PoE 3.25 Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator Build

06.08.2024 - 06:34:17
Game Guides , Path of Exile , POE build guides

PoE 3.25 Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator Build

When it comes to the different builds that you can play in Path of Exile, those that use bleed damage are not that popular. That is because they are mostly mediocre compared to their direct damage counterparts like Spark or Lightning Arrow.

However, with the massive melee rebalancing changes Grinding Gear Games has implemented in Patch 3.25, base skill gems and their transfigured versions have become stronger than ever before. One of those is the Transfigured Gem, Lacerate of Haemorrhage.

If you are interested in creating a character that utilizes the said skill gem, then go ahead and read this article to its completion. This is our comprehensive build guide for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League!

Learn to Craft the Best Items for This Build


Your main attack skill on this build is the Transfigured Gem, Lacerate of Haemorrhage. Unlike the original version, this allows you to deal huge amounts of damage via bleeds. What’s more, you get higher added physical damage against bleeding enemies, making this the ideal choice for slaying monsters on a budget.

When used, Lacerate of Haemorrhage prompts you to perform two slashes – one situated a bit on the left and the other on the right. Despite this motion, enemies in the middle of the attack are hit twice, which is why positioning is key to maximizing your damage output.

In Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, Lacerate of Haemorrhage has received a substantial damage increase, making the bleeds more effective at killing enemies in a matter of seconds. The only thing that you have to worry about is the increased mana cost, but that is something that you can rectify with your gear.

Additionally, attack speed goes a long way on this build. The faster you can initiate attacks using Lacerate of Haemorrhage, the more effective you are at slaying enemies.

One of the main selling points of this build is that it can work on a minimal budget. Hence, we recommend this as one of the league starters you might want to consider, particularly if you want an ascendancy class that uses the Duelist as a base. You can craft your own pieces of gear, but there are some unique items you can equip as well.

Now, it is important to note that Lacerate of Haemorrhage has a damage ceiling. It is pretty competent when it comes to mapping, but it suffers a bit when talking about single-target damage. If you want this to be a somewhat good build for bossing, you may have to dabble in crafting. Luckily for you, we have a comprehensive crafting guide for all of the information you need regarding this topic.

In terms of defenses, you can wear armor/evasion-based gear to get some spell suppression. You also have a decent block chance, so survivability is pretty good on this build.

With the removal of melee skill totems like the Ancestral Protector, you will feel the slightly lower attack speed. Fortunately, there is a new class of skill gems known as Retaliation Skills that can take its place. More on this later in the build guide.

When you have enough PoE currency, you can transition to stacking as many Frenzy Charges as you can from gear, items, and passive skills. These will be discussed in greater detail later on in the build guide.

If you want to increase your damage output, look for the following modifiers on your gear:

  • Added Physical Damage
  • Increased Physical Damage
  • + to Physical Damage Over Time Multiplier
  • + to Damage Over Time Multiplier
  • Increased Attack Speed
  • + 1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges


The Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator is pretty easy to play. Spam either Leap Slam or Shield Charge to move around the map and simply use Lacerate of Haemorrhage to eliminate your enemies.

Don’t forget to pop Blood Rage whenever you encounter tougher enemies. With the new Retaliation Skill, Eviscerate, you can initiate an Arcing Slash that unleashes two waves of Force. Monsters that are hit by these waves will suffer from bleeding.

Take note that Eviscerate is only usable two seconds after a successful block. You can raise this window of opportunity by using a new support gem. Refer to the Gems section of this build guide to learn more about this.


When it comes to builds that utilize bleed damage to slay monsters, there is no better ascendancy class than the Gladiator. It is as if Grinding Gear Games has made the class specifically for this archetype.

In fact, the Gladiator has received a much-needed rework in Patch 3.25 that makes Lacerate of Haemorrhage even more powerful!

Weapon Master is a new notable ascendancy passive skill that grants bonuses depending on the type of weapon you use. Since you’re using an axe for this build, you will enjoy a 30% more damage boost against enemies that are below 50% of their maximum life.

