OSRS Progression Guide

10.06.2024 - 20:25:17
Game Guides , Runescape

OSRS Progression Guide

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Don't let the outdated graphics and gameplay fool you, OSRS is a very complex game. You have thousands of hours worth of content in front of you. While you're free to play the game as you please, it's still much better to progress through it as efficiently as possible. Here's an in-depth progression guide that will help you get to the endgame with ease.

Why This Progression Guide Is Important

For starters, this progression guide isn't going to get you through raids, PvP minigames, and many of the side content in the game. If you follow this guide through and through, you're not going to get the best in slot items in the game but you'll have relatively good equipment nonetheless.

So, what's the point of thig guide?

This guide will help you progress through all of the quests in the game. The guide will limit backtracking so that you're more efficient when it comes to doing all of the major questlines. Additionally, the progression guide will get you through many of your Skill levels. You're not going to get to 99 on all of your skills once you finish the progression guide.



However, most of your skills will be at a high enough level already. At that point, all you need to do is grind to get them to maxed out levels. As you've done all of the quest by the end of this guide, that also means you'll also have access to most of the best Skilling methods in the game.

Going through the guide will also net you the coveted Quest Point cape in the game. While progression isn't going to get you to max out your account, all that's left after finishing the path below are the raids, and getting the best in slot items in the game as well.

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Important Unlocks

Of course, getting through this progression guide will net you a few important unlocks that will make the game much easier.

Skill UnlocksDescription
Druidic RitualGives access to Herblore. Additionally, you can now also use lamps and books of knowledge on Herblore.
Rune MysteriesGives access to Runecrafting and also lets you use books of knowledge on Runecraft.
Tears of GuthixLets you play a rewarding minigame that gives XP depending on your current lowest skill. Important for maxing out skills in the future.
Desert Treasure ILets you use Ancient Magicks. A must for all magicians.
A Kingdom DividedUnlocks 24 Arceuus spells: combat spells (except Ghostly Grasp and Inferior Demonbane) and utility spells (except Resurrect Crops and reanimation spells).
Lunar DiplomacyLets you use the abilities inside the Lunar spellbook.
Dream MentorGrants access to even more spells inside the Lunar spellbook including Monster Examine, Humidify, Hunter Kit, Stat Spy, Dream, Plank Make, Spellbook Swap.
King's RansomGrants access to Chivalry and Piety prayers.

Area Unlocks

Children of the SunLets you visit and explore Varlamore region.
Priest In PerilLets you visit and explore Morytania region.
Bone VoyageLets you visit and explore Fossil Island region.
Throne of MiscellaniaLets you visit and explore Managing Miscellania region..
RegicideLets you visit and explore Tirrawn region.
Mourning's End Part ILets you visit and explore Lletya region.
Song of the ElvesLets you visit and explore Prifddinas region.
Making Friends with My ArmLets you visit and explore Weiss region.
Sins of the FatherLets you visit and explore Darkmeyer region.
Cabin FeverLets you visit and explore Mos Le'Harmless region.

Transportation Unlocks

Plague CityGives access to Ardougne teleport (tablet and spellbook teleport).
Enlightened JourneyGives access to balloon transport system.
Fairytales Part 1 and start Part 2Access to fairy rings.
Tree Gnome VillageGives access to spirit tree teleports.
The Grand TreeGives access to gnome glider transportation.
Ghosts AhoyGives access to Ectophial and free passage to Port Phasmatys.
WatchtowerGives access to Watchtower Teleport (Tablet teleport and spellbook teleport).
A Taste of HopeGives access to Drakan's medallion.
Eadgar's RuseGives access to Trollheim teleport.
Shilo VillageGives access to Shilo Village cart system.
Twilight's PromiseGives access to the Quetzal Transport System.
Equipment Unlocks 
The Great Brain RobberyGives access to the barrelchest anchor.
Dwarf CannonGives access to the dwarf multicannon.
Dragon Slayer ILets you use green d'hide body and rune platebody.
Dragon Slayer IILets you create Ava's assembler.
Family CrestGives access to steel gauntlets.
Animal MagnetismGives access to Ava's device.
The Slug MenaceGives access to proselyte armour.
Recipe for DisasterThere are subquests here which will unlock better Culinaromancer's gloves.
Lost CityGives access to the dragon dagger and the dragon longsword.
A Taste of HopeGives access to Ivandis flail.
Monkey Madness IGives access to use dragon scimitar.
Monkey Madness IIGives access to use the heavy ballista.
The Fremennik IslesGives access to helm of Neitiznot.
The Fremennik ExilesGives access to Neitiznot faceguard.
Haunted MineGives access to salve amulet.
Beneath Cursed SandsGives access to Keris partisan.

OSRS New Player Progression

This first part of the guide is all about what you should first do when starting OSRS. The path forward is pretty simple and direct but you still might want a helping hand through all of it.

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Starting Out

If you're a new player, you'll start the game arriving at the aptly named Tutorial Island. You'll first have to customize your character's appearance but don't worry about it too much as you can change it later on. The clothes are going to be changed as you go throughout the game as well.

Once done, talk to the Gielinor Guide. You'll be asked whether or not you want to join the Adventurer's Path System if you're a completely new player or if haven't played the game in a long time. If the game detects that you're an experienced player already, then this system won't be accessible.



