Created - 27.04.2024 Updated - 15.11.2024
In OSRS, finding the best gear is crucial to your character’s growth in the game. While there are tons of gear that will make you capable of taking on Raids and Bosses in OSRS, it’s much better to start looking for the OSRS best in slot items for each particular build. With this guide, we’ll be giving you a look at what those items are.
Just to clear things up, this guide is focused mainly in improving your damage in the game. We’ve found that it’s more practical to improve on your DPS rather than your defense as most bosses in the game are best killed as fast as possible. Having a high DPS build also makes it easier to farm for gold which is very crucial if you want to max out your character.
OSRS Best In Slot Items For P2P Builds
First off, we’re going to take a look at the best P2P best in slot items in the game. As you have access to all gear in the game, there’s no limit as to what types of item you can choose for your character. For this, we’re going to choose the best items for builds that are focused on increasing certain combat stats. For attack types like stab, crush, slash, and others, the bonus determines the accuracy of an attack.
Having a stab build at bay is very important as there are quite a few tough bosses that are weak to stab damage. One of them being the very tough Corporeal Beast. In general, stab weapons are mostly used against enemies that are wearing medium armor, and those that have tough skin such as dragons. On the other hand, these weapons are bad against enemies with tough armor.
What makes this build very tough to get is that in involves getting the Osmumten’s Fang which is one of the most expensive melee weapons in the game.
What’s great about the Osmumten’s Fang is that it’s actually viable for many builds that’s focused on Melee. Thanks to its tremendous attack power, the weapon is regarded as one of the best in OSRS. For stab builds, here are some monsters and bosses that you can use it against. Keep in mind that this short list doesn’t involve all monsters weak to stab.
Slot | Item | Stab bonus |
Notes |
Head | 
| Fighter hat | +5 | Wearing it requires level 45 Defense. Additionally, each role from the Barbarian Assault minigame needs to have 275 Honor points. |
Neck | 
| Amulet of torture | +15 | Level 75 Hitpoints are needed to wear this. |
Body | 
| Mixed hide top | +4 | Wearing this requires level 50 Defense and level 60 Range. |
Leg | 
| Mixed hide legs | +3 | Wearing it requires a level 60 Range. |
Boots | 
| Boots of brimstone | +3 | Wearing it requires level 44 Slayer, level 70 Magic, level 70 Defense, and level 70 Range. |
Cape | 
| Ardougne cloak 4 | +6 | Needs the Elite Ardougne Diary to be finished. One of the most useful capes in the game so make sure to get it when possible. |
Off-hand | 
| Avernic defender | +30 | Level 70 Attack and Level 70 Defense are needed, along with an avernic defender hilt and a dragon defender. |
Gloves | 
| Ferocious gloves | +16 | Wearing it requires level 80 Attack and level 80 Defense. |
Ring | 
| Treasonous ring (i) | +8 | Initially, the treasonous ring grants a +4 stab boost. To double the ring's bonuses to +8, you can upgrade this ring through Soul Wars or the Nightmare Zone. It will take a bit of work but the effort is worth it as the ring becomes a lot more useful. |
Weapn | 
| Osmumten's fang | +105 | Level 82 Attack is needed to wield this. This should be your main weapon of choice but if you don’t have it yet, you can use the Zamorakian spear. It’s not as powerful but it still deals a significant amount of stab damage. |
Weapon | 
| Zamorakian spear | +85 | Level 70 Attack is needed to wield this. |
TOTAL | +195 | +145 in case a Zamorakian spear is used. |
Slash weapons are fast and very powerful. It’s the most versatile out of all the melee attack types in the game so it’s worth investing in this for your character. Most of the slash type weapons include whips, claws, and scimitars. If you’re looking to create a build that’s focused on making quick attacks, it’s often best to go with Slash builds because the weapons here are typically faster.
Slash weapons are strong against enemies that wear clothing or no armor at all. However, it does very poorly against enemies with metal armor.
This build is great for many scenarios and is actually a lot easier to make compared to others. The only challenge is getting the Infernal cape which requires going through the Inferno which is a lot harder than the TzHaar fight caves.
