Horadric Cube Recipes -D2R 2.6

29.01.2024 - 16:23:53
D2R Gameplay Guides , Diablo 2: Resurrected , Game Guides

Horadric Cube Recipes -D2R 2.6

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A Comprehensive guide about Diablo 2's (And D2R's) Horadric Cube and List of All Cube recipes available in the game.

Update: D2R's 2.6 Patch introduces new Cube Recipes. Read about All New Cube Recipes here.

What is the Horadric Cube and how to use it?

The Horadric Cube is a powerful quest item in Diablo2 that has many utilities. The Item can be obtained in Act II at Halls of the Dead level 3 ,during the Horadric Staff quest,and you can only have one per character. The Cube acts as a transmute device, and has many utilities, including creating new items, or upgrading ones.

To do so , one must simply open the cube, then put the required items for the recipe inside it and finally then press the "transmute" button . You can open the Cube by right clicking it then you can drag and drop the items you want to combine inside it . Since you can put items inside it , the Cube also serves as a storage unit by. As a result, it will provide you with extra space wich is very practical .

It gives the player 4x3 slots of space , costing only 2x2 slots to carry , resulting in 8 item slots worth of space! If you try to put something in the Cube but there is not enough space inside, you character will say that there is not enough space. Also, Deckard Cain will still identify your items even if you carry them inside the Cube.

What else ?

The biggest perk of the Horadric Cube still remains its ability to convert , combine , transform, upgrade or recycle items . Not many recipes were available when the game first came out, but in 2003 when Blizzard released the patch 1.10 , more than 60 were added. These recipes give you access to a lot of possibilities, from enhancing a piece of equipment to upgrading your runes to the next tier and much more.

All of the recipes work in Diablo 2 Resurrected!

So here is the list of all the Diablo2 Horadric Cube recipes broken down in categories:

Buy the Best D2R Items

Runes and Gems recipes

The following recipes are used to increase your rune's tier.

Notes :

-After Ort rune , patch 1.10 or higher is required for the recipes to work.

-After Dol rune , the 19 remaining rune recipes will only work for single-player , ladder or open . They won't work for Classic characters.

-Be careful not to confuse Io and Lo runes, as they are very similar in spelling.

  • 3 El runes = 1 Eld rune
  • 3 Eld runes = 1 Tir rune
  • 3 Tir runes = 1 Nef rune
  • 3 Nef runes = 1 Eth rune
  • 3 Eth runes = 1 Ith rune
  • 3 Ith runes = 1 Tal rune
  • 3 Tal runes = 1 Ral rune
  • 3 Ral runes = 1 Ort rune
  • 3 Ort runes = 1 Thul rune
  • 3 Thul runes + 1 chipped topaz = 1 Amn rune
  • 3 Amn runes + 1 chipped amethyst = 1 Sol rune
  • 3 Sol runes + 1 chipped saphire = 1 Shael rune
  • 3 Shael runes + 1 chipped ruby = 1 Dol eune
  • 3 Dol runes + 1 chipped emerald = 1 Hel rune
  • 3 Hel runes + 1 chipped diamond = 1 Io rune
  • 3 Io runes + 1 flawed topaz = 1 Lum rune
  • 3 Lum runes + 1 flawed amethyst = 1 Ko rune
  • 3 Ko runes + 1 flawed saphire = 1 Fal rune
  • 3 Fal runes + 1 flawed ruby = 1 Lem rune
  • 3 Lem runes + 1 flawed emerald = 1 Pul rune
  • 3 Pul runes + 1 flawed diamond = 1 Um rune
  • 3 Um runes + 1 topaz = 1 Mal rune
  • 3 Mal runes + 1 amethyst = 1 Ist rune
  • 3 Ist runes + 1 saphire = 1 Gul rune
  • 3 Gul runes + 1 ruby = 1 Vex rune
  • 3 Vex runes + 1 emereald = 1 Ohm rune
  • 3 Ohm runes + 1 diamond = 1 Lo rune
  • 3 Lo runes + 1 flawless topaz = 1 Sur rune
  • 3 Sur runes + 1 flawless amethyst = 1 Ber rune
  • 3 Ber runes + 1 flawless saphire = 1 Jah rune
  • 3 Jah runes + 1 flawless ruby = 1 Cham rune
  • 3 Cham runes + 1 flawless emerald = 1 Zod rune

Equipment recipes



a)Upgrades recipes

These recipes are used to upgrade the quality of a piece of equipment only and will not change the affixes on the item . Their purpose it to boost either the defense or the damage of the chosen item (armor or weapon).

