OSRS Mimic Guide

24.02.2024 - 14:39:10
Game Guides , Runescape

OSRS Mimic Guide

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The world of Gielinor is filled to the brim with seriously dangerous monsters. There's always something lurking in the corner and you could get attacked when you least expect it. In OSRS, one of the monsters that can catch you by surprise is the Mimic. If you've had issues with this monster before, we're here to help out.

OSRS Mimic Guide

The Mimic is an OSRS sporadic boss that can be fought whenever you present a mimic casket to the strange casket located in the upstairs area of Watson's House.



You have six chances to defeat The Mimic in a master clue and five in an elite clue, corresponding to the item rolls in the casket you obtain. Each time you leave or die, the number of rolls on the drop table decreases by one. If you fail to defeat the Mimic in every attempt, you won't receive any loot from the original clue scroll. If you die at the same time as the Mimic, the number of rolls isn't reduced, but you still need to retrieve your items from Watson's house.

How To Fight The Mimic In OSRS

You have a chance of receiving a mimic when you try to open an elite or master reward casket. Before you get a chance though, you'll have to speak to the strange casket in the upstairs area of Watson's house located in Hosidius first.

Elite reward caskets have a 1/35 chance of being a Mimic, while master reward caskets have a 1/15 chance. When you obtain it, a message in the chatbox will tell you "The chest turned out to be the Mimic"!



Once you get a mimic, head back to the strange casket to initiate the challenge. Remember, you can only have one Mimic at a time. If you try to open another elite or master reward casket while already having a Mimic in your inventory, the chatbox will warn you with "You already have a Mimic, and cannot be given another one. Do you wish to open the casket anyway?"

Lastly, you can't deposit the Mimic into your bank. If you try, the chatbox will say "A magical force prevents you from banking this item!"

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While the Mimic isn't a completely tough fight, preparing for it is still advised. Here's a quick guide on what you'll need in advance.

Recommended Skills

  • Magic 90+ (Magic method)
  • Ranged 90+ (Ranged method)
  • Attack 90+ (Special attack)
  • Strength 90+ (Special attack)
  • Defence 75+
  • Prayer 77+ (74+ with Ranged)

Recommended Magic Build

Mimics are relatively weak to magic. As such, this build is highly recommended. Make sure to use the dragon claws alongside high-end magic gear to make the fight easier. 


  • Ancestral hat
  • Virtus mask
  • Void mage helm (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Ahrim's hood
  • Infinity hat


  • Occult necklace
  • Amulet of fury
  • Amulet of glory
  • Amulet of magic
  • Amulet of power


  • Imbued god cape (specifically Saradomin cape if using)
  • God capes (Saradomin cape if using)
  • Ardougne cloak 4
  • Ardougne cloak 3
  • Ardougne cloak 2


  • Ancestral robe top
  • Virtus robe top
  • Elite void top / Void knight top (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Ahrim's robetop
  • Infinity top


  • Ancestral robe bottom
  • Virtus robe bottom
  • Elite void robe / Void knight robe (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Ahrim's robeskirt
  • Infinity bottoms


  • Tumeken's shadow
  • Sanguinesti staff
  • Trident of the swamp
  • Trident of the seas


  • Elidini's ward (f)
  • Elidini's ward
  • Arcane spirit shield / Mage's book
  • Ancient wyvern shield / Malediction ward


  • Rada's blessing 4
  • Rada's blessing 3


  • Tormented bracelet
  • Void knight gloves (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Barrows gloves
  • Dragon gloves
  • Rune gloves


  • Eternal boots
  • Infinity boots
  • Bloodbark boots / Wizard boots
  • Mystic boots
  • Splitbark boots


  • Magus ring
  • Seers ring (i)
  • Brimstone ring
  • Ring of suffering (ri)
  • Lunar ring / Ring of the gods (i)

Special attack:

  • Voidwaker


  • Voidwaker (special attack weapon)
  • Torva full helm (melee switch, optional)
  • Divine super combat potion (1)
  • Super restore (1-2)
  • Anglerfish (4-6)
  • Emergency teleport
  • Saturated heart or Imbued heart or magic potion
  • Watson teleport scroll

Recommended Ranged Build

The mimic might be weak to Magic but if you use Ranged alongside dragon claws, you can still beat the monster pretty quikly. This is especially the case if you're a high-level player with high-level gear. In the fight, make sure to always use protect from melee and move around the area whenever the Mimic starts to throw sweets. You should also ignore the Third Age minions when they arrive.