Some of the monsters weak against this include:
Moss Giant
Fire Giant
Cave Crawler
Abyssal Demon
Slot | Item | Slash bonus | hide Notes |
Head | 
| Warrior helm | +5 | Level 45 Defense and finishing The Fremennik Trials are tough but you’ll need that to wear this helm. A good alternative would be the fighter hat from Barbarian Assault. However, it has a lower defence bonus but the same slash attack boost. The good news is that that head wear also has a higher crush and stab bonus as well. |
Neck | 
| Amulet of torture | +15 | Wearing it requires level 75 Hitpoints. |
Boots | 
| Primordial boots | +2 | Wearing it requires level 75 Defense and level 75 Strength. |
Cape | 
| Infernal cape | +4 | You will need the Inferno to be finished. One of the toughest challenges in the game but the reward is well worth it. |
Weapon | 
| Avernic defender | +29 | Level 70 Attack and Level 70 Defense are needed, along with an avernic defender hilt and a dragon defender. |
Gloves | 
| Ferocious gloves | +16 | Requires you to be level 80 in both attack and defense. |
Ring | 
| Bellator ring | +20 | Wearing this requires finishing Desert Treasure II: The Fallen Empire. The quest is relatively long and will require a lot of time and dedication to finish. If you consider the prerequisite for beating the quest, you’re looking at even more time spent. |
Weapon | 
| Zombie axe | +105 | Level 65 Attack is needed to wield this. |
Weapon | 
| Soulreaper axe | +134 | Level 80 Attack and Level 80 Strength are needed to wield this. |
TOTAL | +196 | If the Soulreaper axe is being used, +196. |
These weapons are mainly maces, mauls, and hammers. While generally slow, these deliver some of the hardest damage per hits in the game. Crush weapons work well against enemies that are wearing full platebodies, or small-spined monsters. It does poor damage against enemies that have flexible armor or those with plant-like bodies.
Having no weapon at all or fighting unarmed will count as crush damage. The enemies weak against crush include:
Cave bug
King Rat
Living Rock Brawler
Living Rock Striker
Slot | Item | Crush bonus | hide Notes |
Head | 
| Inquisitor's great helm | +8 | Wearing it requires level 30 Defense and level 70 Attack. |
Neck | 
| Amulet of torture | +15 | Level 75 Hitpoints are needed to wear this. |
Body | 
| Inquisitor's hauberk | +12 | Has to be worn with at least level 30 Defense and level 70 Strength. |
Leg | 
| Inquisitor's plateskirt | +12 | Wearing it requires level 30 Defense and level 70 Strength. |
Boots | 
| Primordial boots | +2 | Level 75 Defense and 75 Strength are needed to wear this. |
Cape | 
| Mythical cape | +6 | You will need to finish the Dragon Slayer II quest. A relatively long quest but the reward is well worth it. Aside from the cape, you’re getting loads of XP on various skills as well. |
Off-hand | 
| Avernic defender | +28 | To use, have level 70 Attack and level 70 Defense. |
Gloves | 
| Ferocious gloves | +16 | Requires finishing Dragon Slayer II and wearing armor with levels 80 Attack and Defense. You can get this alongside the Mythical Cape. |
Ring | 
| Tyrannical ring (i) | +8 | At first, the Tyrannical ring grants a +4 crush bonus. If you want to upgrade the ring, you can infuse either through Soul Wars or via the Nightmare Zone. Infusing it doubles the crush bonus. |
Weapn | 
| Inquisitor's mace | +95 | You must have level 80 Attack to use. You can use the dragon warhammer as an alternative. It has the same crush bonus but it is slower for a trade-off of a little strength boost which is worth it in some cases. |
Weapon | 
| Elder maul | +135 | Level 75 Attack and Level 75 Strength are needed to wield this. |
TOTAL | +214 | +202 if an avernic defender and an inquisitor's mace are being used. |
This is one of the core combat types in the game mainly because there are many monsters that are weak to magic, including some major bosses in the game. Magic Bonus is different from Magic Damage bonus. Like the bonuses for stab, slash, and crush attacks, Magic Bonus amplifies the accuracy of your Magic-based attacks. We’ll talk more about Magic Damage Bonus later.