  • 1 El rune + 1 chipped gem + 1 LOW quality armor = same type NORMAL quality armor.
  • 1 Eld rune + 1 chipped gem + 1 LOW quality weapon = same type NORMAL quality weapon.

The following recipes only work with the 1.10 patch or higher

  • 1 Ort rune + 1 Amn rune + 1 perfect saphire + 1 NORMAL (basic) rare weapon = EXCEPTIONAL rare weapon.
  • 1 Ral rune + 1 Thul rune + 1 perfect amethyst + NORMAL (Basic) rare armor = EXCEPTIONAL rare armor.
  • 1 Fal rune + 1 Um rune + 1 perfect sapphire + EXCEPTIONAL rare weapon = ELITE rare weapon.
  • 1 Ko rune + 1 Pul rune + 1 perfect amethyst + EXCEPTIONAL rare armor = ELITE rare armor.
  • 1 Ral rune + 1 Sol rune + 1 perfect emerald + NORMAL UNIQUE Weapon = EXCEPTIONAL version of weapon.
  • 1 Tal rune + 1 Shael rune + 1 perfect diamond + NORMAL UNIQUE armor = EXCEPTIONAL version of armor.

These next 2 recipes will also only work with the 1.10 patch or higher, and will only work on singleplayer or ladder characters.

  • 1 Lum rune + 1 Pul rune + 1 perfect emerald + EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE weapon = ELITE version of weapon.
  • 1 Ko rune + 1 Lem rune + 1 perfect diamond + EXCEPTIONAL UNIQUE armor = ELITE version of armor.
b) Maintenance and Socketing recipes

Use these recipes to repair your gear or to add or remove sockets .

  • 3 perfect skulls + 1 RARE item + 1 Stone of Jordan = Adds 1 socket to a RARE item.
  • 1 Hel rune + Scroll of Town Portal + 1 piece of any socketed equipment = removes items from sockets.
  • 1 Tal rune + 1 Thul rune + 1 perfect topaz + 1 NORMAL body armor = socketed body armor of the same type.
  • 1 Ral rune + 1 Amn rune + 1 perfect amethyst + 1 NORMAL weapon = socketed weapon of the same type.
  • 1 Ral rune + 1 Thul rune + 1 perfect sapphire + 1 NORMAL helm = socketed helm of the same type.
  • 1 Tal rune + 1 Amn rune + 1 perfect ruby + NORMAL shield = socketed shield of the same type.

The added number of sockets to items is randomized.

Notes :

-These recipes only work with the patch 1.10 or higher

-They can't be used on ethereal items and equipments

  • 1 Ort rune + 1 weapon = totally repairs weapon.
  • 1 Ral rune + 1 armor = totally repairs armor.
  • 1 Ort rune + 1 chipped Gem (of any type) + 1 weapon = totally repairs and recharges weapon.
  • 1 Ral rune + 1 flawed gem (of any type) + 1 armor = totally repairs and recharges armor.
Buy Cheap D2R Runes
C) Rerolls and New Item Creations

These recipes will help you to completely change the affixes (magical bonuses displayed in blue) on an existing item , or creating a new one for items you already have .

  • 1 perfect skull + 1 RARE item + 1 Stone of Jordan = 1 high quality new RARE item of the same type.
  • 3 perfect gems of any quality (skulls work too) + 1 magical item = 1 new random magical item of the same type. - works for any magical item including charms and jewels.
  • 6 perfect skulls + 1 RARE item = 1 random LOW quality RARE item of the same type.
  • 4 health potions (of any quality) + 1 Ruby (of any quality) + 1 magical sword = a magical sword of the Leech.
  • 1 magical shield ( of any type) + 1 spiked club (of any quality) + 2 skulls (of any quality) = magical shield of spikes.
  • 1 diamond + 1 staff + 1 kris + 1 belt = random savage polearm.
  • 3 chipped gems (of any type) + 1 magical weapon = 1 socketed magical weapon.
  • 3 flawed or flawless gems + 1 socketed weapon = 1 socketed magical weapon.
  • 3 flawless gems + 1 magical weapon = 1 socketed magical weapon.
  • 1 magical ring + 1 perfect emerald + 1 antidote potion = 1 jade ring.
  • 1 magical ring + 1 perfect sapphire + 1 thawing potion = 1 cobalt ring.
  • 1 magical ring + 1 perfect topaz + 1 rejuvenation potion = 1 coral ring.
  • 1 magic ring + 1 perfect ruby + 1 exploding potion = 1 garnet ring.
  • 6 perfect gems (1 of each type) + 1 magical amulet = magical prismatic amulet.
  • 3 health potions ( of any quality ) + 3 mana potions (of any quality ) + 1 chipped gem (of any type) = 1 partial rejuvenation potion.
  • 3 partial rejuvenation potions = 1 full rejuvenation potion.
  • 3 health potions (of any quality ) + 3 mana potions ( of any quality ) + 1 normal quality gem (between flawed and flawless) = 1 full rejuvenation potion.
  • 2 quivers of bolts = 1 quiver of arrows (random number).
  • 2 quivers of arrows = 1 quiver of bolts ( random number ).
  • 1 quiver of arrows + 1 spear = 1 stack of javelins ( random number ).
  • 1 dagger + 1 ax = a stack of throwing axes (random number).
  • 1 strangling gas potion + 1 healing potion = 1 antidote potion.