Adventure Paths

To put it simply, this is a task system that's intended to help completely new players out in the game. You'll have to do low-level tasks which will give you various rewards to start your OSRS journey with. The game has two paths available as of this writing: the Combat Path which has 15 tasks and the Gatherer Path which has three tasks per skill,

Instead of a singular Combat Path, some players are given three alternative paths: the Warrior Path, the Wizard Path, and the Ranger Path.



Gatherer Path


Getting started with Fishing

Reach level 5 in the Fishing skill.

Fishing rod

Fishing bait (100)

Getting started with Woodcutting

Reach level 5 in the Woodcutting skill.

Iron axe

Logs (20)

Getting started with Mining

Reach level 5 in the Mining skill.

Iron pickaxe

Tin ore (20)

Copper ore (20)

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Warrior Path

NameTaskFree-to-play rewardMembers reward
Getting started with AttackReach level 5 in the Attack skill.Steel longswordCoins (500)
Getting a grip on itReach level 10 in the Attack skill.Black longswordCoins (500)
Weapons masterReach level 20 in the Attack skill.Mithril longsword

Coins (1000)

Amulet of strength

Coins (500)

Strength potion(4) (5)

Getting started with StrengthReach level 5 in the Strength skill.

Trout (5)

Leather gloves

Trout (10)

Strength potion(4)

Leather boots
Building muscleReach level 10 in the Strength skill.

Trout (5)

Trout (10)

Strength potion(4) (2)

Strength potion(4) (2)
Body builderReach level 20 in the Strength skill.

Salmon (20)

Coins (500)

Amulet of strength

Strength potion(4) (5)

Strength potion(4) (2)
Getting started with DefenceReach level 5 in the Defence skill.Steel med helmSteel kiteshield
Sticks and stonesReach level 10 in the Defence skill.Steel chainbodySteel platelegs
Mithril defenceReach level 20 in the Defence skill.

Mithril chainbody

Mithril kiteshield

Mithril full helm

Mithril platelegs

Getting started with RangedReach level 5 in the Ranged skill.

Leather cowl

Leather chaps

Bronze arrows (75)
Honing my aimReach level 10 in the Ranged skill.

Oak shortbow

Leather body

Bronze arrows (275)
SharpshooterReach level 20 in the Ranged skill.

Willow shortbow


Iron arrows (75)

Iron arrows (75)

Getting started with MagicReach level 5 in the Magic skill.

Mind rune (50)

Water rune (75)

Staff of air

Body rune (35)

Striking a poseReach level 10 in the Magic skill.

Mind rune (250)

Air rune (250)

Staff of earth

Cosmic rune (35)

Bringer of chaosReach level 20 in the Magic skill.

Mind rune (300)

Air rune (300)

Staff of fire

Chaos rune (35)

Amulet of magic

If you're new to the game, we highly suggest finishing all of the Adventure Paths first. The rewards for doing them - plus the levels gained in your skills are all going to be beneficial moving forward.

OSRS Equipment Progression Guide

Aside from the Skills, one aspect of the game that will set you apart from other players is your equipment. Knowing which equipment to carry around depending on your level is going to make the majority of quests and challenges in the game feel a lot easier. In this part of the guide, you'll learn how to optimize your gear as you progress through the game.



Before anything else, keep in mind that you're free to wear any equipment you want for the game. In fact, the progression guide below isn't going to be applicable at all times. You'll still have to adjust your equipment depending on what you're planning to do. Another thing worth noting is that the gear you see below aren't built to be very powerful.

Instead, these are bare minimum builds that will help get you through the quests in the game. For the most part, you shouldn't see high-end items like Masori's set as this progression guide won't take you through raids.

Melee Gear



For your melee setups, you're going to rely mostly on the items that you can craft. The sets aren't exactly powerful but then again, they'll get you through to all of the quests in the game. The sets below will focus mainly on increasing your Strength and melee damage bonus. These aren't tanking builds as we believe that most of the time, you'll have to fight fire with fire in the game.

The items below leave a lot of room for adjustments and improvements. For instance, you can skip through some of the armor sets if you want to save money or if you want to stick with what you have already. The upgrades between the armor sets offer minimal improvements and in most cases, sticking with sets is more recommended.

If you want to save money, it's best to focus on getting better and better weapons instead. Try to get gear that will help boost your melee damage so that it will be a lot easier for you to start training your combat skills. When in doubt, just head back to the table below and follow this instead.