When it comes to overall value, a lot of player believe that achieving a maxed-out mage in OSRS is by far one of the most time-consuming and most expensive feat in the game. Just the Tukemen’s Shadow alone can take you a long time to get. Magic is very effective against enemies that have metal armor but it doesn’t do well against dragons or dragonhide armor.
Slot | Item | Magic bonus |
Notes |
Head | 
| Ancestral hat | +8 | Offers +2% Magic damage and requires you to be at least level 65 in Defense and 75 Magic. A cheaper alternative would be the Third-Age Mage hat which has a skill requirement of Level 65 Magic and level 30 Defense. The difference is that this hat doesn’t have melee defense or magic damage bonuses. |
Neck | 
| 3rd age amulet | +15 | Wearing this requires level 30 Defense and level 65 Magic. You can get a cheaper alternative with the amulet of fury, glor, or magic. All of these greant 10 Magic Attack bonus. If you want something cheaper but better, get the occult necklace which adds 12 Magic Bonus and 10% Magic Damage bonus. |
Body | 
| Ancestral robe top | +35 | Offers +2% Magic damage and requires you to be at least level 65 in Defense and 75 Magic. |
Leg | 
| Ancestral robe bottom | +26 | Offers +2% Magic damage and requires you to be at least level 65 in Defense and 75 Magic. |
Boots | 
| Eternal boots | +8 | Wearing this requires level 75 Magic and level 75 Defense. |
Cape | 
| Imbued god cape | +15 | Offers +2% Magic damage and requires level 75 Magic and completion of the Mage Arena II miniquest to be worn. |
Off-hand | 
| Elidinis' ward (f) | +25 | This has amazing benefits but also has steep skills requirements including. level 80 Magic, level 80 Defense, level 90 Prayer, and level 90 Smithing to be worn. The basic Elidinis’ Ward is good as well but it’s far from what this brings. The mage's book is significantly less expensive and offers a +15 benefit in place of a magic damage boost. |
Gloves | 
| Tormented bracelet | +10 | +5% Magic damage and level 75 hit points are required to wear this. |
Ring | 
| Magus ring | +15 | Wearing this requires finishing Desert Treasure II: The Fallen Empire. |
Weapon | 
| Kodai wand | +28 | Offers +15 Magic damage and requires level 80 Magic to wield. |
Weapon | 
| Tumeken's shadow | +35 | When utilizing its built-in spell, the passive benefit of this level 85 Magic weapon triples the bonuses for magic accuracy. |
TOTAL | +501 | +185 if Elidinis' ward (f) and a Kodai wand are worn. When using a spell other than Tumeken's shadow, this is still the maximum accuracy increase that can be obtained. |
If you’re used to fighting enemies from afar, then it would be wise to create a solid Ranged build for your character in OSRS. The Ranged attack type is best for enemies that are large or those that are Magical in nature. However, this type of combat isn’t effective when used against enemies that are wearing armor.
Slot | Item | Ranged bonus |
Notes |
Head | 
| Masori mask | +12 | Level 30 Defense and Level 80 Range are needed to wear this. |
Neck | 
| Necklace of anguish | +15 | Provides +5 Ranged Strength. Level 75 Hitpoints are needed to use this. If you’re struggling to get this, you can settle for the amulet of glory or fury instead but these only have a +10 Bonus. |
Body | 
| Masori body | +43 | Level 30 Defense and Level 80 Range are needed to wear this. |
Leg | 
| Masori chaps | +27 | Level 30 Defense and Level 80 Range are needed to wear this. |
Boots | 
| Pegasian boots | +12 | Wearing it requires level 75 Defense and level 75 Range. |
Cape | 
| Blessed dizana's quiver | +28 | Wearing it requires finishing the Fortis Colosseum and reaching level 75 in the range. Gives a benefit that is comparable to the Dizana's quiver (Charged). |
Off-hand | 
| Twisted buckler | +18 | Level 75 Defense and Range are needed to use this. |
Gloves | 
| Zaryte vambraces | +18 | Has to be worn with level 45 Defense and level 80 Range. |
Ring | 
| Venator ring | +10 | Wearing this requires finishing Desert Treasure II: The Fallen Empire. |
Weapn | 
| Zaryte crossbow | +110 | Level 80 Range is needed to wield this. One of the reasons why this is a good weapon is that it provides defense bonuses while other crossbows don’t. If you’re using enchanted bolts, you’re getting a 10% bonus as well. |
Weapon | 
| Bow of faerdhinen | +128 | Must finish Song of the Elves in addition to having level 80 Ranged and level 70 Agility in order to use. |
TOTAL | +293 | +293 while equipped with a twisted buckler and a Zaryte crossbow. |
Strength bonus is somewhat hard to explain but it works differently from increasing your Strength Skill. Almost all weapons and armor in the game provide this bonus.