Determined Survivor is another new ascendancy node that basically gives you a 50% chance to block attacks. This is actually quite powerful since the block chance on your equipped shield is not factored into the equation; you simply get a significant chance to successfully block attacks from the enemy.

As if that is not enough for you, More Than Skill makes your attack block and spell block chance “Lucky” if you have successfully blocked an attack recently. This just means that between two outcomes, the higher chance to block will always be chosen.

Gratuitous Violence is nothing new. It still causes bleeding enemies you kill to explode. However, in the Settlers of Kalguur expansion, this ascendancy node now deals damage based on 20% of the enemy’s maximum life as physical damage (up from 10% previously). Keep in mind that Gratuitous Violence no longer gives 20% more physical damage over time.

The Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator excels at eliminating map monsters quickly and efficiently. But, this does not mean that the build cannot perform well against pinnacle bosses. If you are planning to kill bosses with this build, you can take War of Attrition instead of More Than Skill.

War of Attrition is a new notable ascendancy passive skill that grants a 1% more damage buff for each second that you’ve been in the presence of rare or unique enemies in PoE. This caps at a maximum of 100% and the good thing is that this bonus does not reset to zero when you die. The damage boost is still in effect unless you run out of portals or until you’ve successfully defeated the boss.

While not mandatory, you can use the Forbidden Flame and Forbidden Flesh jewels with Masterful Form as the matching modifier. This Slayer-only Ascendancy node raises your Maximum Frenzy Charges by one. Furthermore, it makes your Maximum Endurance Charges and Maximum Frenzy Charges on par with each other.

Notable Ascendancy Passive Skills for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator


The Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator can operate with mostly self-crafted items, though there are some unique pieces of gear that you can wear that also provide a ton of value. Of course, if you want to take this build to the next level, you will have to spend some PoE currency in order to achieve a more comfortable experience.


Jack, the Axe is a pretty affordable one-handed weapon that you can use for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator. This unique Vaal Hatchet grants you the Thirst for Blood skill, which reserves a small portion of your life to boost bleeding damage. Not only that but the weapon itself provides you with other useful mods, including added physical damage, increased physical damage, higher bleed chance, and damage over time multiplier for bleeds.

While the weapon is fine as it is, you can corrupt it with a Vaal Orb or “double corrupt” it with the Locus of Corruption in the Temple of Atzoatl for a chance to gain physical damage implicit modifiers.


Jack, the Axe


For the endgame version, you'll have to craft a much better one-handed weapon using Reaver Axe as the crafting base. Take note that it is pretty challenging to craft the axe but it is definitely worth it. You can read the full instructions in our ultimate crafting guide.

Self-crafted Reaver Axe (Endgame)


An evasion-based shield can be used as a crafting base so that you will have a chance to roll spell suppression. Spam the shield with Essence of Greed (Life) until you get some evasion, spell suppression, elemental resistance, chaos resistance, or block chance. If you want to get T1 spell suppression, you will need an item level 86 shield or higher.

Self-crafted Shield

Alternatively, you can go for a Shaper-influenced shield so that you can roll the mod: “Recover (3-5)% of Life When You Block. This is pretty useful, especially since you'll take the "Determined Survivor" and "More Than Skill" nodes from the Gladiator's ascendancy tree to improve your block chance significantly.

Self-crafted Shield (w/ Recover Life on Block Mod)


Since "The Surrender" unique shield now has a new (and inferior) effect in Patch 3.25, we can no longer recommend this for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator.

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Body Armor

Early on, you can utilize an armor/evasion-based chest and spam it with Essence of Greed (Life) or Essence of Envy (Chaos Resistance) until you get some elemental resistance, spell suppression, or attributes.

In terms of the implicit mods, spam the body armor with Eldritch Ichors to obtain the mod "Pride Has % Increased Aura Effect" and Eldritch Embers for "Increased Global Physical Damage."

