The Heart for Ukraine (Editorial)

18.06.2022 - 17:25:37
Game Guides , RPGStash Blog

The Heart for Ukraine (Editorial)

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We are (as business) want to note why we have a heart in the shape of the Ukrainian flag on the website logo.
Whoever reads this is probably aware of the Russian aggression in Ukraine. Sadly, this time is not about the games. It is not about who is right or wrong, East or West. It is not about political views and geopolitics discussions in the bar. It is not about black and white. And most sadly there is no middle.
Once evil is coming to the someone’s house to kill and take over the house - there is no turning point back (and if you have a heart), that it is not any more possible to say “they have provoked it”, that “we do not know everything”, that is “geopolitics”.
When kids and civilians die because of the bombs, rockets, mines, and bullets because someone thinks their nation is worth nothing, that their place “historically” belongs to someone else. It is not even war anymore - it is a genocide.
Back in 1939 humans had seen this already, when the nazis started to say that their nation prevails above others, and then hundreds of millions of people were killed.
Yes, there are conflicts of the interests, political disagreements but there are always possibilities to resolve this in other ways, diplomatic, make stronger your own economy to protect your growing interests.
What is happening now is not only Putin but also whole world should take responsibilities on what is going on. That we allowed this to happen, some started to think it is even possible and there are no other ways around this. But at this time, every human who has a heart should stand not on the right but NOT on the evil side.  In these circumstances we as internarioanly spread busines strongly believe we can’t not to declare our position. We support peace and want to stop this.
In case anyone wants to do more about it:
1. Support the official humanitarian organizations that help civilians who suffer in Ukraine or had to flee the country. More than 7 million people (mostly women and kids) have left the country since the war started.
2. Support Ukrainian army, to stand strong and do not allow the evil spread further.
Come back home alive” fund that collects the money for the military (mostly defensive) equipment.
PS. This song by young artists from the Ukraine is dedicated to the largest aircraft “Mriya - the Dream” ever built and destroyed by the Russian army in the first days of the aggression. Mriya has become a symbol of the new and stronger Ukraine and which will be rebuilt for sure.

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