A point to your Strength Bonus doesn’t mean that you’re increasing your Strength Skill. Instead, it indicates your equipment’s maximum damage potential. To put it into perspective, a +16 Strength Bonus will increase your maximum hit by 1, and a bonus of +39 will increase it by 2.
Strength Bonus also dictates how much of your Strength level is needed to deal maximum damage.
Slot | Item | Strength bonus |
Notes |
Head | 
| Torva full helm | +8 | Wearing it requires level 80 Defense. If it’s too expensive for you at this point, you can focus on finishing the Fremennik Exiles quest first to get the Neitiznot faceguard. This has a lower Strength Bonus but it’s a good step before getting the Torva Full Helm.
Finishing the Fremennik Isles will also reward you with a Helm of Neitiznot which is weaker than the faceguard. You can switch this with a Berserker Helm as both have the same Strength Bonus but this is much easier to acquire. Lastly, an obsidian helm grants +3, requiring only level 60 Defense which is another great alternative.
The next best in slot with a +5 strength bonus is a serpentine helm but is more expensive than the headwear above. |
Neck | 
| Amulet of torture | +10 | Level 75 Hitpoints are needed to wear this. You can go for the Amulet of Strength instead but you’re trading off affordability for attack boosts to all melee damage types and Prayer bonuses. |
Body | 
| Torva platebody | +6 | Wearing this requires level 80 Defense and again, can be hard to get.
You can use the Bandos Chestplate as an alternative albeit it’s weaker than the Torva platebody but it has a high Defense bonus. If you can finish Barbarian Assault, try to get the Fighter Torso which is a good mid-game alternative. |
Leg | 
| Torva platelegs | +4 | Must wear defense up to level 80. Level 65 Defense is required to wear bandos tassets, which grant a +2 Strength bonus. |
Boots | 
| Primordial boots | +5 | Wearing it requires level 75 Defense and level 75 Strength. |
Cape | 
| Infernal cape | +8 | Needs the Inferno to be finished. Fire cape is much easier to obtain, but it grants +4. |
Off-hand | 
| Avernic defender | +8 | Level 70 Attack and Defense are needed to use this. |
Gloves | 
| Ferocious gloves | +14 | Has to be worn with level 80 Attack and level 80 Defense. |
Ring | 
| Ultor ring | +12 | Wearing this requires finishing Desert Treasure II: The Fallen Empire. |
Weapn | 
| Zombie axe | +107 | You must have level 65 Attack to use this. |
Weapon | 
| Elder maul | +147 | Level 75 Attack and 75 Strength are needed in order to use this. |
TOTAL | +214 | +182 if the Avernic Defender and Zombie axe are being used. If you can, you’ll have a higher bonus by getting the Vesta’s blighted longsword and the Avernic Defender. However, these are limited to be used only on Bounty Hunter and on the Wilderness via Target Worlds. |
Magic Damage
Again, this is different from Magic Bonus. Whereas that provides Magic Accuracy, this plainly enhances the amount of damage that you do using your spells. Ideally, you’d want to balance having both Magic Bonus and Magic Damage Bonus. In most cases, the armor you wear for both builds remain the same and only the weapons actually change.