Self-crafted Body Armor (Using the Essence of Greed)


If you want to spend a bit more currency, you can craft the body armor that gives you a sizable boost to your chance to avoid elemental ailments. This heavily improves your survivability and we highly recommend that you do so as soon as you have enough PoE currency. If you are interested in learning how to craft this, refer to our ultimate crafting guide.

It is worth noting that Gravicius' signature veiled modifier, which grants physical damage taken as fire/lightning damage, can no longer roll on body armor in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur. For this reason, you can replace it with any bench-crafted mod of your choosing.

Self-crafted Body Armor


Do you want a consistent uptime of Frenzy and Endurance Charges? If so, you can equip Replica Farrul’s For on the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator!

If you are going to wear Replica Farrul's Fur, you should also equip an item that grants the Aspect of the Cat skill. The said skill can be beastcrafted via the Menagerie with Farrul, First of the Plains already unlocked. You can purchase an itemized version of this creature from the trade website.

Now, Replica Farrul’s Fur is quite expensive. So, if you do not have enough PoE Currency yet, stick to the self-crafted body armor in the meantime.

Replica Farrul's Fur


You can roll spell suppression on an armor/evasion-based helmet like the Haunted Bascinet. Use Essence of Greed (Life) until you get spell suppression and elemental resistance. Leave a prefix slot open so that you can craft "% Physical Damage Taken as Fire Damage"

For the implicit modifiers, spam the helmet with Eldritch Ichors until you get "% Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills" and Eldritch Embers for "% Increased Area of Effect" If you need more mana reservation efficiency, you can use a few Orbs of Conflict to try and elevate the Eater of Worlds implicit mod.

Self-crafted Helmet


While a self-crafted helmet can go a long way, you can wear the Usurper's Penance as an alternative. You just have to make sure that you activate Blood Rage if you do not have Replica Farrul's Fur yet to have near-permanent uptime of Frenzy Charges to maximize this helmet's potential.

If you are going to use the Usurper's Penance for this build, purchase several of these from the trade website and corrupt them using Vaal Orbs. This is so that you will have a chance to obtain the implicit modifier: "Socketed Skill Gems Get a 90% Cost and Reservation Multiplier, which is quite helpful in activating your main auras for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator.

Usurper's Penance


By now, you have probably guessed that you can get spell suppression on gloves as well. The Dragonscale Gauntlets is the preferred crafting base, but you can use whatever armor/evasion-based gloves you can find. In fact, you can even try the new Wyvernscale Gauntlets as they provide the highest amount of armor and evasion on a pair of gloves in Patch 3.25.

Anyway, spam the gloves with Essence of Envy (Chaos Resistance), Essence of Zeal (Attack Speed), or Essence of Rage/Sorrow/Spite if you need STR, DEX, or INT, respectively. Do this until you get life, spell suppression, and elemental resistance. Added physical damage is also a good mod to have.

If you have an open prefix, bench-craft 28% increased damage during any flask effect for good measure.

For the implicits, spam Eldritch Ichors to get the new aggravate bleeding mod in Patch 3.25 and Eldritch Embers for physical damage over time multiplier.

Self-crafted Gloves


If you prefer using some unique gloves, the Haemophilia is a great budget option. These gloves have the same effect as Gratuitous Violence in that enemies you kill explode, dealing physical damage in an area based on a small portion of their maximum life.



Now, if your budget permits it, the Hands of the High Templar provides tremendous value. What makes these gloves great for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator is that they can have up to five corrupted implicit modifiers, which allow you to get Vulnerability on hit, attack speed, and +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges, among many others.

Hands of the High Templar


For the most part, we recommend that you craft your own pair of boots so that you can achieve 100% full elemental ailment immunity. Use the Deafening Essence of Loathing for the T1 "% Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments" suffix. We also advise you to save some currency to craft a pair of Onslaught Boots. This is because the Onslaught buff provides you with more attack speed and movement speed.

To finish the boots, spam Grand Eldritch Ichors for 23% elemental ailment avoidance and Grand Eldritch Embers for 5% increased action speed.

