hunter crossbow, Zaryte crossbow, Armadyl crossbow
ShieldAvernic defender, Dragon defendeBook of the dead, Tome of fire, Elidinis' ward (f), Arcane spirit shieldTwisted buckler, Dragonfire ward, Odium ward
Ammo/SpellDragon arrow, Ruby dragon bolts (e), Ruby bolts (e)Dragon arrow, Ruby dragon bolts (e), Ruby bolts (e)Dragon arrow, Ruby dragon bolts (e), Ruby bolts (e)
HandsFerocious gloves, Barrows glovesTormented bracelet, Barrows glovesZaryte vambraces, Barrows gloves, Void knight gloves
BootsPrimordial boots, Dragon bootsCamp/Takeoff melee bootsPegasian boots
RingLightbearer, Ultor ring, Berserker ring (i), Brimstone ringLightbearer, Ultor ring, Berserker ring (i), Brimstone ringLightbearer, Ultor ring, Berserker ring (i), Brimstone ring
SpecialElder maul, Dragon warhammer, Bandos godsword, Bone dagger, Arclight Toxic blowpipe

Third thing, imbued god capes. These are not hard to get. You can go out in the wilderness and get one; it doesn't cost anything but the runes to cast the spells to follow the little mini quest and get these, so make sure you take the time to get yourself an imbued god cape.

Next up is the Fire Cape or the Infernal Cape. Obviously, the Infernal Cape is an achievement in the game to get one of those, but a Fire Cape at a bare minimum. If you don't have one of those, go get it ASAP. Don't be going into the Chambers of Xeric with a skill cape.

Next up is going to be the Ava's Assembler or Accumulator. Obviously, the Assembler does take Dragon Slayer II, so it could be a little bit difficult depending on the person and what quests they have done. At a bare minimum, you do want to have an Ava's Accumulator.

And last but not least, you want to have a Rune Pouch, most importantly for taking water spells in for the flame walls. Not everyone needs to have the water spells for the raid, but it is good practice to get into to have everybody on your team, or at least one person, with water spells.



Next, we just want to talk quickly about last resort armor, and this is going to be the Void Knight and Elite Void Knight armor. These are actually your lowest tier options for the Chambers of Xeric. Anything less than this, like let's say Rune armor, absolutely not, do not bring that to the Chambers of Xeric. So the lowest we would suggest you go is Void Knight and Elite Void Knight equipment.

Now, the Elite Void, you do need to have the diaries done to get the Elite Void, but really that only takes time and a little bit of dedication to get. So if you don't have the Elite Void, we would suggest just taking the time to go get it if this is all you can afford to use and get started with.

Obviously, regular Void will work, but you will be suffering a DPS decrease if you do that, so go get yourself some Elite Void.

We're going to go ahead and start off with melee. The first thing we do want to talk about is the Avernic Defender in your offhand slot. The Avernic Defender is a nice purchase, but you cannot sell it back once you have made it. That is it; it is consumed, and it always will be an Avernic Defender. So if you're not ready to spend that kind of cash on that, just stick with the Dragon Defender.

As for the weapon, Scythe of Vitur is obviously best in slot for melee throughout the Chambers of Xeric. Following this is going to be the Dragon Hunter Lance, and you might be wondering why this is ahead of the Blade of Saeldor and the Ghrazi Rapier. Well, the Dragon Hunter Lance actually has pretty decent stats for stab, slash, and crush, and you can use it on the Great Olm because the Great Olm is considered a dragon, so you will be getting that damage and accuracy boost that the Dragon Hunter Lance provides. Everything else is pretty self-explanatory as you can see on the screen.



As for the ammunition, we'll check that out in the range progression part. And the special attack, obviously Dragon Warhammer is going to be your best, but if you can't afford it, a Bandos Godsword will do just fine.

Next up is going to be our ranged gear progression. As for the weapon, Twisted Bow is going to be your best in slot item, followed by the Dragon Hunter Crossbow once again because it does have decent range. It can use the Dragon Ruby Bolts (e), and it does work on the Great Olm once again because the Great Olm is a dragon. Your third weapon here is going to be the Toxic Blowpipe; DPS is very good, followed by the Armadyl Crossbow, and once again ending it off with the Dragon Crossbow. We didn't put the Rune Crossbow on here because the Dragon Crossbow is pretty affordable for almost any account, but really if all you can use is a Rune Crossbow, I guess you are stuck with that.

As for everything else, same thing; it's pretty obvious. As for the ammunition, Dragon Arrows in the Twisted Bow, Rune Darts in the Blowpipe if you can afford it; you can downgrade to Adamant, but we really wouldn't suggest it just for time and damage sake. And as for the bolts, Ruby Dragon Bolts (e) and Adamant Ruby Bolts (e), depending on what weapon you're using or if you can afford one or the other.

