OSRS Monkey Madness 2 Guide

15.03.2023 - 15:32:01
Game Guides , Runescape

OSRS Monkey Madness 2 Guide

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Before attempting to start this quest, you must first complete a number of other quests. These are Enlightened Journey, The Eyes of Glouphrie, Recipe for Disaster (Freeing King Awowogei), Monkey Madness I, Tree Gnome Village, Troll Stronghold, Death Plateau, and Watchtower.

In addition to these quests, you will also need to have a certain level of various skills, which are Slayer 69, Crafting 70, Hunter 60, Agility 55, Thieving 55, and Firemaking 60. It is also beneficial to have a high Combat and Agility level.

Items Required

You will need a few items before attempting this quest. These include a lemon, grapes, a pestle and mortar, a pickaxe, logs, a light source, a hammer, a chisel, an m'speak amulet, a monkey talisman, a ninja monkey greegree (small or medium), a slash weapon, and the Translation book from The Grand Tree. The hammer, chisel, and monkey talisman can be obtained on the island.


It is recommended that you bring Combat level 90, Magic logs, food (monkfish or better), Stamina potions, Prayer potions, Antidote+ or Serpentine helm, a good weapon, weight-reducing clothing such as Graceful outfit, armour with high Melee/Ranged Defence, a one-click emergency teleport, and any other items you may find useful.

If you don't have enough time to devote to Farming, then you can choose RPGStash to buy OSRS Gold with fast delivery and 24/7 online support.

Enemies to Defeat

In this quest, you will need to face a number of enemies, which are Kruk (Level 207), Keef (Level 178), Kob (Level 185), 7 Tortured gorillas (Level 142), 2 Tortured gorillas (Level 141), 2 Demonic gorillas (Level 275), and Glough (Level 431).


Ironman Concerns

If you are playing as an Ironman, you will need to be extra careful in this quest as you will briefly visit Entrana. Make sure you have all the necessary items and levels before attempting it.



With the quest complete, you will receive the following rewards: 4 quest points, 80,000 Slayer experience, 60,000 Agility experience, 50,000 Thieving experience, 50,000 Hunter experience, access to the Crash Site Cavern, the ability to communicate with monkeys without the monkeyspeak amulet, all NPCs on the surface of Ape Atoll will be non-aggressive without requiring the use of Monkey greegrees, access to Ape Atoll bank and Oobapohk's Javelin Store, access to new glider spot directly to Ape Atoll, 2x 50,000 experience rewards from Duke, the ability to wield the heavy ballista, a Royal seed pod, a Monkey found in one of the crates at the Crash Site, Bobawu will now track your laps of the Ape Atoll Agility Course, the ability to re-fight Glough, the ability to reclaim lost Greegrees from Zooknock, and access to a new maniacal monkey hunting area

Quest Guide

Chapter I

Ape Atoll and its underground dungeons can be dangerous. Make sure to bring food, anti-poison or superantipoison potions, and an emergency teleport when travelling through the island and be prepared to use protection prayers. You will also need 3 inventory spaces, a lemon, grapes, pestle and mortar, and a translation book (Monkey Madness I or obtained from King Narnode). Magic logs and normal logs (for flying to Entrana and back) are recommended.

The quest begins with speaking to King Narnode Shareen. He will tell you that Glough has escaped, and you will be instructed to search for clues of his whereabouts, starting with his house. Glough's house is located just south-east of the Grand Tree. Climb up the ladder and then climb up the tree on the other side of the house. Right click the tree branch and select 'Investigate' to receive a handkerchief with the initials 'A.A.' embroidered on it.

You must then speak to Glough’s girlfriend, Anita, located in her house up the most north-western staircase in the Gnome Stronghold. Ask her what's wrong, and she will tell you that she is worried Glough may be seeing another woman. Let her know that Glough might be in trouble, and that you may be able to help her. She mentions hearing whispering upstairs in his house but couldn’t reach the higher level.

Return to Glough’s house and climb up the tree twice to reach the additional level of his house. Investigate the gnome statue to activate a hidden switch. Search the cupboard to receive a book of spyology and investigate the fire remains to receive a mysterious note.

To decrypt the note, use the pestle and mortar on the lemon to apply it to the note. Caution, left clicking the lemon first will consume it. Use the note on the nearby candles (or a lit candle). Use the pestle and mortar on the grapes to apply it to the brush. Finally, use the juice-coated brush on the mysterious note to receive a scrawled note, which is written in the ancient Gnome language.

