How To Retrain With Atlas - OSRS Trailblazer

02.12.2023 - 17:24:48
Game Guides , Runescape

How To Retrain With Atlas - OSRS Trailblazer

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With Trailblazer Reloaded in OSRS comes a wealth of new achievements that reward you. Most of the achievements are fairly easy to do but some are causing a bit of a confusion with some players. One of the quests requires you to get re-trained by Atlas. While not particularly hard, you might still need some guidance on how to do this properly.

Let's talk about who Atlas is first and where you can find him.

Who Is Atlas And Where To Find Him?

He is one of the characters that you'll meet during the Below Ice Mountain quest in OSRS. On one part of the quest, you'll have to ask Checkal to help Willow. To do this however, you'll need to train with Atlas before he agrees. If you've done this part of the quest before, don't worry as you can always retrain with Atlas.

Training with Atlas will reward you with the flex emote. Other than that, there's not much else to get from it other than the fact that it's required to finish the quest.

Finishing the retrain with Atlas achievement will reward you with 10 points. The points might not matter much but if you're a completionist, then you definitely want to get this one done.

How To Retrain With Atlas

To retrain with Atlas, you'll first need to finish Below Ice Mountain. If it's your first time doing the quest, the achievement won't be triggered once you train with him the first time. Keep in mind that the task says to "retrain" with Atlas.

Once done, head to the Barbarian Village located south of Edgeville. Atlas is located in The Long Hall and speak to him. Retraining with Atlas will require 25,000 coins each time you do it. Luckily, the Trailblazer Reloaded League achievement requires you to retrain with him only once.

Retraining with Atlas results in nothing other than getting the achievement done. If you want to replay the training segment, then this is the only way to do that as well.

Head To Atlas Now!

As long as you've completed Below Ice Mountain before, this OSRS Trailblazer Reloaded League task should be fairly easy to complete. The hardest part is to get the 25,000 coins to have him retrain you. Other than that, it should be smooth sailing to get this task done.

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