Last but not least is going to be our magic gear progression. As for everything else, in the shield slot, the Arcane Spirit Shield is going to be your best, followed by the Mage's Book, but those aren't really super necessary. You can just go with the Book of Darkness or a Malediction Ward if you do have one.

As for the Tome of Fire, this is going to be used if you are using the best-in-slot Harmonized Nightmare Staff. Now, the Harmonized Nightmare Staff does put it on par with attack speed with the Trident-styled weapons, and you will want to be using Fire Surge, which is why the Tome of Fire is there because it does increase the damage to fire spells.

In the boot slot, your worn boots should actually be unequipped when you are maging in the Chambers of Xeric. It will give you a little bit more magic accuracy if you take those boots off. As for the ring, see the melee progression which we talked about earlier. Most likely, you are going to be camping a Berserker's Ring throughout the whole raid. And as for the range, see the range progression once again. And last but not least, the spell, once again Fire Surge.



The Sanfew Serum is needed against the Lizardman Shamans and Vespula because they do poison you. You want to keep that off. The Salve Amulet (ei), once again for the Skeletal Mystics. The Rapier or the Lance is going to be for poking the crystals when you're at Vasa, and you will definitely want to have a stab weapon for that because nothing else really works as well as a stab weapon.

And last but not least, the Crystal Pickaxe is going to be for the Guardians, and obviously, that will downgrade as we go through setups.

The first thing you will need to setup is the Chambers of Xeric core items. These are going to be the items that you always want to have, and you want to get them as soon as possible. Now, for this, you'll have the Necklace of Anguish, then you will buy the Rigor prayer, then you will buy a Dragon Hunter Lance, followed by a Tormented Bracelet, followed by an Amulet of Torture. These are the five items that you will always, always, always want when you are at the Chambers of Xeric.

Now, for our Chambers of Xeric best-in-slot purchase order. First off, we have the Scythe of Vitur. This will cost you around 500 mil at the time of recording this. This is going to be your

number one purchase for the Chambers of Xeric and pretty much everything else in the game. Next up, you have Ancestral, and you're going to buy that in a different order from the gear setups.

You're going to buy the bottom first, then the top, then the hat. After this, the Twisted Bow; you will definitely want this for solo raids because it makes it 10 times easier. After this, you will buy the full Justiciar armor set. So the Justiciar chest, legs, and helmet in that order. Next up is the Elysian Spirit Shield, followed by the Harmonized Nightmare Staff and the Eternal Boots. This will round out your full best-in-slot gear for the Chambers of Xeric.

Chambers Of Xeric Tips

1. Fighting Tekton

Tekton is a lot of people's first roadblock in Chambers, so before we talk about specific strategies, let's discuss the brain-dead way to always take no damage in this room.

We recommend having him tagged and true tile for you and him enabled, but this works just as fine without them. All we're going to do is click on the right corner of each side and run counterclockwise, attacking when we can. The attacking pace will change depending on your weapon, but it's the same run no matter which weapon.



Make sure to get to one corner before clicking the next. If you don't, your pace might run you to one of his corners, and he'll head back to the anvil. With the lance, we can see our true tile move three times and then attack.



With the fang, we can see our true tile move four times and then attack. With a dragon warhammer, we can see our true tile move five times and then attack. Just keep the same method of running the corners, and you will be fine for any weapon.

Just take the attack speed and subtract one; that's how many times you need to see your tile move before you attack. In groups, this falls apart a little bit if people have different weapons with different attack speeds or they just aren't on the same tick as each other.

Somebody is likely to get damaged by a hit. Groups can run around together, and whoever is slow can skip an attack to catch up, but only one person needs to be next to Tekton for him to not go to the anvil. So, if you want to step back between attacks, that works as well. Sometimes the room layout has his southwest tile on the left. An easy way to set him up is when he is two tiles away from you, click diagonal, and then attack him.

2. Spellbook Setup

Each magic book has a potential use depending on what you bring to Chambers. The standard spell book can cast vulnerability at the start to lower his defense. Lunar can cast Vengeance and take a hit for speedrun strategies. Arceuus can cast THS. Don't bring ancients. The most preferred book for Chambers is the Arceuus book. In Tekton, make sure to summon the melee thrall; the range thrall doesn't do damage, and the mage thrall does reduced damage.

3. Starting Fights

To start the fight, you need to be within four tiles of him. After the fight initiates, you want to run him to the back of the room, but don't get him stuck on any ledges, otherwise they will interrupt your run. We want him at the back so we have more time to attack him as he walks towards the anvil. If you have true tile enabled, you can click on him when there is a one-tile gap between you and him to start the running around cycle flawlessly.

If you do this correctly, you won't need protection prayers, but we recommend them just in case you goof up. Make sure everyone dumps their defense-reducing specials immediately, preferably a dragon warhammer. Attack him on the way to the anvil, but when he gets there, sparks will fly at your tile and explode in a 3x3 radius.