Self-crafted Boots


If you are going to utilize Frenzy Charges, the Darkray Vectors are a great pair of boots for that. These boots increase your maximum Frenzy Charges by one. On top of that, they provide you with bonus evasion and movement speed per Frenzy Charge.

Darkray Vectors


If you are stacking Frenzy Charges, wear Ralakesh's Impatience instead. Even though these unique boots do not give you plus one to maximum Frenzy Charge, you do count as having maximum charges at all times while you are wearing them.

Take note that Ralakesh’s Impatience no longer has the movement speed mod like before. Not to worry, your Shield Charge or Leap Slam will get you to where you want to be in a jiffy.

Ralakesh's Impatience


Get any of the amulets that have attribute implicit modifiers and use Harvest Reforge Physical until you get "+1 to Level of All Physical Skill Gems" or "+% to Damage Over Time Multiplier."

Self-crafted Amulet (Using Harvest Reforge Physical)


For the endgame version, you have a couple of options to choose from. You can either craft a +2 amulet or purchase a Stranglegasp, though it is important to note that the latter requires heavy investment.

The Stranglegasp is expensive because it can have up to four different anointments. Speaking of which, if you are to buy one of these, here are the anointments you should use:

  • Charisma
    • 16% Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
    • 6% Increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from Your Skills
    • Requires Opalescent Oil, 2x Golden Oils
  • Sovereignty
    • 12% Increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
    • 10% Increased Effect of Non-Curse Auras from Your Skills
    • Requires 3x Silver Oils
  • Fervour
    • +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
    • Requires Amber Oil, Black Oil, Silver Oil
  • Frenetic
    • +1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges
    • Requires Azure Oil, 2x Silver Oils


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Get some Amethyst Rings and craft them using Harvest Reforge Chaos until you get a couple of elemental resistances and life. Leave a prefix open so that you can bench-craft "Non-Channeling Skills Have -7 to Total Mana Cost."

Self-crafted Ring


This build deals incredible damage if you are able to apply the Vulnerability curse on your enemies. Now, if you were not able to secure other pieces of gear with the "Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit" mod, you can get a Warlord-influenced Amethyst Ring and use Harvest Reforge Caster.

Self-crafted Ring (with Vulnerability on Hit)


The hybrid HP and mana regen mod is a veiled modifier. To add it in, you simply have to sort out your suffixes, put "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" from the Crafting Bench, and then use a Veiled Orb.

Bench-craft "Adds # to # to Fire Damage, Adds # to # to Cold Damage" and then head to Jun and unveil. Don't forget to put "Non-Channeling Skills Have -7 to Total Mana Cost" to finish the craft. If you have Fertile Catalysts on hand, use that as well for good measure.

If you no longer run into mana issues as a result of having the right pieces of gear, you can replace one of the rings with Circle of Guilt, specifically with the mod "% Increased Physical Damage While Affected by Herald of Purity."

Circle of Guilt


The Ryslatha's Coil is incredibly tough to beat, especially if you are using the said belt on builds that utilize bleeding damage like the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator. Why is that, you ask?

Well, this belt greatly increases your physical damage. What's more, it gives you a bit of STR and a considerable amount of life to improve your chances of survival.

Ryslatha's Coil


There are a couple of belts that can beat the Ryslatha's Coil. However, they are only really viable if you purchase the other expensive items that were already mentioned in the build guide.

One of the unique belts you can replace Ryslatha's Coil with is Olesya's Delight. This transforms your Frenzy Charges into Affliction Charges. These special charges significantly make the bleeds you inflict deal more damage. This is only really viable if you have Ralakesh's Impatience equipped, so do keep that in mind.

Olesya's Delight


The Mageblood is another great contender when it comes to the belt slot, though if you have played Path of Exile for a while now, you know that this particular item costs a lot of currency. However, budget aside, this is pretty good because it grants permanent uptime for several of your magic utility flasks.



