OSRS Pure Account Builds Guide
10.01.2024 - 14:35:59
Game Guides , Runescape
Old School Runescape is a game where you create your own journey and you play the game how you want to play it. Unlike other games with linear progression in this game you can choose to build your account however you want to. Over the years with a lot of different builds being created there came a category of accounts called "pures". Pure accounts would focus on one aspect of an account while leaving the rest untouched. Today it is one of the most popular categories of account builds to create. In this guide we will go over all the different types of pure accounts and a brief instruction on how to create them.
Pure Accounts

Pure accounts can be split into two categories: one is a skill based pure accounts while the other is a PVP based accounts.

Let's start with the skiller accounts. Skillers as the name suggests only train their skills and they never touch their combat stats, allowing them to have high total levels while still being a combat level 3.
This account build is perfect for people that want to relax and play the game on a low intensity mode. Also having 99 capes on a level 3 is always a flex.
Building a Skiller

There is no one definite way of building this account type. You can pretty much do whatever you want to do except for combat training. If you don't know where to start tho here are some suggestions for early game:
- Wintertodt: Among the skiller community, doing Wintertodt early is the most common and popular practice. You can decide when you are going to stop doing this activity but most people do it all the way up to 99 Firemaking. It is a relaxing and rewarding skill boss that is great for accounts that have 10 hitpoints.
- Woodcutting: Another really chill method that you can start doing after Wintertodt is Woodcutting. It is really AFK to train and you will be getting materials to train your fletching. Also with the addition of Forestry, you will be gaining experience in other skills by completing forestry events.
- Other Gathering Skills: Other gathering skills such as mining, fishing are usually trained first to gather resources, this is especially true if you own an Ironman account but if you have the funds to do production skills first feel free to do them at this point.
- Production Skills: After completing the gathering skills you can move on to the production skills and use up the materials you have gathered so far.
Building PVP Pures

There are different types of PVP pures that you can build. They wary a lot in terms of the way that they are built, the items they use to PVP and their respective combat levels. A Pure PVP account is basically a glass cannon build that deals a lot of damage but also takes a lot of damage. I will be listing all the common PVP pure builds down below and their respective stats. Keep in mind that you don't need to exactly have those stats, you can have a little bit lower or higher and still have the same type of build.
Defence Pure

This account build is a unique one compared to the other builds. As the name suggests it primarily focuses on the defensive stat while leaving the other stats at level 1. The goal of this account is to have a really low level tank. Some people use these account builds to do dangerous activities safely. For example some may use it to catch black chins while having close to 0 chance of dying, some people use it to buy emblems of grand exchange to sell them in the wilderness for the best money making method in the game.
You can also use this account to PK. To do this you must use rings of recoil, a DFS and a poisonous bone dagger. The idea is to lower your opponents health using poison and recoils to finish him off using your dragon fire shield special attack which rolls off of your defence level, making it the perfect weapon to use on this account build.
Account Stats
- Attack: 1
- Strength: 1
- Defence: 75
- Hitpoints: 63
- Ranged: 1
- Magic: 1
- Prayer: 43
Levelling up prayer is a personal preference. You can instead leave it at 1, this will save you 5 combat levels but you will be missing out on protection prayers which are definitely worth it.
Building a Defence Pure
Building a Defence pure is extremely simple but it requires a lot of patience.
- First of all head to Draynor and trade Diango to buy a Goblin Paint Cannon. You will be using this item to train your defence.
- Get all the armour sets Iron - Rune and head to the Edgeville Monastery.
- Kick monks until you reach Level 75 Defence.
Obby Maul/Dragon Warhammer Pure

