Runescape 3 Smithing Money Making Guide

18.09.2023 - 12:57:05
Game Guides , Runescape

Runescape 3 Smithing Money Making Guide

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This guide contains the best skilling money making methods for Runescape 3. The easiest and quickest way to get RS3 Gold is by buying it at an online store, but if you want to farm yourself, here are your opportunities:

Smelting Elder Rune Bars

Smelting elder rune bars is the best way to make money from Smithing in the game. The process is very AFK and simple. Here are the the thing you will need to do this method:

  • 94 Smithing
  • 91 Prayer (for Superheat Form)
  • Ancient elven ritual shard or Orthen furnace core
  • Grace of the elves
  • Smelting gauntlets
  • Modified blacksmith's helmet
  • Completion of the quest "The Light Within"
  • Completion of elite Varrock achievements.
  • Completion of hard New Varrock achievements.

If you use the orthen furnace core your superheat form can be used for no prayer points.

GP/H: 6.2M EXP/H: 78K

Smithing Masterwork Equipment

Masterwork armour set is one of the best armour sets you can use in the game. It is also required to repair trimmed masterwork armour so this will be always on demand. To do this method efficiently, you will need the following:

  • 99 Smithing
  • 70 Dungeoneering for advanced smithing autoheater
  • 91 Prayer for Superheat form
  • Orthen furnace core, for infinite super-heat form
  • Smithing cape
  • Completion of the quest The Light Within
  • Completion of the quest Plague's End for crystal hammer and perfect plus potion
  • Completion of the It Should Have Been Called Aetherium achievement
  • Augmented crystal hammer (with the rapid 4 and tinker 4 perks)
  • Smithing advanced auto heater
  • Luminite injector
  • Perfect plus or perfect juju smithing potion
  • Powerburst of masterstroke
  • If you do not have orthen furnace core bring along ancient elven ritual shard and grace of the elves.

Profit for making a full masterwork armour set is 21.8M

GP/H: 3.7M

Smithing Elder Rune +5

Elder rune items are the highest tier items that you can smith aside from the masterwork armour. You can start smithing them at level 90 Smithing but it's recommended that you start doing this method at level 99 since it will be 10% faster. Always check which items are more profitable before you do this method, if you are doing full sets you do not have to worry about that. Here are the things you need:

  • 99 Smithing
  • 91 Prayer for Superheat form
  • 93 Invention for Ancient tools blueprint and perks (76+ with boosts)
  • Orthen furnace core
  • Scroll of efficiency
  • Augmented crystal hammer (with the rapid 4 and tinker 4 perks)
  • Completion of Elite Varrock achievements
  • Completion of easy New Varrock achievements
  • Completion of the quest "The Light Within"
Buy Cheap Runescape Gold and Items

GP/H: 3.1M EXP/H: 422K

Smithing Glorious Bars

Glorious bars are used for smithing masterwork armours. It is made by hammering a partially folded alloy bar 1001 times. The method is pretty simple, here are the requirements:

  • 99 Smithing
  • Smelting gauntlets from Family Crest

GP/H: 3M

Smelting Gold Bars

This is a method that requires a low Smithing level so if you can't do the other methods this is for you! The requirements and recommendations are as follows:

  • 40 Smithing
  • 91 Prayer for Superheat form
  • Gold ore
  • Modified blacksmith's helmet
  • Orthen furnace core

If you do not have the furnace core bring along ancient elven ritual shard and grace of the elves or some prayer restoration potions.

GP/H: 2.9M

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