Bronze Full HelmBronze PlatebodyBronze PlatelegsWooden ShieldLeather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilBronze ScimitarTeam Cape 0Amulet of Strength
Iron Full HelmIron PlatebodyIron PlatelegsSteel KiteshieldLeather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilIron ScimitarTeam Cape 0Amulet of Strength
Steel Full HelmSteel PlatebodySteel PlatelegsBlack KiteshieldLeather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilSteel ScimitarTeam Cape 0Amulet of Strength
Black Full HelmBlack PlatebodyBlack PlatelegsMithril KiteshieldLeather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilBlack ScimitarTeam Cape 0Amulet of Strength
Mithril Full HelmMithril PlatebodyMithril PlatelegsAdamant KiteshieldLeather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilMithril ScimitarTeam Cape 0Amulet of Strength
Adamant Full HelmAdamant PlatebodyAdamant PlatelegsRune KiteshieldLeather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilAdamant ScimitarTeam Cape 0Amulet of Strength
Rune Full HelmRune PlatebodyRune PlatelegsDragon Square ShieldBarrows GlovesDragon BootsBerserker RingRune ScimitarTeam Cape 0Amulet of Strength
Helm of NeitiznotDragon PlatebodyDragon PlatelegsDragonfire ShieldBarrows GlovesDragon BootsBerserker RingAbyssal WhipFire CapeAmulet of Strength
Barrows Helmet (e.g., Verac's)Barrows PlatebodyBarrows PlatelegsDragonfire ShieldBarrows GlovesDragon BootsBerserker RingGodsword (e.g., Saradomin Sword)Fire CapeAmulet of Fury
Bandos HelmetBandos ChestplateBandos TassetsDragonfire ShieldBarrows GlovesPrimordial BootsBerserker RingGodsword (e.g., Bandos Godsword)Fire CapeAmulet of Fury
Justiciar FaceguardJusticiar ChestguardJusticiar LegguardsDragonfire WardBarrows GlovesPrimordial BootsBerserker RingElder MaulFire CapeAmulet of Torture
Twisted HelmTwisted PlatebodTwisted PlatelegsDragonfire WardBarrows GlovesPrimordial BootsBerserker RingGhrazi RapierInfernal CapeAmulet of Torture

Ranged Gear


For ranged equipment, the goal is to increase your Ranged Damage bonus over anything else. We also suggest getting some gear that will increase your defence against magic attacks. As is the table below, the items are made to make sure that you're getting high DPS while keeping yourself safe from magic attacks.

If you have the time to do Treasure Trails, we highly suggest doing it as well. Just to the easier versions of the clue scrolls and try to get pieces of the Ranger set. This particular set will make the early game and the midgame journey of your progression go a lot simpler.

When using any of these ranged setups, make sure to always go for the fast or accurate attack style. Both attack styles offer the most in terms of damage. The long range attack style is best suited for safespotting which you won't be doing much if you're planning on going through the game's quests only.

Leather CowlLeather BodyLeather Chaps-Leather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilShortbowTeam Cape 0Amulet of Power
CoifHardleather BodyHardleather Chaps-Leather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilOak ShortbowTeam Cape 0Amulet of Power
Green Dragonhide CoifGreen Dragonhide BodyGreen Dragonhide Chaps-Leather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilMagic ShortbowTeam Cape 0Amulet of Power
Blue Dragonhide CoifBlue Dragonhide BodyBlue Dragonhide Chaps-Leather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilRune CrossbowTeam Cape 0Amulet of Power
Red Dragonhide CoifRed Dragonhide BodyRed Dragonhide Chaps-Leather GlovesLeather BootsRing of RecoilArmadyl CrossbowAva's AccumulatorAmulet of Power
Black Dragonhide CoifBlack Dragonhide BodyBlack Dragonhide Chaps-Barrows GlovesSnakeskin BootsArchers RingKaril's CrossbowAva's AccumulatorAmulet of Power
Karil's CoifKaril's TopKaril's SkirtKaril's KiteBarrows GlovesSnakeskin BootsArchers RingKaril's CrossbowAva's AccumulatorAmulet of Power
Armadyl HelmetArmadyl ChestplateArmadyl ChainskirtArmadyl BucklerBarrows GlovesPegasian BootsArchers Ring (i)Armadyl CrossbowAva's AssemblerNecklace of Anguish
Twisted HelmTwisted ChestplateTwisted ChainskirtDragonfire WardBarrows GlovesPegasian BootsArchers Ring (i)Twisted BowAva's AssemblerNecklace of Anguish
Black Dragonhide Coif (Blessed)Blessed Dragonhide Toplessed Dragonhide ChapsOdium WardBarrows GlovesPegasian BootsArchers Ring (i)Dragon CrossbowAva's AssemblerNecklace of Anguish

Magic Gear


For your Magic Gear progression, you'd want to increase your Magic Bonus instead of accuracy. Even if you aren't accurate, you can still deal a signficant amount of damage with your magic by constantly using them. Luckily, the set below is actually better in terms of balancing out accuracy and damage bonus.

As with the progression of the gear above, these sets are focused on improving your damage and not just your accuracy. Keep in mind that the weapons you use are going to drastically change depending on what type of magic you need to use. If you're keen on using certain magic over others, feel free to switch gears.

The endgame gear for this setup if very pricey and will take a lot of work to get to. However, you can still make do with the trident of the swamps as it's still a powerful weapon overall. Hopefully, you can make the most out of the sets below but feel free to adjust whenever necessary.