Quest related and other recipes


These remaining recipes are needed to complete certain quests or have a special purpose.

1. The secret cow level

This special quest allows you to craft a red portal to another dimension. There you will find many cow monsters ready to drop lots of loot! Be careful not to kill the superunique monster "Cow King" though , since if you do , the recipe will not be usable again on that difficulty by your character. For the recipe to work , you will need to have beaten Diablo in Act IV in the classic version of the game or Baal if you have the Lord of Destruction or D2R installed. You need to be in Rogue Camp (the first town in ACT I) and mix in the cube :

  • Wirt's leg + 1 tome of town portal = red portal to the Secret Cow Level.

You can find Wirt's leg in the upper left corner of ACT I in Tristram , at the same place where quest to save Deckard Cain takes place.

2. The pandemonium event (Uber Bosses)

Note that this event is only available after installing the patch 1.11 or higher

Part 1 acquiring the keys

Probably the most difficult event in the game . To start this chain of quests , one must first acquire 3 keys; (you should actually get 3 of each though, you will see why soon) . These 3 keys have roughly a 1:15 chance to drop each time you defeat 3 bosses :

  • The Countess in ACT I , in the Black Marsh , at the bottom of the Forgotten Tower has a chance to drop the Key of Terror.
  • The Summoner in ACT II , at one of the 4 ends of the Arcane Sanctuary , has a chance to drop the Key of Hate.
  • Nihlathak in ACT V , found deep in Anya's portal at one of the 4 ends of the Halls of Vaught , has a chance to drop the Key of Destruction.
Part 2 mixing the keys (Get 9keys first , 3 of each !)

When you have 1 key of each type, go to Harrogath (first town in ACT V) and mix them in the cube . This will start the next step, opening a red portal to one of the 3 locations. That being said, it is a good idea to actually have 3 keys of each in order to be able to open the 3 red portals at the same time, each with guaranteed different locations, and save you a headache of random location portal each game.

  • Key of Hate + Key of Terror + Key of Destruction = Red portal bringing you to either the Matron's Den, The Furnace of Pain or The Forgotten Sands.

If you already have 9 keys (3 of each) you don't have to worry about wich portal is going to open, the same portal can't open twice if there is already one active.

Part 3 into the portals

When you travel trough these portals you will reach 3 areas where you have 3 new bosses to defeat and these bosses will drop an item needed for the last part of the chain of quests.

  • Lilith in The Matron's Den who will drop Diablo's Horn.
  • Uber Duriel in The Forgotten Sands who will drop Baal's eye.
  • Uber Isuual in The Furnace of Pain who will drop Mephisto's Brain.

When you finally have the 3 body parts you can combine them in the Cube :

  • Baal's Eye + Diablo's Horn + Mephisto's Brain = red portal to Uber Tristram.
Part 4 Final challenge

Uber Tristram is a version of Tristram which is inhabited by none other than Uber Diablo , Uber Mephisto and Uber Baal , a much tougher and dangerous version of their predecessors . By defeating them , you will obtain the legendary Hellfire Torch, the only unique Large Charm in the game, which is the most powerful charm in the game .

3. The token of absolution

This last recipe crafts a token able to reset all your skill and stats point. As a result, you can convert the build of your character or try to switch things up a little . It is also very practical when you made a mistake or don't like the way your character is progressing . You will need to gather 4 essences dropped by 4 bosses, all on Hell difficulty only . This recipe only works from patch 1.13 or higher.

  • 1 Twisted Essence of Suffering, 1 Charged Essence of Hatred, 1 Burning Essence of Terror, 1 Festering Essence of Destruction = Token of Absolution.

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