Gunslinger Peacemaker Build - Lost Ark | RPGstash

23.10.2022 - 17:34:29
Game Guides , Lost Ark

Gunslinger Peacemaker Build - Lost Ark | RPGstash

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The Best Gunslinger Peacemaker Raid Build

Gunslinger is a ranged DPS class that utilizes weapons such as handguns, shotguns, and sniper rifles. They are popular for having consistent DPS uptime and leaving crit synergy to the party. However, they are one of the squishiest classes in the game, but her kit allows her to have extreme mobility that can dodge almost minor boss patterns. Proper positioning and efficient skill rotation are key to successfully optimizing this class to her utmost DPS potential. In this guide, I'll discuss how to be the best Gunslinger Peacemaker in Lost Ark.

Skill Build for Gunslinger Peacemaker in Lost Ark

Gunslinger is a type of class that changes one stance to another and is comparable to the Glaivier Pinnacle Build. You have to switch between pistol mode, shotgun mode, and sniper rifle mode while being aware of your surroundings for incoming attacks. And honestly, this class will take time to master since it requires muscle memory and insane mechanical skills to get used to her active playstyle.

Pistol Mode

Most of the skill rotation while using a gunslinger involves consistently opening a DPS window by using the Pistol Stance. This stance will help you build up adrenaline stacks, reposition, and leave debuff to the enemy for the next high-damaging skills.







Spiral Tracker

Weakness Exposure




AT02 Grenade


Quick Step

Life Absorption




Somersault Shot




Dexterous Shot





Excellent Mobility


Bullet Rain

In a Tight Spot

Rapid Fire



Damage Gem


  • You don't need to invest so many skill points but complete the three first tripods on the given skill. Weakness Exposure leaves -10% Crit Resistance attacks, Life Absorption gives Movement Speed buff, and Excellent Mobility allows you to reposition safely or engage the enemy from a far distance.
  • Alternatively, if you prefer to proc Conviction and Judgement ruin combo, you can put it on Spiral Tracker (Conviction) and Dexterous Shot (Judgment). However, with the current patch in Lost Ark, this rune combo has recently been nerfed.
  • Bullet Rain is your only DPS skill on this stance and could also help you to deny some movement speed debuff.
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Shotgun Mode

This stance allows you to approach enemies in close-combat fights and deal stagger damage to a given mechanic.







Shotgun Rapid Fire


Last Request




Dual Buckshot

In a Tight Spot

Enhanced Fire

Final Strike


Damage & Cooldown Gem


Special Bullet

In a Tight Spot

Guardian’s Breath


Damage & Cooldown Gem



  • Dual Buckshot and Sharpshooter is your primary DPS skill in this stance.
  • Last Request is your second counter skill and could be extremely slow compared to your pistol's counter ability: Peacekeeper. However, this is one of your biggest stagger skills, so make sure to save it for stagger mechanics.

Sniper Mode

This is the primary high-damaging stance that allows you to poke enemies from afar. Compared to the shotgun mode, this deals high damage while being safe from close-combat attacks. However, the skills in this stance have longer animation time than using skills in shotgun mode.










Carpet Bombing


Damage Gem

Perfect Shot


Kill Confirmation

Enhanced Shot


Damage Gem

Focused Shot

Quick Aim

Double Tap

Final Strike


Damage & Cooldown Gem

Target Down

Special Bullet


In a Tight Spot

Guardian’s Breath


Damage & Cooldown Gem



  • These are the skills that you need to land on the boss since they deal significant damage.
  • Skills such as Catastrophe and Perfect Shot give you push immunity and could be helpful in some situations, especially in Valtan Legion Raid.

Awakening Skill

Choosing between the two awakening skills of Gunslinger is a matter of preference.

High-Caliber HE Bullet: This awakening has the highest DPS compared to the latter. However, this has a slow wind-up skill and could be hard to master.

Eye of Twilight: Offers less damage, but you can easily land this skill. On top of that, this also leaves the eye of twilight debuff that applies move/attack speed debuff to the enemy.

