OSRS Ranged Tank PVP Build
17.10.2022 - 13:00:34
Game Guides , Runescape
How to Build a Ranged Tank
What is a Ranged Tank and Why Should You Build One ?
Ranged tank is an account build that maximises it’s ranged level and combines it with a high defence level, there are two types of ranged tank accounts, first one is the regular version and the second one is the elite version. Tank builds are especially really good at regular pvp worlds. Their high defence allows you to play more risky as it will cover up your mistakes and unlike melee builds, ranged is much faster and more accurate so on average you will get more kills. This build is especially good for smiting people as you will be constantly dealing damage to your opponent, you will force them in a situation where they will have to choose between drinking a prayer potion or a saradomin brew. I recommend building the regular version of this build as you will be much lower level, this inturn will allow you to fight people with lower defence and you will really see the strength of this account build shine while fighting low defence accounts. Lastly you won’t be risking as much money as other account builds do.
Disadvantages of the Build
This build is almost completely useless in high risk pvp since it has high dps but compared to melee a much lower stack potential and max hit potential. It can get boring pking with this account build since there are not that many ranged weapons to use and not that many combos to do. Lastly people have a general tendency to avoid high defence accounts or ranged accounts in general, so from time to time it may take longer to find fights.
This part of the guide is going to provide you with all the essential information to build your own ranged tank account. If you have a good understanding of the game and know what you are doing, this small part will be enough. If not, a more detailed version will be in the next heading.
Stats are the key part of any build here is what you want to get!
For the Regular version:
- 90+ Hitpoints
- 99 Ranged
- 70 Defence
- 74 Prayer
- 94 Magic
- 42 Attack
- 42 Strength
For the Elite version:
- 90+ hitpoints
- 99 Ranged
- 99 Defence
- 74 Prayer
- 94 Magic
- 42 Attack
- 42 Strength
This version utilises elite void instead of regular void.
Things to be Careful of for the Regular Version of the Build
If you are building the elite version of the build you don’t have to worry about these. As for the regular version you don’t want to train your defence manually until you complete all the quests that grant you defence exp and there are quite few of them. This is done so that you don’t accidentally level up your defence higher than 70. Also don’t level up your defence to 75 it might seem like a good idea at first glance since it unlocks pegasian boots but don’t do it, doing it will make you level up to 100 combat level. Which makes it harder for you to fight against zerkers and pures and makes it more likely for you to fight med levels.
Attack and strength is there for you to wear full void. By the time that you will be done with your quest grind for this account, you will end up in the 50 - 60 att and str level region. You can increase them a little bit more however be careful because if you level them up too much, it will in turn level up your combat level which will ruin the account build.
I will only mention the essential quests and provide a wiki link for each of them. What I recommend doing is to open these big quests and go to the requirements section to find the required quests and open them in new tabs to finish them one by one. Again a more detailed quest list will be down below. ( Runelite and quest helper plugin is recommended for completing quests efficiently. )
Main Quests
- Recipe for Disaster - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Recipe_for_Disaster
- Fremennik Trials - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/The_Fremennik_Trials
- Monkey Madness 1 - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Monkey_Madness_I
- Monkey Madness 2 - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Monkey_Madness_II
- Lunar Diplomacy - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Lunar_Diplomacy
- Animal Magnetism - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Animal_Magnetism
- One Small Favour - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/One_Small_Favour
- Dragon Slayer 2 - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dragon_Slayer_II
- King’s Ransom - https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/King%27s_Ransom
Mini Quests & Games
- Pest Control - For full Ranged & Magic Void
- Mage Arena 1 & 2 - For Mage Arena Cape
- Hard Western Provinces Diary - For Elite Void
- Varrock Museum - 100 Kudos
After you are done with your quests, you should kill Vorkath until you get it’s head and attach it to your Ava’s device. Also you will have to buy the Dexterous Prayer Scroll from grand exchange to unlock Rigour.
With all of these done you are pretty much ready for some pvp action.
Optimised Setups
For Regular Void Pking

- Full Void ranged
- Dragon knives x25
- Rune Kiteshield ( can be changed with odium ward, dragon sq shield, book of law or any spirit shield )
- Ring of recoil
- God d’hide boots ( can be changed with snakeskin boots )
- Dragon Javelins x25 ( dragon arrows if you are using a dark bow, any dragon bolts if you are using a crossbow )
- Ava’s Assembler
- Necklace of Anguish
- Heavy Ballista for special attack ( dark bow or any crossbow )
- Dragon Thrownaxe x25 for special attack
Alternatively you can use full god d’hide to pk this will have less max hits but more accuracy, it’s better for smiting people because of this.
God D’hide Setup

- God d’hide set
- Dragon knives x25
- Rune Kiteshield ( can be changed with odium ward, dragon sq shield, book of law or any spirit shield )
- Ring of recoil
- Barrows Gloves
- Dragon Javelins x25 ( dragon arrows if you are using a dark bow, any dragon bolts if you are using a crossbow )
- Ava’s Assembler
- Necklace of Anguish
- Heavy Ballista for special attack ( dark bow or any crossbow )
- Dragon Thrownaxe x25 for special attack
Alternatively you can use full arma if you are feeling frisky.
For Elite Version