  • Granite Flask
  • Amethyst Flask
  • Jade Flask
  • Quicksilver Flask
  • Divine/Eternal Life Flask
  • Blood Sap Tincture
  • Replica Witchfire Brew
  • Bottled Faith

With the budget version of the build, you can use the first five flasks mentioned above. The Granite, Amethyst, and Jade Flasks improve your survivability. The Quicksilver Flask boosts your movement speed, thus affecting your map clear speed in a good way. Use the Life Flask to regain some HP back after receiving a devastating blow from the enemy.

As you wear better pieces of gear, you are able to replace the Life Flask with one of the unique flasks on the list. The Replica Witchfire Brew alleviates the need for the "Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit" mod. That is because you are surrounded by an aura that instantly applies the said curse while this flask's effect is active. Monsters that are foolish enough to come close will be affected by the curse, making it so much easier for you to dispatch them.

Additionally, the Bottled Faith creates a Consecrated Ground that increases the damage monsters take when they step on it. This unique flask is relatively expensive, but it is definitely worth it.

Tinctures have returned to Path of Exile in the Settlers of Kalguur expansion. You can put this in the fifth flask slot, especially if you do not have access to the other unique flasks.

Having said that, the one we recommend is the Blood Sap Tincture, which increases bleeding damage by a whopping 80%! What's more, you can use Orb of Transmutation and Orb of Alteration to roll different mods on the Tincture, including "Increased Damage Against Enemies That Are on Low Life" and "Recover % of Life on Killing a Rare or Unique Enemy."

Flask Mods

  • 60% Increased Armour (of the Armadillo)
  • 14% Increased Movement Speed (of the Cheetah)
  • Corrupted Blood Immunity (Life Flask)


It is a good thing that the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator does not require any mandatory jewels to work. However, this is not to say that you cannot include jewels to make the build even better.

Start by purchasing a Watcher's Eye from the trade website. Look for any of these mods to maximize the potential of this build:

  • Pride
    • % Increased Physical Damage
    • Your Hits Intimidate Enemies for 4 Seconds
  • Malevolence
    • +% to Damage Over Time Multiplier
    • Damaging Ailments You Inflict Deal Damage % Faster
  • Determination
    • + to Armour While Affected by Determination
    • Chance to Block Attack Damage
    • Additional Physical Damage Reduction
    • You Take % Reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
  • Vitality
    • % of Damage Leeched as Life
    • Regenerate Life per Second

Lethal Pride is another great jewel as it can grant you bonuses that can benefit the build immensely. Use the POB's "Find Timeless Jewel" option to find a Lethal Pride with plenty of "% Increased Melee Damage" and "% Increased Physical Damage" mods.

Get an 8-passive Large Cluster Jewel (Physical Damage) and use Harvest Reforge Physical until you get Battle-Hardened, Iron Breaker, and another notable passive skill. The third one should be situated in the middle so that you can save a couple of passive skill points.

A couple of Medium Cluster Jewels (Physical Damage Over Time) are also great additions to the build. Use Harvest Reforge Physical until you get any of two of these notable passive skills:

  • Wound Aggravation
    • Axe or Sword Attacks Deal 20% Increased Damage with Ailments
    • 20% Increased Physical Damage with Axes or Swords
    • +5% to Physical Damage Over Time Multiplier while wielding an Axe or Sword
  • Wasting Affliction
    • 20% Increased Damage with Ailments
    • Damaging Ailments Deal Damage 5% Faster
  • Flow of Life
    • 24% Increased Damage Over Time
    • 4% Increased Maximum Life
    • Regenerate 0.6% of Life per Second

If you still have open jewel slots, you can populate them with base jewels that have the following modifiers:

  • +% to Damage Over Time Multiplier
  • +% to Physical Damage Over Time Multiplier
  • % Increased Physical Damage
  • % Increased Melee Damage
  • % Increased Attack Speed
  • % Increased Attack Speed with Axes
  • % Increased Damage with Axes
  • % Increased Damage
  • % Increased Maximum Life
  • Damaging Ailments Deal Damage % Faster
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There is some degree of flexibility when it comes to the gems that you will use for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator. This heavily depends on the pieces of gear you are wearing. You can freely swap some gems for the ones that you prefer.