Personally, As having a gunslinger alt character, I'd rather go for less punishing Awakening: Eye of Twilight. The movement speed debuff allows me to land my high-damaging skills efficiently.

Skill Rotation

Gunslinger relies on consistently landing your skill rotation to deal as much damage as possible. Below are some common skill combinations that you need to master:

Spiral Tracker + Quick Step (Setup)

These two skills will give you a 10% Crit Rate and Move/Atk Speed. I call this a setup since you will use these two skills before any damage.

Generic DPS Combo
  1. Setup + Sharpshooter + Dual Buckshot
  2. Setup + Target Down + Focused Shot

These generic combos allow you to deal efficient DPS without risking your survivability.

DPS Skill Rotation

Combo 1:

  1. Setup
  2. Target Down
  3. Focused Shot
  4. Perfect Shot

Combo 2:

  1. Setup
  2. Catastrophe
  3. Sharpshooter
  4. Dual Buckshot
  5. Peacekeeper

These two combos can be mixed up, given the fact that you have a long DPS window. For example, whenever you counter or stagger the boss.

Adrenaline Stacking Combo
  1. Dexterous Shot
  2. Peacekeeper
  3. AT02 Grenade
  4. Setup

This combo could be a great opener and is only recommended if you're running adrenaline on your gunslinger (which you will likely do).

Stagger Check Combo
  1. Catastrophe
  2. Last Request
  3. Shotgun Rapid Fire
  4. Focused Shot

You can only use this combo if there's a certain stagger check on the boss.

Stats Priority

Gunslinger with the Peacemaker build prioritizes Crit. You must at least have over 1200-1400 Crit. The rest of the points can be distributed toward Swiftness or Specialization.

Engravings For Gunslinger


Peacemaker: This engraving improves your stances and boosts the damage dealing shotgun and rifle skills. You only need this engraving at level 1.

Hit Master: Gunslinger skills doesn't rely on back attack and head attack modifiers compared to other classes. This engraving improves your skill damage by 16%.

Adrenaline: This engraving increases your Crit Rate by 16% and provides you with 6% Atk. Power. You can easily gain stacks in your pistol mode.

Keen Blunt Weapon: Since most of your skill relies on dealing critical damage, this is one of the best engravings for Gunslinger since this provides 50% Critical Damage. However, only use this if you have a 60-80% Crit Rate.

Damage Engravings

Grudge: This is a two-edged sword that sets a good gunslinger from a bad gunslinger. This engraving provides 20% additional damage, but you will also received 20% more damage in return. Given the fact that gunslinger are squishy, this engraving makes you thin like a tissue.

Curse Doll: This engraving will boost your attack power by 16% but decreases your healing potency by 25%.

Optional Engravings

Spirit Absorption & Raid Captain: These two engravings are fairly optional and is effective if you are on a budget.

Optimal Build

Peacemaker (Lvl 1)

Grudge (Lvl 3)

Adrenaline (Lvl 3)

Hit Master (Lvl 3)

Keen Blunt Weapon (Lvl 3)

Curse Doll (Lvl 3)

Only use this setup if you're confident to deal damage while avoiding lethal attacks.

Optional Build #1

Peacemaker (Lvl 1)

Adrenaline (Lvl 2)

Grudge (Lvl 3)

Hit Master (Lvl 3)

Keen Blunt Weapon (Lvl 3)

Curse Doll (Lvl3)

You can also make this build if you're on a budget and couldn’t do 5x3x1 setup.

Optional Build #2

Peacemaker (Lvl 1)

Grudge (Lvl 3)

Keen Blunt Weapon (Lvl 3)

Hit Master (Lvl 3)

Raid Captain (Lvl 3)

Spirit Absorption (Lvl 3)

This is the safest among the build yet the less effective since you won't be able to deal as much as damage compared to the two above. However, you will have more survivability, and this build is highly recommended for beginners.


Gunslinger is a versatile class and highly recommended for intermediate players. Positioning is important in this class and is what makes good and bad gunslingers different from one another. Overall, this class will likely have a crit synergy role in the raid while dealing consistent critical damage to the enemy.

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