If you don’t have the translation book, return to King Narnode and talk to him to obtain it. Use the book on the note before speaking to the king again. Now speak to Assistant Lori south of Glough's tree and ask who he is. He will tell you that he is Le Smith's replacement, and that he does not know what happened to him, and recommends that you ask Auguste about it.

Fly to Entrana using the balloon. You must bank all of your weapons and armour at this point, as you cannot bring them to Entrana. Talk to Auguste who will explain that Le Smith was lost while attempting to travel to Ape Atoll via air balloon. Return to King Narnode, who will tell you to travel to Ape Atoll, to speak with Garkor.


Chapter II

Part I

To get started, you will need to gather a few items. These include a pickaxe, an m'speak amulet, a monkey talisman, a ninja monkey greegree or ancient gorilla greegree, a light source, and a slash weapon. It is important to note that the pickaxe and slash weapon are not required for the agility route. Additionally, it is recommended that you bring food, antipoison, one-click teleport, combat equipment, super combat, stamina, and prayer potions.

With your supplies in hand, make your way to Ape Atoll (Fairy ring CLR). Equip your m'speak amulet and your ninja monkey greegree or ancient gorilla greegree, and head to Garkor on the eastern side of the island. Speak to Garkor who will explain to you that you need to speak to King Awowogei. Talk to Awowogei and ask him about military plans. After he has finished speaking, report back to Garkor. You will need to find and kill Kruk in order to create a greegree from his remains to disguise yourself as him.

Head to the hill west of the main gate to where the monkey archers are. Talk to one of them and ask him where Kruk is. He will tell you that Kruk has been disappearing from his post lately and that he should start tracking him from the bottom of the hill. Follow the footprints to a trapdoor hidden in the long grass, just south of the northern transport icon on the minimap. Open the trapdoor and enter Kruk's Dungeon.

Once inside, the greegree will lose its effectiveness and "wrench itself from your hands." Kruk is located beyond the monkeybars north of the entrance, but, as the player cannot use them yet, they will have to traverse one of two lengthy routes to get to him.

The Agility Route is the recommended route for players with around level 70 Agility or higher, as it is less dangerous. However, players must be ready to activate the correct protection prayer quickly whenever they fail an obstacle, as they will fall to the lower floor filled with many hard-hitting monkeys. Make sure to bring a light source, as the lower floor is dark.

This section of the dungeon will consist of many agility obstacles. The overall layout is predetermined but there is only one correct path to take, which is randomized for each player. You will often have to find the correct route by trial and error. If, when failing an obstacle, the message "Something about this route feels wrong" appears in the chatbox, then that path has a 100% fail rate for you. Whenever this occurs, remember which obstacle it occurred on and try another one next time.

There are five holes (labelled 1-5 on the map) to the lower level. When players fall and climb back up from the lower level, they will reappear at the last hole they passed, so they act similarly to checkpoints. Follow the path outlined in the reference material to navigate the dungeon.

Once you have successfully navigated the dungeon and reached Kruk's room, you will be one step closer to completing your adventure. Be sure to investigate the strange wall (marked 'Shortcuts' on the map) before leaving, as it will open up a shortcut to the entrance.


Part II

The dungeon is shaped like an oval and contains multiple aggressive monkeys, scorpions, and snakes. Protect from Missiles is recommended to protect against the monkey archers, as they have a longer range and do just as much damage as the melee ones. Saradomin brews are recommended for healing, and Blood Burst or Barrage runes can be used to heal off the monkeys as well.

Start off by heading east, slashing webs and mining rocks. You will eventually reach a crossroads, one way heading north and another heading south-east. It is recommended to take the south-eastern route first. If you can slash the web, search the two chests to find a combat scratched or damaged key.

Continue east then north until the path meets up with the alternate route. If you were unable to slash through the webs in the southern room, take the northern (inner) route. This will lead you to two chests, one of which has a key.

The route you take next is based on the type of key you have. If you have a combat scratched key, take the eastern route. If you have a combat damaged key, take the western route. There are traps in this section that can be avoided by quickly running past them.

After this section, use the key to open the door. You can also pick the lock to get 50 Thieving experience, but you could be poisoned. Continue running north and then west until you meet up with the agility route.