You don't want to be next to other team members, so find an unoccupied portion of the room unless you want to PK somebody. This is also acceptable. Some players like to do this method where they walk one line and then run to skip a tile and walk back the other way.

If you ever want to practice this boss, just select the Challenge mode option when you make your raid; he will always be the first room.

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4. Fighting The Ice Demon

Ice demon is a bit of a slow room, but it can offer decent points, has a bank, and it has an axe in case you have muttadiles later in the raid. Stow away your inventory at the bank and pick up an axe and the tinderbox. Chop chop away and put it in the brazier.

Wintertodt trained you for this. If you're going for speed times, you can put each inventory into a different brazier. It's not much faster, though, so we would recommend everyone in the party share the same brazier so they can grab some points.

If you use the brazier with an ice fiend, he'll put it out quicker, but this usually doesn't affect the time at all. You can actually cheese the points in this room a little bit by letting the ice demon's ice shield thing regenerate. Here's our friend getting about 4,000 points just from this one room. This isn't efficient, but it might be nice for the 40,000-point combat achievement or just helping a friend snipe a purple.



While fighting the ice demon, you can move side to side while praying range and dodge all damage. If you don't pray range, he has a magic attack that's a bit more difficult to dodge. If you're in a group, only one person has to dodge the attacks. Everyone else can stand by the lighter-colored wall and basically AFK.

The other way to dodge all damage is by the entrance, walking back and forth. This doesn't use run, and you don't have to pray either. We don't think this is worth it with a Bowfa, though, as you lose a tick each cycle. We would only use this with a t-bow or a shadow. If you brought the standard spell book, fire spells combined with the tome of fire are amazing here. Otherwise, THS are your best bet. You can use lunar as well if you like to get hit.

Make sure to have some sort of anti-poison for this room. They can poison you even if you pray and dodge correctly. If you pray range and dodge their poison ball and unwanted exploding children, you should take no damage in this room. If we can get them stuck on a ledge, we can safespot them while making some tea or something and save some run energy.

If you're against a wall, they cannot jump to you, so we can position ourselves next to a ledge and stay away from the wall to have them jump on us. Now you just have to run to the other side of the ledge and finish off the helpless opponent. If you're safespotting one lizard and the other one decides to be rude and come your way, make sure to be ready to run. It's unfortunate, but you can still dodge all damage with both lizards aggroed to you. Just run and attack until one is dead and then try and safespot the remaining lizard.

The only spell book with any real benefit here is the Arceuus. Summon a thrall and let it do its thing. These guys get more hate than they are due.

5. Dealing With The Lizards

We think it's a fairly simple room. They give good points and good supplies. Looking at these cockroach fellows, the ranged gentleman is holding a bunch of rocks to throw at you, the melee lad has his tentacles up and is ready to engage in fisticuffs, and the underpaid magician doesn't need arms because he uses his brain to hurt you. If you turn on the plugin we suggested earlier, they'll be color-coded.

We recommend the plugin. You cannot let them get more than 33% apart from each other in health. If you are solo, the plugin will tell you exactly how much damage you can do. If you are in a group, it will tell you their percentage. For a group, look at the highest percentage and subtract 33% from it to know the lowest any vanguard's health can be.

A quick way to do this for those of you that are bad at math is to just take off a three from the tens place. While that is only 30% instead of 33%, this allows for some margin of error when you randomly hit back-to-back max hits. Most players just use a Bowfa and fang in here. Trident seems very weak. However, if you have Tumeken's Shadow, we would suggest to just bring the shadow and melee. You want to avoid aggroing multiple at once as you will take quite a lot of damage. However, if you are fighting the ranged vanguard and need to switch, you can step under him and aggro another one. The ranged vanguard gets confused easily.

6. Taking On The Thieving Room

The thieving room is possibly the easiest of all the chambers rooms. It does have a bank chest, which is pretty handy. You click on the chests until you get 24 Grub. If you're lucky, you can get 24 Grub in about three chests.

If you're unlucky, well, the chance to get Grub is roughly 1/3rd. We believe this was updated because it used to be closer to 1/2. You can also thieve some Grub from the Grub piles along the wall. Once you have all the Grub, dump it in the trough at the middle of the room. While gathering Grub, these giant mushrooms will sometimes spawn smaller mushrooms, and if you step on them, you'll take a ton of damage. It's easy to avoid if you have a big monitor.



If you do accidentally step on them, try and run to the trough and eat quickly. If you're in a group, make sure the Grub gets to the trough quickly. If too much time passes, they will leave. Make sure everyone dumps their Grub at roughly the same time.