Xercian HatXercian Robe Top-Book of DarknessMystic GlovesMystic BootsLunar RingFire StaffMage Arena 1 CapeAmulet of Magic
Mystic HatMystic Robe Top-Book of DarknessMystic GlovesMystic BootsLunar RingTrident of the SeasMage Arena 2 CapeAmulet of Magic
Ahrim's Hood/Helm of Neitiznot/Slayer Helmhrim's Robe Top-Book of DarknessBarrows GlovesMystic BootsLunar RingTrident of the Swamps/Ancient StaffMage Arena 2 CapeAmulet of Magic
Ancestral Hat/Slayer HelmAhrim's Robe TopAhrim's Robe SkirtElidini's Ward/Tome Of Fireormented BraceletEternal BootsSeers Ring (i)Trident of the Swamps/Master WandMage Arena 2 CapeAmulet of Magic

Ancestral Hat/Sla

yer Helm

Ancestral Robe TopAncestral Robe BottomElidini's Ward/Tome Of FireTormented BraceletEternal BootsSeers Ring (i)Sanguinesti Staff/Master WandMage Arena 2 CapeAmulet of Magic
Ancestral Hat/Slayer HelmAncestral Robe TopAncestral Robe BottomFortified Elidini's Ward/Tome Of FireTormented BraceletEternal BootsSeers Ring (i)Tumeken's Shadow/Kodai WandMage Arena 2 CapeAmulet of Magic

OSRS Quest Progression

As of the current version of the game, there are 159 quests in OSRS. 22 are available to free players while the rest are only accessible to paying players. There's no right way to go through the quests in the game. However, we've come up with an optimized quest guide that will help you go through all that the game has to offer in the most efficient order possible.

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OSRS F2P Quest Order

Quest/ActivitySkill Levels Upon Quest CompletionNote
Tutorial IslandHitpoints Level 10To free up room in your inventory, move every item you obtained during the mission to a bank.
Cook's AssistantCooking Level 4For this quest, gather every ingredient from X Marks the Spot. Additionally, when on the Prince Ali Rescue Quest, gather an extra pot of flour. While doing this, it's also advisable to begin Rune Mysteries, The Restless Ghost, and Prince Ali Rescue so you can finish it in parts.
Sheep ShearerCrafting Level 2For the Prince Ali Rescue quest, bring 3 additional balls of wool.
X Marks the SpotPrayer Level 4As part of Rune Mysteries, be sure to visit Wizards' Tower on your way to Draynor Village and speak with Wizard Sedridor. Use your additional 300 XP reward for prayer. This will enable you to complete the Dragon Slayer I grind faster. To begin Vampyre Slayer, travel to Draynor Village. To make traveling to Varrock easier, purchase a chronicle at Draynor Village if you have the means.
Pirate's Treasure In order to complete the Prince Ali Rescue quest, you must obtain 3 beers from the Rusty Anchor Inn. Don't wrap up right away. Rather, pause as you approach Varrock and finish the Rune Mysteries task beforehand.
Rune Mysteries Get the following things while you're with Aubury. Redberry pie, bread, meat, two iron bars, two iron ore, all four beads, blue dye, etc. Spend no more money; get 10,000 coins by playing Stronghold of Security. Finish Romeo and Juliet while you are at Varrock. Demon Slayer is a mission that you should begin when in Varrock and complete until it asks you to leave. When you finish this quest, remember to fill up your bucket of water. As you complete Imp Catcher, complete the task.
The Restless GhostPrayer Level 11Note: Prince Ali Rescue can assist you with every phase of this quest. While traveling to Draynor Village, make sure to speak with Father Urhney. Also, get the key impression from Lady Keli. While traveling to Osman to assist with the production of the bronze key, have a conversation with the restless spirit. Upon obtaining the bronze key, obtain the skull of the ghost. You can also finish Rune Mysteries and Imp Catcher using this. Since you'll need the skull later, be sure to bank it.
Prince Ali Rescue Purchase two yellow and one red dye from Aggie. Combine one of each to make an orange dye. This is needed for Goblin Diplomacy. Once you've finished Demon Slayer, move on to the final step.
Misthalin MysteryCrafting Level 7From 1 tin, get 5 copper from the neighboring mine. Smelt a bronze bar at Al Kharid for the Prince Ali Rescue quest. Hold onto the bucket of water that you will need to use to make the skin paste.
Imp CatcherMagic Level 8You will have a complete inventory if you bring these items to the left. First, distribute the beads on the upper floor, and then slaughter the hens in the lower level. Tp advance through the Restless Ghost, you must obtain the ghost's skull while you're in the basement. Use this opportunity to complete the Rune Mysteries quest. Get the silverlight key from Wizard Trailborn by going to the second floor.
Ernest the Chicken Remember to obtain the bronze medium helm that you will require for the Black Knight's Fortress.
Vampyre SlayerAttack Level 20At the end of this level, get ready for a challenging boss battle. Might be extremely difficult in dim settings. Before this, train melee to be ready. When killing the boss, a safespot can also be utilized. When leaving Draynor Manor, pick up a bronze med helm to wear throughout Black Knights' Fortress.
Doric's QuestMining Level 10Take a cabbage exclusively from the farm Falador. Away from Doric, that is. Wayne's Chains in Falador is the place to get an iron chain body. Resolve Pirate's Treasure and obtain some bread loaves. This is required for Goblin Diplomacy in case you didn't get any blue dye from the Grand Exchange.
Black Knights' Fortress On your route to the fortress, begin the quest Below Ice Mountain.
Shield of Arrav Get Checkal for the Below Ice Mountain quest by passing via Barbarian Village. As part of The Knight's Sword quest, speak with Reldo and inquire about the Imcando Dwarves. Get a knife from Varrock General Store's upstairs room. Ask Charlie the Tramp about Marley when you speak with him. Ask the cook at Blue moon Inn about Marley.
Demon Slayer  
Below Ice Mountain Once this task is completed, teleport to Lumbridge. After this, complete the Restless Ghost quest. Proceed to Al Kharid to complete the Prince Ali Rescue mission. Gather the supplies needed for the upcoming mission and head south of Al Kharid to Shantay Pass.
The Knight's SwordSmithing Level 29To obtain the meat, kill a giant rat outside Port Sarim Jail. Get an eye of newt in Port Sarim at Betty's Magic Emporium. Talk to Captain Tock to begin the COrsair Curse quest. Once you've completed the first visit to Thurgo, complete the next two missions before traveling to Falador.
Witch's PotionMagic Level 10 
The Corsair Curse Prioritize honing your combat skills if you're struggling in the last fight.
Goblin DiplomacyCrafting Level 8Complete the Knight's Sword quest and return to Falador.
Dragon Slayer IDefence Level 33, Strength Level 33This may require you to have strong battle stats.