Slot | Item | Magic bonus | Notes |
Head | 
| Ancestral hat | +2% | Wearing it requires level 65 Defense and level 75 Magic. |
Neck | 
| Occult necklace | +10% | Wearing it requires Magic at level 70. |
Body | 
| Ancestral robe top | +2% | Wearing it requires level 65 Defense and level 75 Magic. |
Leg | 
| Ancestral robe bottom | +2% | Wearing it requires level 65 Defense and level 75 Magic. |
Boots | 
| Imbued god cape | +2% | Wearing it requires finishing Mage Arena II and having level 75 Magic. |
Cape | 
| Elidinis' ward (f) | +5% | This has amazing benefits but also has steep skills requirements including. level 80 Magic, level 80 Defense, level 90 Prayer, and level 90 Smithing to be worn. The basic Elidinis’ Ward is good as well but it’s far from what this brings. The mage's book is significantly less expensive and offers a +15 benefit in place of a magic damage boost. |
Off-hand | 
| Tormented bracelet | +5% | Wearing it requires level 75 Hitpoints. |
Gloves | 
| Magus ring | +2% | Must finish Desert Treasure II: The Fallen Empire in order to wear. |
Ring | 
| Kodai wand | +15% | Needs Magic at least level 80 to wield
If it’s too much to get at your level, you can get the staff of the dead’s toxic version which also has 15% Magic Damage bonus. The main difference is that the staff of the dead doesn’t have infinite water runes and can be more costly to operate later on. |
Weapn | 
| Tumeken's shadow | +0% | Very expensive but very powerful staff. It has a built-in spell that deals even more damage when used. It might not have Magic Damage bonus but is the more efficient weapon in the game for mages. |
TOTAL | +75% | The maximum damage bonus when casting spells from any spellbook is still +45 if utilizing a Kodai wand and Elidinis' ward (f). |
Prayer Bonus works a bit differently. Every point of Prayer Bonus that you get will reduce the Prayer Point consumption of your Prayers by 3.33%. This means if you’re using a Prayer that drains a point for every 6 seconds, you can effectively reduce that to draining every 12 seconds given the right build.
The build below provides you with the maximum amount of Prayer Bonus in OSRS currently. For this, we’re using the Sunfire Fanatic Set which you can get from the Fortis Colosseum.
Slot | Item | Prayer bonus |
Notes |
Head | 
| Sunfire fanatic helm | +6 | Has relatively low requirements with level 40 Defense and level 60 Prayer. However, you’ll have to work hard for it as it’s only acquired as a reward during the Fortis Colosseum. |
Neck | 
| Dragonbone necklace | +12 | Wearing it requires level 70 Prayer. The Bonecrusher necklace has the same benefits and requirements so you can get that if you don’t have the means to get this one first. |
Body | 
| Sunfire fanatic cuirass | +10 | Has relatively low requirements with level 40 Defense and level 60 Prayer. However, you’ll have to work hard for it as it’s only acquired as a reward during the Fortis Colosseum.. |
Leg | 
| Sunfire fanatic chausses | +8 | Has relatively low requirements with level 40 Defense and level 60 Prayer. However, you’ll have to work hard for it as it’s only acquired as a reward during the Fortis Colosseum.. |
Boots | 
| Devout boots | +5 | Wearing this requires level 60 Prayer. |
Cape | 
| Soul cape | +8 | Wearing it requires level 70 Prayer and 2,500 Zeal Tokens that may be obtained via the Soul Wars Minigame. |
Off-hand | 
| Any god book | +5 | All of the god books provide the same bonus. To get it, you’ll first need to finish Horror from the Deep. Once you have a book acquired from the boss, you’ll then have to acquire four unique torn pages either as a reward from Treasure Trails or by trading with other players.
The Falador Shield 4 provides the same benefits but you’ll have to finish the Elite Falador Diary to get the same bonus first. In our opinion, the god book is easier to get. |
Gloves | 
| Holy wraps | +3 | Wearing level 31 Prayer is required. You can choose to get the white gloves or blessed vambraces instead as these are cheaper. However, these only provide +1 Prayer. At the mid level is the Tormented Bracelet which is cheaper than the Holy Wraps but requires 75 Hitpoints. |
Ring | 
| Ring of the gods (i) | +8 | The gods' ring originally grants a +4 Prayer bonus. You can double this Prayer Bonus with imbuing through Soul Wars or the Nightmare Zone.
If you can’t imbue the Ring of the Gods yet, you can switch to the Ring of Suffering which has better Defense bonus and the same Prayer bonus. However, this doesn’t have the Holy Wrench effect that the Ring of the Gods has. |
Weapn | 
| Any crozier | +6 | Needs Prayer at level 60 in order to use.