Body Armor

  • Lacerate of Haemorrhage
  • Awakened Brutality
  • Awakened Melee Physical Damage
  • Awakened Multistrike Support
  • Volatility Support
  • Fortify Support

The Lacerate of Haemorrhage is a better version of Lacerate, especially in terms of bleed damage. This is a melee attack skill gem in Path of Exile where you initiate a couple of slashes that inflict bleeds upon the enemy.

In Patch 3.25, Lacerate of Haemorrhage now has 150% effectiveness of base and added damage at level 1 and scales all the way up to 346% at gem level 20. However, it no longer has inherent physical damage added against bleeding enemies. Besides that, its mana cost has increased from six (at all gem levels) to 8 (level 1) to 13 (level 20). The downsides are fine because they are easily addressed through gear and support gems.

Awakened Brutality and Awakened Melee Physical Damage greatly increase the damage of Lacerate of Haemorrhage, so their inclusion in this setup is a must.

Volatility Support acts similarly to Ryslatha’s Coil in that it increases the damage range of your main attack skill, effectively making the bleeds you inflict even more potent.

Fortify Support not only increases the bleed damage of Lacerate of Haemorrhage but it also grants you some Fortification stacks to improve your chances of survival.

If you do not have the currency to buy the "Awakened" support gems yet, you can use the normal version instead.


  • Pride
  • Herald of Purity
  • Malevolence/Determination
  • Enlighten (lvl 4)

This build deals physical damage over time via the bleeds that you inflict with Lacerate of Haemorrhage. That is why Pride is one of the primary auras you need to activate. Get a Watcher's Eye with any of the mods mentioned earlier to maximize this aura.

Herald of Purity is another skill that gives you more physical damage. The Sentinel of Purity minions that you summon while this herald skill is active is just a nice bonus.

Now, the third aura can either be Malevolence or Determination. This depends on whether you want to improve your offense or defense, respectively. In our opinion, go for the former while mapping because it makes Lacerate of Haemorrhage's bleeding damage even more effective. Go for the latter if you tackle T17 maps or fight any of the pinnacle bosses in PoE.

A level 4 Enlighten Support is needed here so that you can activate all of these auras with some mana left in the tank. If you do not have access to this yet, you can disable Herald of Purity for the time being.


  • Eviscerate
  • Expert Retaliation Support
  • Inspiration Support
  • Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support

The gloves for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator were previously populated by melee totems like Ancestral Protector and Ancestral Warchief to improve attack speed and attack damage, respectively. Sadly, these skills are no longer available in the game in Patch 3.25.

Not to worry, there are new "Retaliation Skills" that you can use instead. The one we recommend is Eviscerate, a Retaliation Skill that causes you to unleash damaging waves that inflict bleeds on enemies that are hit.

Bear in mind that Eviscerate can only be used immediately after blocking an attack. You have only two seconds before it becomes unusable again. Although you can address this by simply raising your chance to block attacks, you can incorporate the new support gem, Expert Retaliation, as well.

Expert Retaliation is a support gem introduced in Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur. This extends the window of opportunity for Eviscerate, so you'll have ample time to use the skill when it comes available. Moreover, Expert Retaliation significantly lowers the cooldown of Eviscerate, allowing you to activate it more often while mapping or bossing, provided that you're able to block attacks or spells that is.

Inspiration Support is included in the gem setup primarily as a means of reducing the mana cost of Eviscerate. In case you do not know, Inspiration now dramatically reduces the mana cost of supported skills.

Melee Physical Damage Support (and its awakened version) causes the bleeds you inflict with Eviscerate to deal more damage.


  • Enduring Cry
  • More Duration Support
  • Blood Rage
  • Lifetap

Call to Arms is now known as Autoexertion Support in Patch 3.25. However, you are no longer going to use it here because although it causes Warcry Skills to be activated immediately when they're available for use, this support gem now prevents you from gaining any buffs from supported warcries.