If you need to, we recommend going clockwise around the room. If a mushroom blocks your path, try and run directly south until you can move around it. Our standard spell book enjoys a nice spell called ice barrage in here. You'll freeze the bugs and go gather some Grub while they're frozen. Arceuus can summon thralls to help speed up the room. Lunars can vengeance to quickly kill one or two bugs.

7. Challenging Vespula

We have found the vespula room to be extremely simple, but there are multiple strategies, and some are much quicker. We only need to kill the Abyssal Portal. You can either ignore the Abyssal Lurkers or you can kill them for extra points. It's up to you. If you don't care about points, just avoid the Abyssal Lurkers and dump everything into the portal.



If you would like to maximize points, start killing the Abyssal Lurkers. The Lurkers will sometimes create portals that spawn a stinger, and if you stand underneath the stinger, you will be poisoned. Just stay out of the way and attack the Abyssal Lurkers when possible.

If you're just attacking the portal, make sure to bring some anti-poison as the poison will hit you more often than not. If you ignore the Abyssal Lurkers, this room can take a little under a minute. If you're going for extra points, it might take two minutes. This room is very safe if you ignore the Abyssal Lurkers. If you're using a thrall, make sure to summon the melee one as it's the only one that does damage.

8. Fighting Olm

Let's begin with the preparation here. Before you go into the room, there are a couple of tips we can give you. Generally, you need three restores, one prayer enhance, and at least two overload doses. If this is your first time, then you should bring an extra restore as a learner.

You should bring minimal switches; don't copy our gear setup because you will run out of brews. Touch the lava pool for max energy before you start. You should check if one dude has his rune pouch with them with any water spell; this is usually the runner. Make sure you are wearing your melee gear with your special attack weapon on.

If you are a runner, you should drop a pile of potions; this includes one brew and one restore. When you are ready to pot up, do it in this order for max points:

  1. First, you overload.
  2. Then you use your prayer enhance.
  3. Chug a brew to above 99 HP.
  4. Restore to 99 prayer.
  5. Then you drop the used potions and take the full pots you dropped.

Entering the Room

Once you enter Ohm's room, you should go to the middle of the room and have your special attack ready. Go to Ohm's right hand, which is his melee hand, and use your special attack on it. Right after that, you go to the position depending on your role.



Phases One and Two

Phases one and two are fairly simple; everyone has their own role. The mage hand will die first. When it does, everyone should pile the melee hand. Try to keep track of Ohm's attacks and rotations to know what special he'll do next. Remember:

  • Crystal burst
  • Lightning
  • Portals

There are two basic attacks in between each special attack. Also, you should have one tile in between each player. Pile at the thumb, pinkie, or in the middle of the hand whenever you're piling the melee hand.


Once all hands are dead, Ohm's head will go underground and crystals will start falling. All you have to do is dodge them and make sure you are ready to spec the melee hand in the next phase on the other side of the room.

Phase Three

In the third phase, a healing special will be added. This is visually indicated when there is a circle and an infinity sign glowing above the melee hand. The healing special attack will trigger after the portal special. If you hit the hand when the spec triggers, you will heal it instead of doing damage.

Phase Three Head

At phase three, the head of Ohm will start glowing. This indicates that this is the last phase before head phase. Since your team size is most likely between one to seven people, that means there are three phases. If your team size is bigger, there will be more phases added. These additional phases are like the first and the second phases.



At the start of the third phase, you'll use all your special attacks on the melee hand and keep attacking this hand until the portal attack. After the portal attack is gone, everyone will go to their regular roles. Notice how we skip the healing special attack there since after portals in the third phase, the healing special should trigger. To skip the healing special, you should just run to the other side of the room to make the head turn to the mage side after the portal attack trigger. Skipping specials is a really useful tool, but you should only learn this whenever you have mastered raiding.

Critical Phase

This is a very important phase because you have to make sure both hands die at the same time with a time margin of seven to ten seconds. If you don't, the health of the hand that was killed will be reset. To do this efficiently, you should off the mage hand when it hits below ten percent HP and focus on killing the melee hand first. You do this because if the melee hand is still up, it will do the special attacks, and if you have the healing special attack, it will heal the hand instead of doing damage.

Head Phase

At the head phase, crystals will start falling down. You have to dodge them and do damage to the head in order to finish your raid. It's important that the melee and mage stay at their side of the room because the runners still have to run the head. This will most likely be very chaotic if you have a learner in your raid. In this phase, Ohm can do any phase unique attacks, so try to be extra focused. Ohm can also shoot out healing pools. These are blue pools; if you don't stand on them, you get hit for around 20 damage and it will heal Ohm. It's not that bad; if you can't reach a pool, just decide to either go for them or leave them and take 20 damage.

Smash With The Elder Maul

With our guide above, you should have no issues getting the Elder Maul for your account. If you can't get lucky enough to find one for your account, don't be afraid to reach out to us for help.

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