Before the fight, make sure to activated Protect from Melee and use stat-boosting potions as well. You should have full melee gear and use the dragon claws special attacks. If you don't have the dragon claws, you can use the dragon dagger.


  • Masori mask (f)
  • Armadyl helmet / Crystal helm [a]
  • Void ranger helm (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Blessed coif
  • Archer helm


  • Necklace of anguish
  • Amulet of fury
  • Amulet of glory


  • Ava's assembler
  • Ava's accumulator
  • Ranging cape(t)


  • Masori body (f)
  • Armadyl chestplate / Crystal body [a]
  • Elite void top / Void knight top (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Karil's leathertop
  • Blessed body


  • Masori chaps (f)
  • Armadyl chainskirt / Crystal legs [a]
  • Elite void robe / Void knight robe (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Karil's leatherskirt
  • Blessed chaps


  • Toxic blowpipe (with amethyst or better darts) [b]
  • Bow of faerdhinen [c]
  • Toxic blowpipe (with adamant or better darts)
  • Zaryte crossbow
  • Armadyl crossbow


  • Twisted buckler
  • Dragonfire ward
  • Odium ward
  • Book of law
  • Unholy book


  • Rada's blessing 4 (blowpipe only)
  • Rada's blessing 3 (blowpipe only)
  • Diamond dragon bolts (e) (crossbow only)
  • Diamond bolts (e) (crossbow only)


  • Zaryte vambraces
  • Barrows gloves
  • Void knight gloves (if using Void Knight equipment)
  • Ranger gloves
  • Blessed vambraces


  • Pegasian boots
  • Ranger boots
  • Blessed boots
  • Shayzien boots (5)
  • Snakeskin boots


  • Venator ring
  • Archers ring (i)
  • Ring of suffering (ri) / Ring of shadows
  • Brimstone ring
  • Ring of the gods (i)

Special attack:

  • Voidwaker


  • Voidwaker (special attack weapon)
  • Torva full helm (melee switch, optional)
  • Divine super combat potion (1)
  • Divine ranging potion (1)
  • Super restore (1-2)
  • Anglerfish (4-6)
  • Emergency teleport
  • Watson teleport scroll

Mimic Strategy Guide



To fight the Mimic, you must first understand how it attacks.

The Mimic employs various attacks during the fight:

  1. Melee Attack: If you're standing beside The Mimic, it can hit you with a standard melee attack.
  2. Candy Attack: The Mimic hurls six candies at you. Failing to dodge them results in around 10 damage. Among the candies, three are purple, and one each is red, blue, and green. The red, blue, and green candies summon the Third Age Warrior, Third Age Mage, and Third Age Ranger, respectively. There's no benefit to defeating them as they drop nothing and respawn instantly when another candy attack occurs.
  3. Stomp Attack: Occasionally, The Mimic advances one tile forward onto you. Alternatively, this attack activates when you walk beneath The Mimic. If you stand under The Mimic for each tick (0.6 seconds), you'll take damage. The damage increases incrementally: 1-1-1-2-2-2-3-... and so forth, maxing out at 6 damage. Simply move away from The Mimic to halt and reset the damage counter.

Defeating The Mimic can be straightforward with the right approach, especially for high-level players. However, for those with combat stats around 70, it can present a significant challenge.