This is one of the classic Pure account builds. This account stays 1 defence and attack and utilises high levels of strength to deal massive damage in PVP fights. There are few variations to this build so feel free to build any variation you want.
This account as the name suggests utilises a obby maul or a dragon warhammer. With the recent Bounty Hunter addition to the game it can also use a statius warhammer. All of these items do not need an attack level to be used.
Account Stats
First variation is the most overpowered version of the build. This version trains its strength using the blast furnace to avoid getting unnecessary hitpoint levels, keeping its combat level extremely low. Depending on your levels you can level up your attack to level 6 without gaining any combat levels. Hit points is personal preference as you will be getting one shot if you don't train it at all. Getting all the highest stats listed below will get you to level 44.
- Attack: 1-6
- Strength: 99
- Defence: 1
- Hitpoints: 10-27
- Ranged: 70
- Magic: 68
- Prayer: 31
Second variation is easier to build but it is much less effective than the first variation. The only difference here is the way you train your strength. Training strength using the blast furnace takes extremely long so if you want to train it regularly you will end up at combat level 60 with the following stats.
- Attack: 6
- Strength: 99
- Defence: 1
- Hitpoints: 88
- Ranged: 70
- Magic: 68
- Prayer: 31
Last version is the bounty hunter variant of this build. The difference here is the 20 Defence which allows you to equip full corrupted statius armour. This is the ideal build to run for Bounty Hunter.
- Attack: 6
- Strength: 99
- Defence: 20
- Hitpoints: 88
- Ranged: 70
- Magic: 68
- Prayer: 31
Ranged Pure

Ranged pures are a fun little build albeit not that viable in PVP. These builds focus on only ranged to utilise it's high dps on low level accounts. Keep in mind that you should not get 70+ range if you are going for this build.
The most effective version of this build is staying 10 hitpoints and getting range levels through cannoning and the rangers guild mini-game.
You will be utilising, dark bow, dragon crossbow and dragon thrown axes to kill your opponents.
Account Stats
- Attack: 1
- Strength: 1
- Defence: 1
- Hitpoints: 10-60
- Ranged: 60-70
- Magic: 1
- Prayer: 26
Mage Pure

This build uses up quite the expensive items to pk so open up your pockets. This account basically trains mage to use the spell fire surge together with the nightmare staffs to absolutely destroy every other account in PVP. You can also add dragon thrownaxe to your combos to further guarantee kills. Do not train your mage with only combat spells to avoid levelling your hitpoints up unnecessarily.
Account Stats
You will be using an imbued heart and banking it before each fight to cast fire surge. Since you don't have any prayer levels do not skull on this build. Wearing full wizard (t), magic boots, tome of fire alongside harmonised and volatile nightmare staff should be enough for people to skull on you.
- Attack: 30
- Strength: 30
- Defence: 1
- Hitpoints: 25-60
- Ranged: 60
- Magic: 93
- Prayer: 1
Granite Maul Rusher

This account build is only used for rushing so you won't be able to have proper fights with other accounts. To perfectly rush someone with this account you will need to have high magic and strength levels. You will be utilising either a fire surge or an ice barrage alongside a ornate handled granite maul to kill other accounts in 1 go.
If you die with this account you only lose like 10k so any kill you get is infinitely profitable.
Account Stats
Creating this account is also very tedious since you don't want to get any hitpoints experience. You should only use this account in Bounty Hunter to avoid getting hitpoints experience.
- Attack: 50
- Strength: 99
- Defence: 1
- Hitpoints: 10
- Ranged: 99
- Magic: 99
- Prayer: 31
Maxed Pure

This is the pinnacle of pure accounts, this account shies away only from Defence. This is the ultimate glass cannon account build and depending on how you build it you can get up to level 90 combat. We have a very detailed maxed pure guide on our website so you can check it out by clicking here.
Account Stats
The main variation factor in this account is attack. You can decide your attack level depending on your weapons of choice. The most common attack level to go for is 75 for use of godswords.
- Attack: 50-60-75-99
- Strength: 99
- Defence: 1
- Hitpoints: 90+
- Ranged: 99
- Magic: 99
- Prayer: 55
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