At the north end of the dungeon, there are three maniacal monkeys. Pray melee until they can’t reach you. The path will divide into a western and eastern route, both ending in a final wave of dodgy ground. Before stepping onto the dodgy ground, investigate the nearby wall to unlock a shortcut back to the entrance.

After searching the wall, move on past the dodgy ground or go to the bank to re-stock for the battle against Kruk. Use the shortcut when you return and enter the cavern entrance just south of the dodgy ground. This will lead to Kruk’s chamber.


Part III

What You Need:

Before you enter the room with Kruk, make sure you have the right equipment. You will need a weapon and armour strong enough to take him on. Bring food and prayer potions to heal and protect yourself. It is also a good idea to bring an emergency teleport in case you need to get out of the fight quickly.

How to Fight Kruk:

When you enter the room with Kruk, he will immediately attack. He uses a combination of melee and ranged attacks. His ranged attack is especially strong, with a maximum hit of 37. To protect yourself, turn on Protect from Missiles. Keep your health above 40, as Kruk can still hit up to 33 with his melee attack. The best way to attack Kruk is to use range with stamina potions. Attack and then run away, staying out of melee range. This method reduces the amount of high hits from Kruk. You can also pray Eagle Eye and Steel Skin or Rigour, in addition to Protect from Missiles.

Trapping Kruk:

To trap Kruk, stand next to a cave wall in such a manner that there is a cave wall directly north or south of you, with Kruk standing diagonally from you. Attack Kruk every time his health bar disappears and directly step back to the original square, in order to prevent him from damaging you back.

After Killing Kruk:

After killing Kruk, take his paw and exit the dungeon through the rope west of the chamber. This rope will lead you back up in the ruined building where you hid from the monkey's aunt during Monkey Madness I. You will need to make a Kruk monkey greegree with his paw and a monkey talisman.

You must navigate through the tunnel you originally trekked through during the original Monkey Madness I. Wearing a greegree will prevent you from being attacked by the undead monkeys and spiders inside (an anti-poison or similar will make you immune to spike damage), but falling rocks will still damage you. Make sure to bring a stamina potion, super energy potions and food when going to Zooknock.

Speak to Zooknock, and he will create the Kruk monkey greegree for you. He will warn you that he cannot be certain how taking his form will affect you, as Kruk was quite powerful before his death. Teleport out of the dungeon once you get the greegree, equip it, and return to Awowogei.

He will reveal that the monkeys are planning another attack with the help of the Gu'Tanoth ogres and the generals of the Troll Stronghold. With this information, talk with Garkor to finish Chapter II.


Chapter III

Part I

You’ll need a weapon and armour appropriate to kill Kob and Keef, as well as 20 coins. If you have 71 Agility, you’ll be able to bypass the coins. Additionally, it’s recommended to bring a Trollheim teleport or stony basalt, a ring of dueling, Yanille or Castle Wars teleports for fast access to Gu'Tanoth, and some food.


The first step in your quest to defeat the trolls and ogres is to head to the Troll Stronghold. Run to the south-westernmost room on the main level and challenge Kob to a deathmatch. For added protection, it’s highly recommended to use the Protect from Melee prayer before speaking to him and accepting his challenge, as he can hit up to 57. You can also safespot Kob by running out to the door and using Ranged, Magic, or a halberd, as he will not be able to reach you. When Kob is defeated, he’ll beg for mercy and agree to not help the monkeys.


Next, you’ll need to go to Gu'Tanoth and find Keef, who can be found near the other city guards past all the bridges (where you solved the riddle a guard gave you in the Watchtower Quest). Bring 20 coins to pass the bridges again. Players with level 71 Agility can use the shortcut near Keef to save time.

Challenge Keef to a deathmatch; Keef has a high max hit of 47 and can hit through protection prayers, albeit at a reduced output. As Keef is a large NPC, you can use the nearby tree as a safespot. Be sure to activate Protect from Melee before you enter the dialogue with him. When Keef nears death, he will beg for mercy and agree not to help the monkeys.

Back in Ape Atoll

Now that the trolls and ogres are taken care of, it’s time to return to Ape Atoll. Before you go, make sure you have the Kruk greegree and M'speak amulet. It’s also recommended to bring a Ape atoll teleport, weight-reducing clothing, energy, super energy, or stamina potions, a hammer and chisel, and food.

