OSRS Easy Perilous Moons Walkthrough
10.09.2024 - 17:25:01
Game Guides , Runescape
Perilous Moon is a medium-length quest that introduces Cam Torum within Valamore. It is almost an essential quest in Varlomore since it unlocks 3 brand new bosses and amazing armour sets as rewards!
Quest Requirements And Recommendations

Quest Requirements
- Twilight's Promise
- Children of the Sun
You'll first need to beat Twilight's Promise which in turn, will let you access Children of the Sun. Both quests also open up more areas in Valamore for you to explore.
Skill Requirements
- Construction 10
- Fishing 20
- Hunter 20
- Runecraft 20
- Slayer 48
Keep in mind that all of these Skill levels are not boostable.
Items Required
- Big fishing net
- Knife
- Rope
- Pestle and Mortar
All of these items can be acquired at some point during the quest. Additionally, make sure to bring combat gear as well.
The quest will have mandatory fights against, Sulphur Nagua, Blue Moon, Blood Moon, and Eclipse Moon, who have a combat level of 329.
- Combat level of 70
- Antipoison

Go to the southern side of Ralos' Rise and proceed to the Cam Torum entrance. It is recommended to build a landing site near the city's entrance to quickly access it via the Quetzal Transport System.
Once you're at the entrance, you will find Attala and Zuma arguing. Zuma wants to enter the dwarven city to document some newly discovered ruins. Meanwhile, Attala doesn't want to as she is worried about the risks involved. But, a guard will come out of the gates and will tell Attala that a creature has escaped through the mountain's outflow spring. Unfortunately, they don't have spare men to deal with it.
When this happens, volunteer to help Attala. Then, go to the outflow spring. There are several ways to reach it:
- If you have level 47 Agility, simply stroll past the bridge and to the east. Then, go north and climb a set of rocks.
- If you don't have level 47 Agility, you need to use the western path. Then run north to the Teomat. After that, go back around to the southeast of the exposed altar.
- If you have already built the Cam Torum landing site, you just need to use Remu to fly to get to the Teomat. Then, run southeast from the exposed altar.
Once you're in the outflow spring, you will see the Sulphur Nagua wandering around the area. Although it hits twice in each assault and is level 98, facing it shouldn't be too difficult. Once you've killed it, go back to Attala. If you keep Zuma in check, Attala will let you in.
Proceed to Cam Torum and head all the way north to the ruin's entrance. Then, talk to Jessamine, who works for the Grand Museum. Ask her if you can help with the dig. She will permit you to enter after.

Talk to Attala, Zuma, and Jessamine in that order after entering the ruins in an antechamber with a large black monolith in the center. She will let you know that the inscriptions on the murals are written in the language of the Old Ones. Then, she will ask you to help her set up camps in the caverns.
Get a saw, hammer, and three building supplies from the Building Supplies located directly west of Jessamine. Locate the cooking range symbol on the minimap in each of the following rooms and go to it using entrances in the corners of the antechamber:
- Eastbound Cavern on the northwest entrance
- Stream Bound Cavern on the north-east entrance
- Ancient Prison on the southwest entrance.
Your run energy is fully restored every time you build a campsite. After building all three, talk to Jessamine. By this time, she has finished translating the inscriptions, naming the ruins as "Neypotzli". She'll also tell you that emissaries have been sealed there but the origins of it remain unknown. After that, ask her what to do. She will give you an earth talisman and a water talisman, revealing that the power of earth and streams was used to seal these emissaries. Attala will be able to recognize them and will ask you to bring them to Nahta.
To reach Nahta, go to the magic shop in The Runic Emporium near the center of the city. It is marked with a magic shop symbol on the map. She will enchant the talismans so they will act as nagual magic. Then, she will request for you to take them to the blacksmith in the north-east in the city's forge. He will be the one to infuse the talismans.