OSRS P2P Quest Order

Quest/ActivitySkill GrowthNoteLocation
Tutorial Island (miniquest)10 Hitpoints Lumbridge
Cook's Assistant4 Cooking Lumbridge
Sheep Shearer2 Crafting Lumbridge
Misthalin Mystery7 Crafting Lumbridge
Prince Ali Rescue  Al Kharid
The Restless Ghost9 Prayer Lumbridge
Rune Mysteries  Lumbridge
Unlock: Stronghold of Security  Barbarian Village
Imp Catcher8 Magic Wizards' Tower
Witch's Potion10 Magic Rimmington
Gertrude's Cat12 Cooking Varrock
Natural history quiz (miniquest)

9 Slayer

9 Hunter

Daddy's Home (miniquest)8 Construction Varrock

Increase your Construction Skill from level 8 to 10.

Dwarf Cannon11 Crafting Baxtorian Falls
Waterfall Quest

30 Attack

30 Strength

 Baxtorian Falls
Tree Gnome Village36 Attack Tree Gnome Village
Fight Arena

40 Attack

14 Thieving

 Fight Arena
Plague City15 Mining Ardougne
Monk's Friend13 Woodcutting Ardougne
Hazeel Cult18 Thieving Ardougne
Sheep Herder  Ardougne
Biohazard20 Thieving Ardougne
Tower of Life

13 Crafting

21 Thieving

14 Construction

Tribal Totem24 Thieving Ardougne
Druidic Ritual3 Herblore Taverley
Witch's House24 Hitpoints Taverley
Death Plateau40 Attack Burthorpe
Merlin's Crystal  Camelot
Holy Grail

31 Defence

29 Prayer

Murder Mystery17 Crafting Seers' Village
The Knight's Sword29 Smithing Falador
Sleeping Giants33 Smithing Al Kharid Desert

Increase your Fletching Skill from level 1 to level 10.

The Tourist Trap26 Agility Kharidian Desert
The Grand Tree

44 Attack

17 Magic

32 Agility

 Tree Gnome Stronghold
Easy Ardougne Diary33 Agility Ardougne
Rag and Bone Man I

29 Prayer

14 Cooking

Priest in Peril30 Prayer Paterdomus
Nature Spirit

32 Defence

26 Hitpoints

23 Crafting

Making History

31 Prayer

24 Crafting

Mountain Daughter

44 Attack

32 Prayer

 Fremennik Province
Doric's Quest18 Mining Falador
Black Knights' Fortress  Falador
Recruitment Drive

32 Prayer

10 Herblore

34 Agility

Goblin Diplomacy24 Crafting Goblin Village
Recipe for Disaster: Another Cook's quest  Lumbridge
Recipe for Disaster: Goblin generals

17 Cooking

25 Crafting

9 Farming

 Goblin Village
The Lost Tribe23 Mining Lumbridge
Death to the Dorgeshuun

13 Ranged

26 Thieving

 Lumbridge Swamp Caves
Elemental Workshop I

30 Crafting

35 Smithing

 Seers' Village

Increase your Prayer Skill from level 32 to level 37.

Icthlarin's Little Helper

22 Woodcutting

35 Agility

30 Thieving

 Kharidian Desert
The Golem

30 Crafting

30 Thieving

 Kharidian Desert
The Feud37 Thieving Kharidian Desert

Increase your Woodcutting Skill from level 22 to level 36.

Increase your Firemaking Skill from level 1 to level 30.

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 30 to level 31.

Lost City  Lumbridge Swamp
Fairytale I - Growing Pains

45 Attack

19 Magic

20 Farming

 Draynor Village
Ratcatchers39 Thieving Varrock
Alfred Grimhand's Barcrawl (miniquest)  Baxtorian Falls
Scorpion Catcher34 Strength Seers' Village
The Dig Site

34 Mining

17 Herblore

Elemental Workshop II

34 Crafting

38 Smithing

 Seers' Village
A Soul's Bane

32 Defence

27 Hitpoints

Enter the Abyss (miniquest)9 Runecraft Varrock
X Marks the Spot10 Slayer Lumbridge
Pirate's Treasure  Port Sarim
Client of Kourend14 Slayer Great Kourend
The Queen of Thieves39 Thieving Port Piscarilius

You need to train Farming from level 20 to 21. The best way to do this at this point is by getting 20% Hosidious favor through plowing and then making sulfurous fertilizer.