Here are some strategies to improve your chances:

  1. Always activate Protect from Melee to reduce incoming damage.
  2. Stay mobile during the candy attack phase to avoid taking unnecessary damage.
  3. Ignore the Third Age minions spawned by the Mimic and focus on dealing damage to the Mimic itself.
  4. Make use of stat-boosting potions and prayers to enhance your combat abilities.
  5. If you're using melee, consider bringing dragon claws or a dragon dagger along with full melee gear. After using special attacks, switch to a full magic setup with a powered staff to deal additional damage.
  6. With high melee stats and piety activated, you can switch to a whip or better melee weapon to defeat the boss before minions even spawn.
  7. Alternatively, magic users can freeze The Mimic using ice spells or Entangle, effectively evading its melee attacks. Powered staves can then be used to quickly finish off The Mimic.
  8. While The Mimic is weak to Magic, players can also opt to use Ranged with a toxic blowpipe for a different approach to the battle.

Mimic Drop Table

Once you put out the Mimic, it will finally be time to get your rewards. While the Mimic has some great items, what you should be looking out for are the 3rd Age equipment.

3rd Age equipment comprises a collection of exclusive member items acquired by conquering the most challenging tiers of Treasure Trails (hard and above). This elite set includes four combat sets, alongside an axe, a pickaxe, a ring, and a cloak.

The 3rd Age armor is one of the most elusive melee armor set within the game. It requires a Defense level of 65 to use. Additionally, the 3rd Age longsword demands an Attack level of 65 for mastery.

In terms of defensive capabilities, 3rd Age melee armor surpasses even the formidable Bandos armor, although it falls short in Strength and Prayer bonuses. Despite its inferior defensive attributes compared to Justiciar armor, many opt for 3rd Age melee armor as a symbol of opulence and affluence.

In the realm's lore, these artifacts are believed to have been crafted during the illustrious Third Age of Gielinor. Insight from their examine texts unveils that the 3rd age melee armor is forged from "magical silver", while the ranged armor is crafted from "white dragonhide".

3rd age amulet11/5,244; 1/5,75072,868,142
3rd age axe11/5,244; 1/5,7502,147,240,744
3rd age bow11/5,244; 1/5,7501,327,550,777
3rd age cloak11/5,244; 1/5,750538,855,629
3rd age druidic cloak11/5,244; 1/5,7501,439,534,108
3rd age druidic robe bottoms11/5,244; 1/5,7502,139,532,848
3rd age druidic robe top11/5,244; 1/5,7502,147,344,171
3rd age druidic staff11/5,244; 1/5,750866,950,655
3rd age full helmet11/5,244; 1/5,75060,897,119
3rd age kiteshield11/5,244; 1/5,750139,694,366
3rd age longsword11/5,244; 1/5,750869,510,184
3rd age mage hat11/5,244; 1/5,75032,358,303
3rd age pickaxe11/5,244; 1/5,7502,147,483,647
3rd age platebody11/5,244; 1/5,750176,146,814
3rd age platelegs11/5,244; 1/5,75080,115,702
3rd age plateskirt11/5,244; 1/5,75062,318,056
3rd age range coif11/5,244; 1/5,75024,027,532
3rd age range legs11/5,244; 1/5,75026,899,168
3rd age range top11/5,244; 1/5,75054,860,398
3rd age robe11/5,244; 1/5,75047,296,253
3rd age robe top11/5,244; 1/5,750135,872,772
3rd age vambraces11/5,244; 1/5,75025,087,885
Blood rune400; 500Common96,400-120,500
Death rune480; 600Common96,960-121,200
Grimy ranarr weed25 (noted)Common147,875
Mahogany plank1Always2,228
Raw manta ray15 (noted)Common16,785
Ring of 3rd age11/40; 1/443,746,832
Wine of zamorak25 (noted)Common26,250

The Mimic Awaits

The mimic isn't difficult to beat. In fact, the hardest part about the mimic is finding one to fight. With this guide, you shouldn't have any issues dealing with this imposter.

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