Paladin Breakpoints -D2R 2.6

27.03.2022 - 13:34:19
D2R Gameplay Guides , Diablo 2: Resurrected , Game Guides

Paladin Breakpoints -D2R 2.6

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Paladin Breakpoints in Diablo 2

Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 Resurrected run at 25 fps (frame per second). Any action that happens in the game takes place over x frames.

Breakpoints are values at which your character's casted skills, attacks, hit recovery, block rate and other animations happen one frame quicker. Knowing your character's breakpoints and gearing to reach them will help you boost your survivability and damage output, as you will be able to attack and defend more frequently.

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Paladins have the following breakpoints:

Faster Cast RateFaster Hit RecoveryFaster Block RateFaster Block Rate with Holy Shield
0% - 15 Frames0% - 9 Frames0% - 17 Frames0% - 2 Frames
9% - 14 Frames7% - 8 Frames13% - 16 Frames86% - 1 Frame
18% - 13 Frames15% - 7 Frames32% - 15 Frames 
30% - 12 Frames27% - 6 Frames86% - 14 Frames 
48% - 11 Frames48% - 5 Frames600% - 13 Frames 
75% - 10 Frames86% - 4 Frames23% - 12 Frames 
125% - 9 Frames200% - 3 Frames29% - 11 Frames 
  40% - 10 Frames 
  56% - 9 Frames 
  80% - 8 Frames 
  120% - 7 Frames 
  200% - 6 Frames 
  480% - 5 Frames 

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