RS3 Divination Guide, 1-99 and Beyond, Fast and Alternative Methods

27.08.2023 - 13:07:31
Game Guides , Runescape

RS3 Divination Guide, 1-99 and Beyond, Fast and Alternative Methods

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This guide will assume that you have a pretty good understanding about Runescapes mechanics and items, so it will not extensively cover everything. Please let us know if you want more extensive guides or short format guides.

Most Important Items

In Runescape 3, there are a lot of Items that will actually boost your experience per hour or provide all kinds of benefit when you are training a skill,  here are the most important ones for Divination:

Diviner’s Outfit

Diviner’s outfit gives a flat experience boost when worn. You can obtain the set by completing Guthix Caches, winning them from treasure hunter or they can be bought with Thaler. 

  • Diviner’s headwear - 1% Experience boost

  • Diviner’s robe - 1% Experience boost

  • Diviner’s legwear - 1% Experience boost

  • Diviner’s handwear - 1% Experience boost

  • Diviner’s footwear - 1% Experience boost

  • Set bonus - 1% Experience boost

Wearing the full set will grant you a 6% experience boost while training Divination. You can also obtain the diviner’s headwear add-on and combine it with the diviner’s headwear to get modified diviner’s headwear. In addition to the experience boosting effect the modified version also provides 3 daily teleports to Guthix’s Cave and grants the player chronicle fragments once a day.

Divination outfits

This outfit can be crafted from the Divination fragments that are gathered automatically while training Divination. You need level 80 divination and 20 Invention to craft these outfits. There are 3 regular, divination chronicle outfit, divination energy outfit, divination memory outfit and 1 ultimate outfit, Elder divination outfit. The elder outfit is made by combining 3 of the regular outfits together.

Regular Outfit Bonuses

  • 5% chance to temporarily gain +100% enriched memory drop chance.

  • 5% chance to get 2 chronicle fragments at once when harvesting a chronicle fragment.

  • Unlimited teleports to May Stormbrewer, Guthix’s Cave.

  • If you own a modified diviner’s headwear it gains its benefits.

  • A full set yields the same experience boosting effect as Diviner’s outfit. However for this effect you need to own the full Diviner’s outfit.

Elder Divination Outfit

  • 7% chance to temporarily gain +100% enriched memory drop chance.

  • 7% chance to get 2 chronicle fragments at once when harvesting a chronicle fragment.

  • Unlimited teleports to May Stormbrewer, Guthix’s Cave.

  • If you own a modified diviner’s headwear it gains its benefits.

  • A full set yields the same experience boosting effect as Diviner’s outfit. However for this effect you need to own the full Diviner’s outfit.

  • 5% chance of getting five times the energy gain.

  • 3 daily teleports to any wisp colony that you have the required quests and Divination level to use.

1-99 and Beyond Divination Training


Buy Cheap Runescape Gold and Items

Boons are untradable items that can be crafted from divine energy. When one is used it grants a permanent 10% experience and energy boost to a specific type of memory. Boons are available for all types of energy except pale energy.



Energy Required



Boon of flickering energy

100 pale or flickering energy

22,100 or 26,400 gold


Boon of bright energy

300 flickering or bright energy

79,200 or 111,300 gold


Boon of glowing energy

500 bright or glowing energy

185,500 or 179,500 gold


Boon of sparkling energy

600 glowing or sparkling energy

215,400 or 220,800 gold


Boon of gleaming energy

800 sparkling or gleaming energy

294,400 or 213,600 gold


Boon of vibrant energy

1000 gleaming or vibrant energy

267,000 or 350,000 gold


Boon of lustrous energy

1250 vibrant or lustrous energy

437,500 or 452,500 gold


Boon of elder energy

1375 lustrous or elder energy

497,750 or 185,625 gold


Boon of brilliant energy

1500 lustrous, brilliant or elder energy

543,000 or 250,500 or 202,500 gold


Boon of radiant energy

1750 brilliant or radiant energy

292,250 or 526,750 gold


Boon of luminous energy

2000 radiant or luminous energy

602,000 or 544,000 gold


Boon of incandescent energy

2250 luminous or incandescent energy

612,000 or 722,250 gold

Levels 1-10 Pale Wisps

These wisp are located south-east of Draynor Village, west of Lumbridge crater.

  • EXP/H: 5K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 4K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 10-20 Flickering Wisps

These wisps are located east of the Falador lodestone.

  • EXP/H: 10K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 8K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 20-30 Bright Wisps

These wisps can be found east of Varrock loadstone, south-west of the Varrock dig site and north-west of the Archaeology guild.

  • EXP/H: 14K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 12K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 30-40 Glowing Wisps

These wisps can be found south of Seers Village, east of the Sorcerer’s Tower.

  • EXP/H: 19K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 17.5K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 40-50 Sparkling Wisps

These wisps can be found south-west of the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon.

  • EXP/H: 28K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 23K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 50-60 Gleaming Wisps

This wisp colony can be found in the centre of Karamja jungle, north-east of the nature altar.

  • EXP/H: 33K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 27K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 60-65 Vibrant Wisps

This wisp colony can be found just north-west of South Feldip Hills.

  • EXP/H: 41K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 35K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 65-75 Senntisten Crystal

At level 65 you can start training at The Empty Throne Room, located south-east of Varrock dig site. This method of training is much faster than doing wisps.

  • EXP/H: 65K

Levels 75-80 Lustrous Wisps

This wisp colony can be found east of the Slayer tower.

  • EXP/H: 52K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 43K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 70-99+ Hall of Memories

This place is located beneath the Memorial of Guthix. In this minigame you will be filling jars with memories and you should always use the best memory type that you can harvest.

Memory Type

Level Required

Experience Rate

Lustrous memories



Brilliant memories



Radiant memories



Luminous memories



Incandescent memories



You can increase these experience rates by 1.5x if you utilise 2-tick divination technique. This makes this method a lot more click intensive. If you combine this 2-tick method with the elite skilling outfit and the energy-gathering scrimshaw, you can get 400K+ EXP/H at level 99 Divination.

Levels 75-80 Elder Wisps

If you want a less intensive method of training you can continue with wisp training. After completing the Fate of the Gods quest, you can start collecting elder wisps which are located within the Elder Halls.

  • EXP/H: 66K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 54K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 80-85 Brilliant Wisps

This colony can be found just east of the Mage Training Arena.

  • EXP/H: 73K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 60K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 85-90 Radiant Wisps

This colony can be found on Dragontooth Island.

  • EXP/H: 79K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 65K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 90-95 Luminous Wisps

This wisp colony is located south of Sophanem. Partial compilation of the quest Icthlarin’s Little Helper is required to access the city.

  • EXP/H: 83K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 71K -Without buying additional energy

Levels 90-95 Positive & Negative Energy

Alternatively you can visit the Islands That Once Were Turtles in The Arc and harvest positive or negative energy.

  • EXP/H: 68K

Levels 95-99+ Incandescent Wisps

This colony can be found west of Castle Wars and south of the Poison Waste.

  • EXP/H: 97K - With buying additional energy

  • EXP/H: 82K -Without buying additional energy

To increase your experience rates you can use Divine Conversion power to get 290K experience per hour (unenhanced). Around 398K experience can be obtained if you add in, energy-gathering scrimshaw with enhanced conversion. This can also be further increased to 500K experience per hour if you buy additional energy.

Levels 95-99 Ancestral Energy

Alternatively if you have access to Uncharted Isles in The Arc, you can train on ancestral energy. To do this you must find dead moai on the island which are leaking ancestral energy and collect it. You can do contracts to enhance your experience per hour.

  • EXP/H: 107K

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