Assistant Le Smith

Go back to Garkor and tell him that the ogres and trolls have agreed not to help the monkeys. He’ll tell you to go and look for Assistant Le Smith, who can be found somewhere on Ape Atoll on the rooftops or other high places within the city. There are four possible locations:

• On top of the bridge that connects the two watchtowers of the main gate.

• Top floor (up two ladders) of the broken building next to the Monkey Child and The Monkey's Aunt.

• Top floor of the jail. To access the top floor, climb the ladder by Solihib's Food Stall, then walk northwards and climb the ladder on the back of the wall of the room with the bamboo bed (The ladder is not marked on the mini map).

• Top floor of the building west of the Magic Stall. To access this building, climb the ladder at the southern end of the Temple of Marimbo. Then, climb the ladder on the north-west corner of the building, then run all the way south-west to reach the aforementioned building.

Alternatively, go to the building east of the magic stall and search the south-east crate to enter a cave. Go to the west end of the cave and climb up the rope. Warning: You will take heavy damage (30+) from falling in to the dungeon, which can kill you if your Hitpoints are low.

Speak with Le Smith and ask him why the monkeys are constructing a fleet of ships on the west coast of Ape Atoll. He will inform you that the monkeys are constructing a fleet of ships on the west coast of Ape Atoll.

Final Step

Finally, talk to Garkor again before heading west to the north-western coast of Ape Atoll. While wielding Kruk's greegree, speak with the monkey by the rowboat located on the north-western corner of Ape Atoll. He will take you to the platform.


Part II

On the platform you will be transformed back into human form and tasked with collecting six satchels and filling them with explosives, then placing the charges around the platform. To complete this quest, you must be careful not to get caught by the guards roaming the platform. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you complete this mission.

First, you must follow the main path, skipping the first ladder to the north. Eventually you’ll come across a dead end with a ladder. Climb up the ladder and follow the path south until you reach another ladder. Climb down this ladder and you’ll find the satchels. Make sure to collect all six satchels before going back up the ladder and around the corner back down to the 1st floor[US].

Return to the first ladder you encountered and climb up. Follow the path around until you come across another ladder. Climb down this ladder and follow the path north, where you’ll find a barrel with the explosives. Fill up all of your satchels before moving on to each of the locations where you must place the charges.

The charges need to be placed on two pillars on the 1st floor[US], two floorboards on the middle floor, and two gas canisters on the top floor. One of the floorboards is immediately south of the ladder when you climb back up. One of the pillars is back towards the start. Planting a satchel on a pillar along the way, go back to the dead end ladder on the 1st floor[US] and climb up. The gas canisters are in each direction, while the last floorboard is to the west across a vine swing and to the north. Once you have placed the last charge, your character should acknowledge this.

It’s important to note that if you get caught by the guards, the explosives will be ruined and you’ll have to get more explosives. However, any charges you’ve already planted will stay on the rig, even if you log out. Make sure to leave the platform via the same ladder you came in. Leaving at any point in this way will not reset the explosives.


Part III

First, you need to report back to Garkor, then head to Kruk's Dungeon. You can skip the maze by going north and using the monkey bars with Kruk's greegree equipped. Enter the passage to the north, walk through the big doors, climb onto the stunted demonic gorilla, and climb down the stairs. If you don't have a hammer and chisel, you can search the crates downstairs to find one.

Glough will be in a cage and order you to send the three tormented gorillas back into their cage. Ride on the stunted demonic gorilla, and attack all three tormented gorillas one at a time. Use Protect from Melee to negate the damage they deal to you. When they get to low health, they will go back into the cage.

Glough will then tell you that the last strain of mutagen was too unstable. When you ask how large his army of creatures is, he tells you that he is currently only using the test subjects, but once he perfects the mutagen into an airborne form, he'll be able to unleash it across Ape Atoll. He pulls a lever and activates a device that uses charged onyx gems to infuse power for his mutagens. He then teleports out to find Le Smith.

Now that he's gone, go onto the nearby holding area to dismount from the demonic gorilla. Climb back up the stairs, unequip the greegree, and take the charged onyx out of the device at the north end of the room. Use the chisel and hammer to invert the flow of energy, creating a deconstructed onyx. Place it back in the device, then investigate any one of the incubation chambers to confirm that energy has been drained from the incubator, successfully corrupting it.

Report back to Garkor. You can exit the caves quickly by using the vine just outside the dungeon doors. Garkor will tell you to report to Awowogei that the trolls and ogres have backed out of the alliance, and that the secret weapon has had some complications and is too unstable to use on the battlefield. Return to Garkor and inform him Awowogei has called off the attack. Suddenly, the screen will shake and a cutscene will play, showing Glough has proceeded with his attack plans anyway on his airship.