The Depths of Despair36 Agility Hosidius
A Porcine of Interest17 Slayer Draynor Village
Sea Slug24 Fishing Witchaven
Fishing Contest26 Fishing Hemenster
Recipe for Disaster: Dwarf

19 Cooking

19 Slayer


Train Slayer from level 19 to level 20

Shield of Arrav  Varrock
Unlock: Varrock Museum Kudos

36 Crafting

36 Mining

24 Slayer

Bone Voyage  Varrock

Increase your Mining Skill from level 36 to level 39.

Watchtower33 Magic Yanille
The Giant Dwarf

34 Magic

31 Firemaking

36 Crafting

39 Smithing

39 Mining

40 Thieving


Increase your Cooking Skill from level 19 to level 22.

Forgettable Tale...

27 Cooking

27 Farming

Another Slice of H.A.M.

38 Prayer

40 Mining

Vampyre Slayer45 Attack Draynor Village
Ernest the Chicken  Draynor Manor
Wanted!29 Slayer Falador
Ghosts Ahoy38 Prayer Port Phasmatys
Demon Slayer  Varrock
Shadow of the Storm28 Ranged Al Kharid

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 28 to level 30.Try training Slayer while you're here.

Animal Magnetism

36 Woodcutting

14 Fletching

37 Crafting

30 Slayer

 Draynor Manor
Creature of Fenkenstrain40 Thieving Canifis
Big Chompy Bird Hunting

30 Ranged

29 Cooking

15 Fletching

 Feldip Hills
Jungle Potion19 Herblore Karamja
Shilo Village38 Crafting Karamja
Easy Karamja Diary30 Slayer Karamja

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 38 to level 40. We'll need it for Protect from Missiles.

Zogre Flesh Eaters

31 Ranged

19 Fletching

22 Herblore

 Feldip Hills
Observatory Quest39 Crafting Castle Wars
Horror from the Deep

36 Strength

34 Ranged

36 Magic


Increase your Ranged Skill from level 34 to level 37.

Spirits of the Elid

41 Prayer

36 Magic

40 Thieving

 Kharidian Desert
Garden of Tranquillity31 Farming Varrock
Enlightened Journey

37 Woodcutting

33 Firemaking

39 Crafting

32 Farming

Unlock: Balloon transport system to Crafting Guild34 Firemaking Entrana

Increase your Firemaking Skill from level 34 to level 40.

Unlock: Balloon transport system to Varrock40 Firemaking Entrana

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 40 to level 49.

Romeo & Juliet  Varrock
Tears of Guthix39 Crafting Lumbridge Swamp Caves

Increase your Prayer Skill from level 41 to level 43.

In Search of the Myreque

45 Attack

33 Defence

36 Strength

27 Hitpoints

40 Crafting

Shades of Mort'ton

40 Crafting

25 Herblore

In Aid of the Myreque

46 Attack

34 Defence

37 Strength

41 Crafting


At this point, you should give the diary of Herbi Flax to the Apothecary. This increases your Herblore from 25 to 35.

Skippy and the Mogres (miniquest)  Port Sarim
Troll Stronghold  Troll Stronghold
Troll Romance

38 Strength

39 Agility

 Troll Stronghold

Increase your Strength Skill from level 38 to level 40.

Darkness of Hallowvale

41 Agility

42 Thieving

34 Slayer

19 Construction


It's recommended to train Agility from level 41 to 56. Make sure to get the Graceful Set by farming tokens from the Canifis Rooftop Course. Expect to reach at least level 58 at this point.

Underground Pass

46 Attack

56 Agility

Regicide56 Agility Tirannwn
Dragon Slayer I

40 Defence

44 Strength

The Fremennik Trials

46 Attack

41 Defence

44 Strength

30 Hitpoints

38 Woodcutting

24 Fletching

29 Fishing

41 Crafting

57 Agility

42 Thieving

 Fremennik Province

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 19 to level 20.

The Fremennik Isles

45 Defence

41 Woodcutting

42 Crafting

26 Construction

 Fremennik Province
Recipe for Disaster: Evil Dave33 Cooking Edgeville
Recipe for Disaster: Pirate Pete

33 Cooking

30 Fishing

43 Crafting

39 Smithing

Tai Bwo Wannai Trio

47 Attack

44 Strength

36 Cooking

33 Fishing

Easy Kandarin Diary40 Smithing Kandarin

39 Magic

43 Thieving

 Al Kharid

Increase your Ranged Skill from level 37 to level 40.

Temple of Ikov

42 Ranged

31 Fletching


Increase your Magic Skill from level 39 to level 46.

The Eyes of Glouphrie

47 Magic

41 Woodcutting

23 Runecraft

26 Construction

 Tree Gnome Stronghold
Temple of the Eye31 Runecraft Al Kharid
One Small Favour40 Slayer Karamja

Increase your Hunter Skill from level 9 to level 12.

You'll need to get 20% Arceuus favor. Use the Book of Arcane Knowledge after. This increases your Magic Skill from Level 47 to 48.

The Ascent of Arceuus

32 Runecraft

16 Hunter

 Great Kourend

Get 20% Shayzien favor.

Tale of the Righteous  Great Kourend

Return dark manuscripts to get 100% Arceus favor. Also use the Book of Arcance Knowledge to increase your Magic by a few levels.

All Easy Achievement Diaries44 Smithing  

Increase your Smithing Skill from level 40 to level 50.

Between a Rock...

45 Defence

50 Smithing

41 Mining


Increase your Mining Skill from level 41 to level 42 so that you can get volchanic sulphur.