Go back to Neypotzli and talk to Attala. She will ask you to use the talismans to guide you to where the earth and water runic energy resonate the most. Note that the direction where the talismans will point varies for each player. If the talisman points east/west, look for the "column". If it points north/south, look for the "row" of the area you're searching in.
Eyatlalli, a nagua, will show up if you're at the right location and click on the talisman. She will reveal that the Neypotzli is a prison that was made to seal the Moons of Peril. After that, the ground will shake and she will disappear from your sight. Go back to the antechamber and talk to the group. But, Zuma will be missing. Eyatlalli will reappear and will tell you that the icosahedron has been disturbed and you need to be re-infused with a ritual.
Proceed to the Earthbound Cavern if you didn't bring the needed tools for the quest. They search the supply crates by the campsite that you set up earlier. Doing so lets you obtain a big fishing net, mortar and pestle, rope, and knife.
Head east and collect a moonlight grub from the grubby saplings and grind it into moonlight grub paste using the mortar and pestle. By the black rocks, set lizard traps and rustle the bushes until you catch a Moss Lizard. Cut a moss lizard tail using your knife.
Make your way to the antechamber and enter the Streambound, which you can find north-east of the entrance. Then, catch a raw bream by running to a fishing spot. Use your knife to get the beam scales.
Go back to Eyatlalli with all three items. She will initiate the ritual; but as she does so, you will need to divert the Moons of Peril. You now have three Nagua to defeat, each with its mechanics.
Every boss battle goes in the same way, with the Moon at the center of the room surrounded by floor-circles in the shape of the moon. Eyatlalli’s protection will be applied to one of the circles. To stop the boss from doing continuous damage to every tick (and healing for the Blood Moon) while attacking, stand inside the circle that has been highlighted on the ground. When you're not standing in the proper spot, you take one damage every tick at first, then doubles over time to 16 damage per tick. Occasionally, the circle that has Eyatlalli's protection marked will advance to the next circle in a clockwise direction. The moon will unleash a special attack after Eyatlallis protection reaches the full and new (empty) moon circles.
Note that their standard attacks are melee-based. Every moon has a different melee style. However, because of their low Defense level (60), you need to defeat them without having to switch up your style if you have high combat skills and decent melee gear. You are immune to poison and venom and have a high-range and magic defense. While standing on the correct highlighted circle reduces damage, protection prayers do not affect the actual amount of damage.
The Blue Moon
Recommended Setup:
- Torva full helm
- Serpentine helm / Neitiznot faceguard
- Justiciar faceguard
- Torag's helm
- Helm of neitiznot / Berserker helm
- Amulet of torture
- Amulet of fury
- Amulet of strength
- Amulet of glory
- Amulet of power
- Infernal cape
- Fire cape
- Mythical cape
- Strength cape(t) / Cape of Accomplishment (t)
- Obsidian cape
- Torva platebody
- Justiciar chestguard
- Torag's platebody
- Bandos chestplate
- Fighter torso
- Torva platelegs
- Justiciar legguards
- Torag's platelegs
- Bandos tassets
- Dragon platelegs
- Scythe of vitur (Crush)
- Dual macuahuitl
- Inquisitor's mace
- Zamorakian hasta (Crush) / Abyssal bludgeon
- Sarachnis cudgel / Zombie axe
- Dragonfire shield
- Avernic defender
- Dragon defender
- Elysian spirit shield / Toktz-ket-xil
- Crystal shield
- Rada's blessing 4
- God blessing / Rada's blessing 3 / Rada's blessing 2
- Ferocious gloves
- Barrows gloves
- Dragon gloves
- Rune gloves
- Regen bracelet
- Primordial boots
- Dragon boots
- Guardian boots / Echo boots
- Granite boots
- Spiked manacles / Rune boots
- Ultor ring
- Berserker ring (i)
- Ring of suffering (ri)
- Lightbearer
Special Attack:
- Dragon claws
- Abyssal dagger / Dragon dagger
- Crystal halberd

Take the north-western path to the Earthbound Cavern and you will find the Blue Moon. Once you're in the room, you can click on the hunter icon on the minimap to run past the Wyrmlings and down the stairs near the boss room's entrance. You may restore your run energy at the camp, as well as stock up on combat supplies before entering. Note that the area has no fishing spots. But, you can catch raw moss lizards using rope on the rocks. You can also cook at the camp. You can also catch the Moonlight moths with a butterfly net (with 75 hunters) or barehanded (requires 85 hunters) to restore Prayer. Once you're ready, go to the room before the boss by heading to the room just east of the hunter icon.
Blue Moon will spawn the following special attacks throughout the battle:
- Weapon freeze - Your weapon is disarmed by the Moon and placed within an ice block. To release the ice, punch it to deal damage. Ice spikes that must be avoided by stepping off of them will occasionally spawn on the floor around the block of ice due to the Moon.
- Brazier - Like the braziers in Wintertodt, the two braziers at the room's edges are extinguished by the Moon. Aim for each brazier in the room, lighting it again as you race to it, dodging the flying tornadoes that drain your run energy and do damage.
Keep standing in the protected circle and attack the boss once you complete the special attack. You will be teleported to a camp next to the room by the Blood Moon boss after defeating the boss.
The Blood Moon
Recommended Setup:
- Torva full helm
- Serpentine helm / Neitiznot faceguard
- Justiciar faceguard
- Torag's helm
- Helm of neitiznot / Berserker helm
- Amulet of torture
- Amulet of fury
- Amulet of strength
- Amulet of glory
- Amulet of power
- Infernal cape
- Fire cape
- Mythical cape
- Strength cape(t) / Cape of Accomplishment (t)
- Obsidian cape
- Torva platebody
- Justiciar chestguard
- Torag's platebody
- Bandos chestplate
- Fighter torso
- Torva platelegs
- Justiciar legguards
- Torag's platelegs
- Bandos tassets
- Dragon platelegs
- Scythe of vitur
- Blade of saeldor
- Abyssal tentacle / Abyssal whip
- Zamorakian hasta (Slash)
- Sulphur blades
- Dragonfire shield
- Avernic defender
- Dragon defender
- Elysian spirit shield / Toktz-ket-xil
- Crystal shield
- Rada's blessing 4
- God blessing / Rada's blessing 3 / Rada's blessing 2
- Ferocious gloves
- Barrows gloves
- Dragon gloves
- Rune gloves
- Regen bracelet
- Primordial boots
- Dragon boots
- Guardian boots / Echo boots
- Granite boots
- Spiked manacles / Rune boots
- Ultor ring
- Berserker ring (i)
- Bellator ring
- Ring of suffering (ri) / Lightbearer
Special Attack:
- Dragon claws
- Abyssal dagger / Dragon dagger
- Crystal halberd