Chapter III

Part I

You’ll need a weapon and armour appropriate to kill Kob and Keef, as well as 20 coins. If you have 71 Agility, you’ll be able to bypass the coins. Additionally, it’s recommended to bring a Trollheim teleport or stony basalt, a ring of dueling, Yanille or Castle Wars teleports for fast access to Gu'Tanoth, and some food.


The first step in your quest to defeat the trolls and ogres is to head to the Troll Stronghold. Run to the south-westernmost room on the main level and challenge Kob to a deathmatch. For added protection, it’s highly recommended to use the Protect from Melee prayer before speaking to him and accepting his challenge, as he can hit up to 57. You can also safespot Kob by running out to the door and using Ranged, Magic, or a halberd, as he will not be able to reach you. When Kob is defeated, he’ll beg for mercy and agree to not help the monkeys.



Next, you’ll need to go to Gu'Tanoth and find Keef, who can be found near the other city guards past all the bridges (where you solved the riddle a guard gave you in the Watchtower Quest). Bring 20 coins to pass the bridges again. Players with level 71 Agility can use the shortcut near Keef to save time.

Challenge Keef to a deathmatch; Keef has a high max hit of 47 and can hit through protection prayers, albeit at a reduced output. As Keef is a large NPC, you can use the nearby tree as a safespot. Be sure to activate Protect from Melee before you enter the dialogue with him. When Keef nears death, he will beg for mercy and agree not to help the monkeys.

Back in Ape Atoll

Now that the trolls and ogres are taken care of, it’s time to return to Ape Atoll. Before you go, make sure you have the Kruk greegree and M'speak amulet. It’s also recommended to bring a Ape atoll teleport, weight-reducing clothing, energy, super energy, or stamina potions, a hammer and chisel, and food.

Assistant Le Smith

Go back to Garkor and tell him that the ogres and trolls have agreed not to help the monkeys. He’ll tell you to go and look for Assistant Le Smith, who can be found somewhere on Ape Atoll on the rooftops or other high places within the city. There are four possible locations:

• On top of the bridge that connects the two watchtowers of the main gate.

• Top floor (up two ladders) of the broken building next to the Monkey Child and The Monkey's Aunt.

• Top floor of the jail. To access the top floor, climb the ladder by Solihib's Food Stall, then walk northwards and climb the ladder on the back of the wall of the room with the bamboo bed (The ladder is not marked on the mini map).

• Top floor of the building west of the Magic Stall. To access this building, climb the ladder at the southern end of the Temple of Marimbo. Then, climb the ladder on the north-west corner of the building, then run all the way south-west to reach the aforementioned building.

Alternatively, go to the building east of the magic stall and search the south-east crate to enter a cave. Go to the west end of the cave and climb up the rope. Warning: You will take heavy damage (30+) from falling in to the dungeon, which can kill you if your Hitpoints are low.

Speak with Le Smith and ask him why the monkeys are constructing a fleet of ships on the west coast of Ape Atoll. He will inform you that the monkeys are constructing a fleet of ships on the west coast of Ape Atoll.

Final Step

Finally, talk to Garkor again before heading west to the north-western coast of Ape Atoll. While wielding Kruk's greegree, speak with the monkey by the rowboat located on the north-western corner of Ape Atoll. He will take you to the platform.


Part II

On the platform you will be transformed back into human form and tasked with collecting six satchels and filling them with explosives, then placing the charges around the platform. To complete this quest, you must be careful not to get caught by the guards roaming the platform. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you complete this mission.

First, you must follow the main path, skipping the first ladder to the north. Eventually you’ll come across a dead end with a ladder. Climb up the ladder and follow the path south until you reach another ladder. Climb down this ladder and you’ll find the satchels. Make sure to collect all six satchels before going back up the ladder and around the corner back down to the 1st floor[US].

Return to the first ladder you encountered and climb up. Follow the path around until you come across another ladder. Climb down this ladder and follow the path north, where you’ll find a barrel with the explosives. Fill up all of your satchels before moving on to each of the locations where you must place the charges.