You can use the Void Knight Mace as an alternative but it has a heavier Skill requirement of 42 for Strength, Attack, Range, Magic, Defense, and Hitpoints. |
Weapon | 
| Rada's blessing 4 | +2 | You need to finish the elite Kourend & Kebos Diary task. |
TOTAL | +73 | |
Increasing your Prayer Bonus is one of the most important aspects of OSRS. Just to give you an idea of why it’s worth investing in, here’s a calculation of how it will affect your Prayer drain if you max out the bonus on a P2P and F2P account.
Prayer Level | Prayer | Effect | Original Drain Rate | New Drain Rate (83% Increase) | New Drain Rate (333.33% Increase) |
1 | Thick Skin | +5% Defence | 1 point per 12 seconds | 1 point per 22 seconds | 1 point per 48 seconds |
4 | Burst of Strength | +5% Strength | 1 point per 12 seconds | 1 point per 22 seconds | 1 point per 48 seconds |
7 | Clarity of Thought | +5% Attack | 1 point per 12 seconds | 1 point per 22 seconds | 1 point per 48 seconds |
8 | Sharp Eye | +5% Ranged | 1 point per 12 seconds | 1 point per 22 seconds | 1 point per 48 seconds |
9 | Mystic Will | +5% Magic Attack and Defence | 1 point per 12 seconds | 1 point per 22 seconds | 1 point per 48 seconds |
10 | Rock Skin | +10% Defence | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 11 seconds | 1 point per 24 seconds |
13 | Superhuman Strength | +10% Strength | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 11 seconds | 1 point per 24 seconds |
16 | Improved Reflexes | +10% Attack | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 11 seconds | 1 point per 24 seconds |
19 | Rapid Restore | 2x restore rate for all skills, except Hitpoints and Prayer | 1 point per 36 seconds | 1 point per 66 seconds | 1 point per 144 seconds |
22 | Rapid Heal | 2x Restore rate for Hitpoints | 1 point per 18 seconds | 1 point per 33 seconds | 1 point per 72 seconds |
25 | Protect Item | Keep one extra item upon death | 1 point per 18 seconds | 1 point per 33 seconds | 1 point per 72 seconds |
26 | Hawk Eye | +10% Ranged | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 11 seconds | 1 point per 24 seconds |
27 | Mystic Lore | +10% Magic Attack and Defence | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 11 seconds | 1 point per 24 seconds |
28 | Steel Skin | +15% Defence | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
31 | Ultimate Strength | +15% Strength | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
34 | Incredible Reflexes | +15% Attack | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
37 | Protect from Magic | 100% protection from magic attacks by NPCs, 40% from players | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
40 | Protect from Missiles | 100% protection from ranged attacks by NPCs, 40% from players | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
43 | Protect from Melee | 100% protection from melee attacks by NPCs, 40% from players | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
44 | Eagle Eye | +15% Ranged | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
45 | Mystic Might | +15% Magic Attack and Defence | 1 point per 3 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 12 seconds |
46 | Retribution | Upon death, deals damage up to 25% of the player's base Prayer level to targets in a 3x3 radius | 1 point per 12 seconds | 1 point per 22 seconds | 1 point per 48 seconds |
49 | Redemption | Heals the player by 25% of their base Prayer level if they fall below 10% health, draining their prayer points fully | 1 point per 6 seconds | 1 point per 11 seconds | 1 point per 24 seconds |
52 | Smite | Reduces the opponent's prayer points by 25% of damage dealt | 1 point per 2 seconds | 1 point per 4 seconds | 1 point per 8 seconds |
55 | Preserve | Boosted stats last 50% longer | 1 point per 18 seconds | 1 point per 33 seconds | 1 point per 72 seconds |
60 | Chivalry | +15% Attack, +18% Strength, and +20% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | 1 point per 2.5 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds |
70 | Piety | +20% Attack, +23% Strength, and +25% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | 1 point per 2.5 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds |
74 | Rigour | +20% Ranged attack, +23% Ranged Strength, and +25% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | 1 point per 2.5 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds |
77 | Augury | +25% Magic Attack and Defence, +25% Defence | 1 point per 1.5 seconds | 1 point per 2.5 seconds | 1 point per 6 seconds |
OSRS Best In-Slot Items For F2P Builds
Unfortunately, playing OSRS with an F2P account can be very limiting as you don’t have access to many of the actual best-in-slot items in the game. Still, if you’re taking this route, you can get a substantial boost with these items below.