- Full Elite Void ranged
- Dragon knives x25
- Rune Kiteshield ( can be changed with odium ward, dragon sq shield, book of law, dragon fire shield, twisted buckler or any spirit shield )
- Ring of recoil
- God d’hide boots ( can be changed with snakeskin boots or pegasian boots )
- Dragon Javelins x25 ( dragon arrows if you are using a dark bow, any dragon bolts if you are using a crossbow )
- Ava’s Assembler
- Necklace of Anguish
- Heavy Ballista for special attack ( dark bow or any crossbow )
- Dragon Thrownaxe x25 for special attack
Alternatively you can use full arma or full masori if you want to risk a lot and have the best bonuses. ( Needless to say you can use full god d’hide as well )
Step by Step Building a Ranged Tank
- Since you will be needing a lot of prayer for this account build, before training anything buy yourself a lot of dagannoth bones or any other high tier bones that you can afford ( you can’t use superiors until level 70 ) and head to the wilderness chaos altar. Train your prayer until you reach level 74. If you are going to make the elite version of the account, you can train until level 77 to unlock Augury as well. Don’t skip this method as it will be the fastest prayer exp you can get in the game and the wilderness altar can save you money. The reason why we are doing this at the very beginning is to avoid pkers by being a fresh level 3 account.

- Secondly you will be needing a lot of quests as Dragon Slayer 2 has a requirement of 200 quest points, so all the early game easy quests that you would normally do you should start doing. ( Always prioritise doing quests and level up manually after, if there is quest you can’t do, level up just enough to do it. )
- Animal Magnetism - For Ava’s device ( prioritise )
- Vampire Slayer - Attack Exp
- Tree Gnome Village - Attack Exp
- Fight Arena - Attack Exp
- Waterfall Quest - Attack & Strength Exp
- Tree Gnome Village - Attack Exp
- The Grand Tree - Attack Exp
- Witch’s House - HP Exp
- Horror From the Deep - for book of darkness and law
- Dragon Slayer 1 - Mix combat exp
- Holy Grail - Defence Exp
- Nature Spirit
- The Fremennik Trials
- Heroes’ Quest
- Monkey Madness 1 ( choose the defence training )
- After completing a decent set of quests, ( complete as many as you can ) you will be starting your pest control grind as void armour will be your best in slot gear. Get both the ranged and mage variant of the helmets. I recommend picking up a magic shortbow (i) with amethyst arrows for the minigame. This way you will have a decent ranging level after the grind is over.
- After getting full void you should start doing slayer, complete the Dwarf Cannon quest if you haven’t already and buy yourself a cannon. Only use ranged for completing your slayer tasks and always use your canon when you can. This will speed up your ranged and slayer training a lot. After you achieve 60 ranged buy yourself a Craw’s bow and start doing wilderness slayer ( also at this point I would recommend picking up your magic shortbow (i) again with dragon throwing axes and heading to the nightmare zone to get yourself a black mask (i) ), this will yield much more exp and slayer points. During this part you will quickly reach enough slayer points to get yourself a slayer helmet, immediately get it. Rinse and repeat until you reach 69 slayer. ( If you don’t like risking anything and don’t want to do wilderness slayer you can use toxic blowpipe with adamant darts after reaching level 75 ranged)
- After reaching a decent ranging level I would recommend going back into the nightmare zone and getting yourself these items: Archer’s Ring (i), Seers Ring (i). They will speed up your grinding process.
- Complete these quests whenever you can. For efficient cooking training ( you will need 70 ) complete Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest and unlock cooking Karambwans. Look up a guide on youtube to learn how to one tick cook them. This is highly recommended if you want to speed up your skill grind.
- King’s Ransom
- Underground Pass & Regicide
- Legend’s Quest
- Dig Site ( get 100 kudos in varrock museum )
- Bone Voyage
- Lunar Diplomacy
- Dream Mentor
- Recipe for Disaster
- At this point you are reaching the final stretch. You will be needing some annoying skill requirements like mining but know that you are almost there. First we will be completing Monkey Madness 2, this is a key part to finishing our account. Since you have already finished your slayer grind get the rest of the requirements out of the way and do it. Also don’t forget to get your free exp from Duke after you complete the quest.
- This is the part where you will have to complete Dragon slayer 2 however if you want to have an easier time with this quest, go to the tunnels that you discovered in Monkey Madness 2 and use chinchompas to train your ranged and defence. Train your defence up to 70. ( you can keep training defence if you are creating the elite version )
- Complete hard western diaries to get yourself elite void if you are the elite variant.
- After completing the dragon slayer 2 quest kill Vorkath until you get a Vorkath’s head and attach it to your Ava’s device.
- This is the final stretch to grind your Magic to 94 and Ranged to 99 in the Monkey Madness 2 tunnels. Use bursting to train your Magic and chins for Ranged. During this time if you are going for the elite version get 99 Defence as well.
- Congratulations you just created one of the best pk builds out there!
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