The charges need to be placed on two pillars on the 1st floor[US], two floorboards on the middle floor, and two gas canisters on the top floor. One of the floorboards is immediately south of the ladder when you climb back up. One of the pillars is back towards the start. Planting a satchel on a pillar along the way, go back to the dead end ladder on the 1st floor[US] and climb up. The gas canisters are in each direction, while the last floorboard is to the west across a vine swing and to the north. Once you have placed the last charge, your character should acknowledge this.

It’s important to note that if you get caught by the guards, the explosives will be ruined and you’ll have to get more explosives. However, any charges you’ve already planted will stay on the rig, even if you log out. Make sure to leave the platform via the same ladder you came in. Leaving at any point in this way will not reset the explosives.


Part III

First, you need to report back to Garkor, then head to Kruk's Dungeon. You can skip the maze by going north and using the monkey bars with Kruk's greegree equipped. Enter the passage to the north, walk through the big doors, climb onto the stunted demonic gorilla, and climb down the stairs. If you don't have a hammer and chisel, you can search the crates downstairs to find one.

Glough will be in a cage and order you to send the three tormented gorillas back into their cage. Ride on the stunted demonic gorilla, and attack all three tormented gorillas one at a time. Use Protect from Melee to negate the damage they deal to you. When they get to low health, they will go back into the cage.

Glough will then tell you that the last strain of mutagen was too unstable. When you ask how large his army of creatures is, he tells you that he is currently only using the test subjects, but once he perfects the mutagen into an airborne form, he'll be able to unleash it across Ape Atoll. He pulls a lever and activates a device that uses charged onyx gems to infuse power for his mutagens. He then teleports out to find Le Smith.

Now that he's gone, go onto the nearby holding area to dismount from the demonic gorilla. Climb back up the stairs, unequip the greegree, and take the charged onyx out of the device at the north end of the room. Use the chisel and hammer to invert the flow of energy, creating a deconstructed onyx. Place it back in the device, then investigate any one of the incubation chambers to confirm that energy has been drained from the incubator, successfully corrupting it.

Report back to Garkor. You can exit the caves quickly by using the vine just outside the dungeon doors. Garkor will tell you to report to Awowogei that the trolls and ogres have backed out of the alliance, and that the secret weapon has had some complications and is too unstable to use on the battlefield. Return to Garkor and inform him Awowogei has called off the attack. Suddenly, the screen will shake and a cutscene will play, showing Glough has proceeded with his attack plans anyway on his airship.


Chapter IV

Items Needed

You’ll need a weapon and armour in two different combat styles to defeat the gorillas. To make sure you don’t die, bring some food and prayer potions. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can also bring an emergency teleport.

Part I


Before you start your fight, report to King Narnode Shareen that the Gnome Stronghold is under attack by an airship. He will recommend that you recruit Nieve, their highest-skilled warrior. She can be found by the entrance to the Stronghold Slayer Cave. Ask her to help defend the Stronghold, and her cousin Steve will take her place.

Once you have Nieve with you, the tortured gorillas will start to appear. Kill four of them, and then return to the bank if necessary. If Nieve disappears at any time, she will be outside the Grand Tree. To get her back, you can log out and log back in, or hit the “Call Follower” button in the bottom of the Worn Equipment interface.

Once you have killed the four gorillas, report back to the King. He will have the 10th Squad take care of the rest while you and Nieve head to the crash site and confront Glough. Then, head to the north-west of the Grand Tree, and talk to Garkor. He’s located by the swamp toad and king worm swamp and the tortoise enclosure.

Go through the crash site and enter the Crash Site Cavern. There will be four more tortured gorillas outside - you don’t have to kill these, so pray magic or range and run past them. Prepare to fight two tortured and two demonic gorillas.

Part II

The Fight

After the cutscene ends, the two tortured gorillas will move in and attack. As they’re stronger than the ones you fought outside, they can use multiple combat styles. When you kill one of them, a demonic gorilla will jump down into the fight.

The demonic gorillas are far stronger, boasting more health and damage. Most notably, they can use protection prayers which they will change after taking a certain amount of damage in that combat style. This means you will need to bring two forms of combat to kill them normally.

The demonic gorillas have all three attack styles: their white ‘throwing’ attack is Ranged, green is Magic, and a swipe with their claws is Melee. They will change combat styles after missing three hits in that attack style. To make it easier, try to kill the first demonic gorilla that jumps down before killing the second tortured gorilla, so that you don’t have to fight two demonic gorillas at once.