Get 20% Lovakengj favor. Do this by mining and banking volcanic sulfur. This also trains your mining from level 42 to 44.

The Forsaken Tower  Great Kourend

Get 100% Piscarilius by hunting sandworms. This will also help you train Hunter from level 16 to level 20.

Get 100% Hosidious favor by creating sulfurus fertiliser. This will give you enough XP to get your Farming from level 32 to level 33.

Get 100% Lovakengj favor by mining volcanic sulphur. Get it to 75% using this method. After that, focus on delivering minecart control scrolls for the remaining percentages. This increases your mining from level 44 to 49.

Get 100% Shayzien favor by killing lizardmen inside the Shayzien Combat Ring.

Architectural Alliance (miniquest)43 Slayer Great Kourend
The Slug Menace

43 Crafting

44 Thieving

33 Runecraft

Getting Ahead

44 Crafting

29 Construction

 Kebos Lowlands
Unlock: Museum Camp

27 Herblore

32 Construction

 Fossil Island

Increase your Construction Skill from level 32 to level 37.

Cold War

44 Crafting

57 Agility

37 Construction

 Fremennik Province

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 44 to level 49.

The Hand in the Sand

49 Crafting

44 Thieving


Increase your Crafting Skill from level 49 to level 50.

Enakhra's Lament

49 Magic

49 Firemaking

50 Crafting

50 Mining

 Kharidian Desert
Eadgar's Ruse34 Herblore Troll Stronghold

Get 100% favor using the Tai Bwo Wannai CLeanup minigame. This will also increases your Woodcutting from level 41 to 43.

My Arm's Big Adventure

38 Herblore

35 Farming

 Troll Stronghold
The Garden of Death39 Farming Kebos Lowlands
Rag and Bone Man II43 Prayer Paterdomus

Increase your Prayer Skill from level 43 to level 45.

Get your Fishing Skill from level 33 to 50 to get the Angler's outfit with the help of FIshing Trawler. This will take you somewhere between 10 to 100 attempts.

Increase your Farming Skills from level 39 to level 40.

Rum Deal

46 Prayer

50 Fishing

41 Farming

 Port Phasmatys
Cabin Fever

51 Crafting

51 Smithing

57 Agility

 Port Phasmatys

Increase your Cooking Skill from level 36 to level 40.

Recipe for Disaster: Lumbridge Guide49 Magic Lumbridge

Increase your Cooking Skill from level 40 to level 42.

Recipe for Disaster: Skrach Uglogwee

42 Ranged

43 Woodcutting

51 Crafting


Increase your Cooking Skill from level 32 to level 50.

Heroes' Quest

47 Attack

46 Defence

45 Strength

32 Hitpoints

43 Ranged

50 Cooking

43 Woodcutting

50 Fishing

49 Firemaking

51 Smithing

50 Mining

38 Herblore

Throne of Miscellania  Miscellania
Royal Trouble

34 Hitpoints

57 Agility

43 Slayer

Haunted Mine48 Strength Abandoned Mine
Lair of Tarn Razorlor (miniquest)44 Slayer Abandoned Mine
Monkey Madness I

51 Attack

50 Defence

50 Strength

41 Hitpoints

 Ape Atoll

Increase your Ranged Skill from level 43 to level 60.

Increase your Thieving Skill from level 44 to level 50.

Roving Elves51 Strength Tirannwn
Mourning's End Part I

45 Hitpoints

53 Thieving

Mourning's End Part II60 Agility Tirannwn

Increase your Magic Skill from level 49 to level 50.

Desert Treasure I51 Magic Kharidian Desert

Increase your Magic Skill from level 51 to level 55.

Family Crest  Varrock

Increase your Runecraft Skill from level 33 to level 35.

What Lies Below

50 Defence

37 Runecraft


Increase your Hunter Skill from level 20 to level 27.

Eagles' Peak29 Hunter Piscatoris Hunter Area
A Tail of Two Cats40 Herblore Kharidian Desert

Increase your Mining Skill from level 50 to level 52.

Increase your Woodcutting Skill from level 43 to level 50.

Legends' Quest54 Herblore Karamja
Land of the Goblins

51 Fishing

54 Herblore

60 Agility

53 Thieving

Recipe for Disaster: Sir Amik Varze

46 Hitpoints

50 Cooking

Olaf's Quest51 Defence Fremennik Province

Increase your Woodcutting Skill from level 50 to level 52.

A Kingdom Divided47 Slayer Kourend
A Taste of Hope48 Slayer Meiyerditch

Increase your Hunter Skill from level 92 to level 50.

Increase your Magic Skill from level 55 to level 56.

Increase your Fletching Skill from level 31 to level 50.

Increase your Firemaking Skill from level 49 to level 50.

Unlock: Balloon transport system to Castle Wars50 Firemaking Entrana
Medium Ardougne Diary

54 Slayer

Medium Desert Diary
Medium Falador Diary
Medium Fremennik Diary
Medium Kandarin Diary
Medium Kourend & Kebos Diary
Medium Lumbridge Diary
Medium Morytania Diary
Medium Varrock Diary
Medium Western Provinces Diary
Curse of the Empty Lord (miniquest)  Kandarin
The General's Shadow (miniquest)54 Slayer Rellekka
Unlock: More Varrock Museum Kudos

46 Prayer

51 Crafting

51 Smithing

55 Slayer

50 Hunter

His Faithful Servants (miniquest)49 Prayer Morytania

Increase your Prayer Skill from level 49 to level 50.