In case you're not teleported after fighting the Blue Moon, you can find the Blood Moon by taking the path southwest to the Ancient Prison. The room will become gray and yellow filled with aggressive Sulphur Naguas. You can catch the Moonlight moths with a butterfly net (which requires 75 hunters) or barehanded (85 hunters) to restore Prayer. You will find the boss in the northeast portion of the room at the bottom of the staircase. Go up the stairs into the Earthbound Cavern to replenish food and potions if you need to.
The Blood Moon with spawn the following special attacks throughout the battle:
- Raining Blood - Pools of blood will form throughout the room as the Moon disappears and rain from above. To prevent standing on the blood puddles on the ground, move away from them.
- Blood Jaguar - A destructive square of blood tiles and Blood Jaguars are both unleashed by the Moon throughout the room. Run and attack the highlighted jaguar and attack it. Stay inside the jaguar's protective circle to avoid being hit. Just before the jaguar hits, move one tile away from it (in the direction of the boss) to avoid damage, then strike the jaguar once more right away.
Keep standing in the protected circle and while attacking the boss once you complete the special attack. After defeating the boss, you will be teleported to a camp.
The Eclipse Moon
Recommended Setup:
- Torva full helm
- Serpentine helm / Neitiznot faceguard
- Justiciar faceguard
- Torag's helm
- Helm of neitiznot / Berserker helm
- Amulet of torture
- Amulet of fury
- Amulet of strength
- Amulet of glory
- Amulet of power
- Infernal cape
- Fire cape
- Mythical cape
- Strength cape(t) / Cape of Accomplishment (t)
- Obsidian cape
- Torva platebody
- Bandos chestplate
- Justiciar chestguard
- Torag's platebody
- Fighter torso
- Torva platelegs
- Bandos tassets
- Justiciar legguards
- Torag's platelegs
- Dragon platelegs
- Ghrazi rapier
- Scythe of vitur (Slash)
- Abyssal dagger / Voidwaker
- Zamorakian hasta (Stab)
- Osmumten's fang
- Dragonfire shield
- Avernic defender
- Dragon defender
- Elysian spirit shield / Toktz-ket-xil
- Crystal shield
- Rada's blessing 4
- God blessing / Rada's blessing 3 / Rada's blessing 2
- Ferocious gloves
- Barrows gloves
- Dragon gloves
- Rune gloves
- Regen bracelet
- Primordial boots
- Dragon boots
- Guardian boots / Echo boots
- Granite boots
- Spiked manacles / Rune boots
- Ultor ring
- Berserker ring (i)
- Ring of suffering (ri)
- Lightbearer
Special Attack:
- Crystal halberd
- Voidwaker

Go to the north-eastern path to the Streambound Cavern and you will find the Eclipse Moon. To go to the boss room in the southern part of the region, head upstairs beyond the camp, past the wooden bridge, and turn west at the fork.
Eclipse Moon will spawn the following special attacks throughout the battle.
- Eclipse Shield - The moon will generate a moon shield and will begin to attack rapidly with rays of light. You can prevent damage from the attacks by keeping the moon shield between you and the boss. The shield will swiftly circle the boss.
- Mimic - After being teleported to the room's center, you will find yourself frozen in place. Moon clones will start to appear all around you and start attacking. To avoid getting hurt, you have to turn your character toward each clone as it spawns. Clicking the tile beneath each clone as it spawns is one way to do this.
Go back to the Antechamber after defeating all three moons. Then, look for Eyatlalli, Attala, Zuma, and Jessamine and talk to them. To finish the quest, don't forget to talk to Eyatlalli.
If you are still confused by some parts of this quest, you can check out this video and follow along to complete the quest!
Is Perilous Moons Worth Doing?

Yes, this is the only way to access Cam Torum. The city itself is rich with things to do and areas to explore. You are also unlocking the brand new bosses that you have just defeated alongside their rewards! Yes, this is the only way to access Cam Torum. The city itself is rich with things to do and areas to explore. You are also unlocking the brand new bosses that you have just defeated alongside their rewards! If you want a detailed guide on the bosses you can click here and check out our guide!
Other than this, you're also getting the following rewards:
- 2 Quest Points
- 5,000 Fishing XP
- 5,000 Hunter XP
- 5,000 Runecraft XP
- 40,000 Slayer XP
You'll also be able to access Neypotzli where you can fight the Three Moons again.
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