As you can see, most of the builds here are lacking a full set of equipment but that’s because you can put any other equipment you have access to on those slots. We’re only listing down the best in-slot items for the bonuses they provide. Our goal here is to maximize the bonuses for the specific build.
Slot | Item | Stab bonus |
Notes |
Neck | 
| Amulet of power | +6 | |
Weapon | 

| Rune sword Rune longsword | +38 | Level 40 Attack is needed to wield this. The Rune sword is faster, but both offer the same stab bonus. |
TOTAL | +44 | |
Slot | Item | Slash bonus |
Notes |
Neck | 
| Amulet of power | +6 | |
Weapon | 
| Rune 2h sword | +69 | Level 40 Attack is needed to wield this. |
TOTAL | +75 | |
Slot | Item | Crush bonus |
Notes |
Neck | 
| Amulet of power | +6 | |
Weapon | 
| Hill giant club | +65 | You must have level 40 Attack to use. Because it attacks at a faster rate, the Barronite Mace deals more damage per swing (DPS) but has a lower maximum hit and less Crush bonus. |
TOTAL | +71 | |
Slo | Item | Magic bonus | hide Notes |
Head | 

| Blue wizard hat Wizard hat | +2 | |
Neck | 
| Amulet of magic | +10 | |
Body | 

| Wizard robe | +3 | |
Legs | 
| Zamorak monk bottom | +2 | |
Weapon | 
| Bryophyta's staff | +15 | Level 30 Magic and Attack are needed to wield this. |
TOTAL | +32 | |
Slot | Item | Ranged bonus | hide Notes |
Head | 
| Coif | +2 | Wearing level 20 Range is required. |
Neck | 
| Amulet of power | +6 | |
Body | 
| Green d'hide body | +15 | Level 40 Defense and Range must be worn, and Dragon Slayer I must be finished. |
Legs | 
| Green d'hide chaps | +8 | Wearing it requires a level 40 range. |
Gloves | 
| Green d'hide vambraces | +8 | Wearing it requires a level 40 range. |
Weapon | 

| Maple shortbow Maple longbow | +29 | level 30 range is needed in order to use it. Each awards the same bonus for range. |
TOTAL | +68 | |
Slot | Item | Strength bonus |
Notes |
Neck | 
| Amulet of strength | +10 | |
Weapon | 
| Rune 2h sword | +70 | Level 40 Attack is needed to wield this. The same Strength bonus is offered by the Hill giant club, although its attack bonuses are less. |
Boots | 
| Decorative boots (gold) | +1 | acquired via the Castle Wars Ticket Exchange. |
TOTAL | +81 | |
Slot | Item | Prayer bonus |
Notes |
Head | 
| God full helm | +1 | Helmets from Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak are included in this. Wearing it requires level 40 Defense. |
Neck | 
| Holy symbol | +8 | Entered through level 31 Prayer on the second floor of the Edgeville Monastery, made by bringing an unblessed sign to Brother Jered. A prayer boost is also granted by the Amulet of Power, however it is just +1. |
Body | 
| Monk's robe top | +6 | Located on Level 2 of the Edgeville Monastery; entry needs level 31 Prayer. |
Legs | 
| Monk's robe bottom | +5 | Located on Level 2 of the Edgeville Monastery; entry needs level 31 Prayer. |
Off-hand | 
| God kiteshield | +1 | Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak kiteshields are examples of this. Wearing it requires Defense level 40. |
Weapon | 
| Rune mace | +4 | You must have level 40 Attack to use this. |
TOTAL | +25 | |
Start Farming For The Best Items In OSRS
Having the best in slot gear in OSRS is tough work and will require lots of time and investment. Hopefully, the guide above shows you the things you should focus on in your OSRS journey depending on your build.