The Great Brain Robbery

50 Prayer

52 Crafting

55 Slayer

38 Construction

 Mos Le'Harmless

Increase your Cooking Skill from 50 to level 66.

Fairytale II - Cure a Queen

55 Herblore

54 Thieving


Increase your Cooking Skill from level 50 to level 66.

Recipe for Disaster: Awowogei

66 Cooking

60 Agility

 Ape Atoll
Recipe for Disaster: Defeating the Culinaromancer57 Slayer Lumbridge

Increase your Magic Skill from level 56 to level 65.

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 52 to level 61.

Increase your Mining Skill from level 52 to level 60.

Increase your Woodcutting Skill from level 52 to level 55.

Lunar Diplomacy

65 Magic

39 Runecraft

 Lunar Isle

Increase your Defence Skill from level 51 to level 65.

King's Ransom

65 Defence

65 Magic

Knight Waves Training Grounds (miniquest)

52 Attack

66 Defence

52 Strength

48 Hitpoints


Increase your Magic Skill from level 65 to level 66.

Increase your Fishing Skill from level 51 to level 57.

Swan Song

51 Prayer

66 Magic

59 Fishing

 Piscatoris Fishing Colony

Increase your Woodcutting Skill from level 55 to level 61.

Increase your Smithing Skill from level 51 to level 65.

Increase your Runecraft Skill from level 39 to level 50.

Devious Minds

50 Fletching

65 Smithing

50 Runecraft


Increase your Woodcutting Skill from level 61 to level 68.

Increase your Thieving Skill from level 54 to level 58.

Grim Tales

49 Hitpoints

68 Woodcutting

56 Herblore

61 Agility

59 Thieving

47 Farming


Increase your Combat Skill to level 85. Increase your Slayer Skill as well.

Dream Mentor

50 Hitpoints

66 Magic

 Lunar Isle

Increase your Fishing Skill from level 59 to level 60.

Medium Karamja Diary57 Slayer Karamja
Medium Wilderness Diary57 Slayer Wilderness

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 61 to level 65.

Increase your Slayer Skill from level 57 to level 60.

Increase your Runecraft Skill from level 50 to level 55.

The Fremennik Exiles

66 Crafting

61 Slayer

56 Runecraft

 Fremennik Province

Increase your Fletching Skill from level 50 to level 60.

Sins of the Father64 Slayer Meiyerditch

Increase your Firemaking Skill from level 50 to level 60.

Unlock: Balloon transport system to Grand Tree60 Firemaking Entrana

Increase your Firemaking Skill from level 60 to level 66.

In Search of Knowledge (miniquest)64 Slayer Great Kourend
Hopespear's Will (miniquest)54 Prayer Hemenster

Increase your Agility Skill from level 61 to level 62.

Beneath Cursed Sands63 Agilit Kharidian Desert

Increase your Hunter Skill from level 50 to level 60.

Increase your Agility Skill from level 63 to level 68.

Increase your Slayer Skill from level 64 to level 69.

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 66 to level 70.

Monkey Madness II

68 Magic

68 Agility

60 Thieving

70 Slayer

61 Hunter

 Tree Gnome Stronghold
Into the Tombs (miniquest)69 Magic Kharidian Desert
A Night at the Theatre70 Magic Meiyerditch

Increase your Construction Skill from level 38 to level 50.

Increase your Magic Skill from level 70 to level 75.

Increase your Mining Skill from level 60 to level 68.

Increase your Smithing Skill from level 65 to level 70.

Dragon Slayer II

71 Smithing

68 Mining

69 Agility

62 Thieving

 Feldip Hills

Increase your Mining Skill from level 68 to level 69.

Making Friends with My Arm

66 Firemaking

69 Mining

70 Agility

50 Construction

 Troll Stronghold

Increase your Thieving Skill from level 62 to level 64.

Secrets of the North

71 Agility

65 Thieving

62 Hunter

 East Ardougne
Below Ice Mountain  Asgarnia

Increase your Firemaking Skill from level 66 to level 75.

Increase your Thieving Skill from level 65 to level 70.

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 56 to level 60.

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 56 to level 62.

Desert Treasure II - The Fallen Empire65 Prayer Kharidian Desert

Increase your Construction Skill from level 50 to level 70.

Increase your Farming Skill from level 47 to level 70.

Increase your Herblore Skill from level 62 to level 70.

Increase your Crafting Skill from level 62 to level 70.

Increase your Mining Skill from level 69 to level 70.

Increase your Woodcutting Skill from level 68 to level 70.

Song of the Elves

70 Woodcutting

71 Smithing

70 Mining

70 Herblore

71 Agility

70 Farming

70 Hunter

70 Construction


You can finish the following quests in anyway you want to as you won't get any XP rewards from them anymore. They also won't impact any of the progress you make on other quests so do them at your leisure.

Clock Tower  Ardougne
The Corsair Curse  Port Sarim

Ready For OSRS?

While the guide is pretty long and in-depth, keep in mind that you can progress throug the game as you please. You can focus on doing quests or you can even focus on leveling up your skills first. The journey is completely yours to decide but if you're not sure which is the best way to proceed through the game, please follow this guide.

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