If you’re struggling to kill all the gorillas, you can let Nieve fight them for you. Wait for her to start attacking one of the gorillas; then, run out of the room and hide behind the pile of rocks. For the demonic gorillas, make sure that they’re not using Protect from Melee; if they are, keep attacking them with magic or ranged until they change prayers so Nieve can hit them.

If you’re on a black demon slayer task, the demonic gorillas count as on task kills, and a Slayer helmet may be used.


Part III

What You Need

Before you begin, you should make sure you have the right supplies and equipment. You will need a weapon and armour to fight Glough, as well as food and prayer potions. It is also recommended to bring an emergency teleport in case something goes wrong.

The Fight

The fight takes place in an instanced area, meaning that all unprotected items will be moved to a grave outside the instance if you die. Any items left on the ground will be lost.

You will need to fight Glough in three separate chambers. After you defeat the demonic gorillas, Glough will drink his own mutagen, transforming himself into an abomination and then retreating. Nieve will attempt to stop him, but gets knocked back to the wall, causing a boulder to fall and crush her, killing her instantly. She will drop her Elysian spirit shield, but players will find it is not much use to them.

Before you begin the fight with Glough, it is recommended to return to a bank and restock on supplies, as the fight will prove to be challenging even to the most experienced player.


Phase 1 & 2

In the first room, Glough attacks using Melee and can be attacked safely from the hallway using Ranged or Magic. Once Glough falls to 75% health, he goes into the second room.

In the second room, Glough uses ranged attacks as well as melee, stomping the ground and dealing up to 30+ damage. It is possible to safespot him by using a weapon that has an attack range of 10 squares, such as a twisted bow or a dark bow. To do this, you will have to lure him to one square east of the first black rock on the southern wall and when you have done that, then stand exactly one square out of his attack range. It is suggested to activate Protect from Missiles as this reduces his damage a bit. Once he falls to 50% health, he will walk into the final room.


Phase 3

In the third and final room, Glough will now be able to attack the player using both melee and magic attacks. Glough's melee attack can send you flying backwards and dealing up to 66 damage as a result. For this reason, it is recommended that players keep their health at 80+ to avoid dying as a result of this attack. Protect from Melee is highly suggested if using melee equipment to attack him. Glough will only teleport you after he is damaged, or if the player is not directly adjacent to him. Rings of recoil are suggested, especially if attempting to partially safespot him.

It is possible to partially safespot Glough on his final form, preferably with a dark bow because of its double attack. Glough has an attack range of 11 squares and an aggression range seemingly between 14-18 squares. There are two ways to go about doing this. Either way, set up quick prayers for Protect from Magic and Eagle Eye or Rigour.

Turn on quick prayers and then attack him. He will teleport you to him. If you want or need to conserve Prayer, switch it off mid-'flight.' After (or during, it doesn't make a difference) being teleported, very quickly (spam click on the minimap) run back at least 11 squares (1 square north of the small black boulder).

Similar to flinching, you can continuously run between the previous chamber and the hallway to cancel Glough's aggression. You will have to RUN from the square just north of the rocks, as shown on the animation. The first few times you do this before 'getting the hang of it,' you should use the quick prayer set up just in case he teleports you, or he could hit upwards of 60 damage. He can be killed very slowly but relatively safely using this method. If you are using magic, cast your spell out of the spell book, DO NOT use autocast. There is a 1-tick delay when autocasting, while manually casting is immediate.

Running or walking back has little impact on this method. Using a blowpipe, you can land two hits on Glough and eat before he draws you back in with his magic attack. This allows you to do a constant barrage of attacks without having to worry about your health. Although it is recommended to use a blowpipe, a crossbow will work as well, only you will be able to: A) land one hit with a healing method, or B) land two hits without a healing method. If you are already at your maximum Hitpoints, you can revert to more damage dealing methods such as a dark bow in place of eating as well.

Note: If you and Glough die at the same time, you will have to repeat the entire fight again.


Part IV

Once you have defeated him, you will be automatically teleported outside the cavern by Zooknock.

Return to King Narnode Shareen and tell him that Glough has been defeated and that his demonic creations have been trapped in the cavern. He will then tell you that Awowogei himself wishes to visit the Stronghold and set up a peace treaty between Ape Atoll and the mainland. A cutscene will then ensue where Awowogei will negotiate a peace treaty with King Narnode Shareen with you as witness to this moment of historic importance.

Congratulations, quest complete!

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