Instead of Autoexertion, you’re now going to use the newly renamed More Duration Support. This gem was previously known as "Increased Duration Support." The name change is actually appropriate given that More Duration Support now makes supported skills last considerably longer than before.

Having said that, the two active skills here are Enduring Cry and Blood Rage. Enduring Cry allows you to gain Endurance Charges, which now heavily increase your elemental damage mitigation in case you do not know.

Blood Rage, on the other hand, gives you a boost to your attack speed. It also causes you to leech life off of your enemies, allowing you to survive longer on the battlefield.

Lifetap is included here just as a way to activate both Blood Rage and Enduring Cry without worrying about mana.


  • Vitality
  • Arrogance Support
  • War Banner

Vitality linked to Arrogance Support gives you a comfortable way to regenerate life. Since you are not able to leech life off of your enemies, having some life regeneration can definitely go a long way.

Banner Skills like War Banner actually got reworked in Patch 3.25. Such skills no longer reserve mana. Instead, you now have to plant them on the ground to gain their effects.

That said, War Banner now grants 4% more physical damage and an 8% increased accuracy rating, so long as you are within its area of effect. You could invest in some passive nodes that improve Banner Skills in some capacity, though that won't be necessary for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator.


  • Leap Slam/Shield Charge
  • Faster Attacks Support
  • Phase Run

The main movement skill for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator can be Leap Slam or Shield Charge, so choose whichever you prefer from the two. Just make sure to link it to Faster Attacks Support to make them feel less clunky to use.

Phase Run is another movement skill that you can utilize to bring the most out of this build. The cool thing about this is that it grants you a huge increase in physical damage if you follow it up with Lacerate of Haemorrhage immediately after use.


Even though the Wildwood Ascendancies have not yet returned in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur, you can still use Tattoos to improve various aspects of the build? Here are the ones that we recommend for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator:

  • Tattoo of the Kitava Warrior
    • 5% Increased Physical Damage
  • Tattoo of the Tukohama Warmonger
    • 5% Increased Melee Damage
  • Tattoo of the Kitava Shaman
    • 5% Chance to Bleed on Hit with Attacks
  • Tattoo of the Kitava Heart Eater
    • Killing Blows Have a 4% Chance to Consume Corpses to Recover 10% of Maximum Life
  • Tattoo of the Tukohama Warrior
    • Melee Hits Which Stun Have a 5% Chance to Fortify
  • Tattoo of the Tukohama Warcaller
    • 8% Increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate
  • Tattoo of the Rongokurai Warrior
    • 6% Increased Armour
  • Tattoo of the Rongokurai Guard
    • Guard Skills Have a 6% Increased Duration

Passive Tree

Passive Tree for the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator


Budget Version

Endgame Version (with Olesya’s Delight)

Endgame Version (with Mageblood)

Final Thoughts

The Lacerate of Haemorrhage deals physical damage over time via bleeds. It got a significant damage buff in Patch 3.25, making it more potent at killing enemies with ease than ever before. This Transfigured Gem works perfectly with the newly reworked Gladiator ascendancy class thanks to its access to some amazing notable passive skills.

One of the main selling points of this build is that it does not require any mandatory uniques, making it a top contender for league starters in Path of Exile. Even though it is comfortable enough to play on a minimal budget, you can take this to another level if you are willing to spend a lot of PoE currency.

The only downside we can think of here is that you need to get your hands on better equipment if you are going to take down the pinnacle bosses in the game.

Other than that, the Lacerate of Haemorrhage Gladiator is still a good league starter in Path of Exile 3.25 Settlers of Kalguur League that has great map-clear speeds and bossing potential with the right gear.

With all of that said, good luck on your adventures in Wraeclast, Exile!


+Pretty good league starter

+Utilizes bleed damage to great effect

+Newly reworked Gladiator ascendancy class makes this build even better

+Can work on budget gear

+Build does not require mandatory items

+Able to transition to other builds that use the Duelist as the base class

+Got a significant damage boost in Patch 3.25


-Melee build, which means that you have to be up close and personal with the enemy to deal damage

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